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About Louvre De Belle

Louvre De Belle is a shopping mall, located at Surabaya, Surabaya, Indonesia

Beauty Changes Lifes!

Wanna be beautiful, healthy and wealthy? Ask me!




Hi Ladies,
Welcome to Little Louvre ♥
This is just a little online shop that i built along with my best friends..

♥Please pay attention to the terms and conditions, ladies. Semua pembelian TIDAK DAPAT ditukar atau dikembalikan. Kondisi barang sudah dicek secara detail sebelum dijual.

♥How to Order
1. Please PM to this account. Tolong sertakan nama, kota dan barang yang mau diorder.
2.Apabila sudah transfer, tolong konfirmasi ya ladies. We will check it immediately and prepare your order quickly.

*Important Things*
■. Booking only for 24 hours ya ladies, lewat dari itu kami berikan ke waiting list.
■. Transfer dapat melalu BCA/Mandiri.
■. Harga yang tertera belum termasuk ongkos kirim.
■. Karena owner kuliah dengan jadwal nyaris full, pengiriman dilakukan hari Jumat dan Sabtu. But we will try to serve you as fast as possible.

(◦'⌣'◦)☺°◦°◦°♡[τ̲̅н̲̅a̲̅и̲̅κ̲̅ ч̲̅o̲̅u̲̅]♥☺°◦

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