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About Kesatuan Bisnis Mandiri Industri Kayu Cepu ( KBM IK Cepu)

Kesatuan Bisnis Mandiri Industri Kayu Cepu ( KBM IK Cepu) is a furniture store, located at JL. Wonosari, Batokan, Kasiman, Batokan, Bojonegoro, Kabupaten Bojonegoro, Jawa Timur 62164, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 296 421323 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 29

Reno Andifa

" Not a big station and less of convinience store or restaurant "

05 May 2018

Maulana Hakim

" Hanya lewat "

19 April 2018

Masrizal Suwardi

" Take a picture of the station from Harina Train when stopping at Cepu Train Station. Not so big stasion but a lot of passanger departs from here to Surabaya during weekend, mostly are the Pertamina’s worker during their off time. "

14 April 2018

Jefri Tamba

" Good location nice for catching an online transport good selection of shops etc quite happy as you have not to pay for the toilets and obviously it doesn't accept credit card which is just stupid but you can use the toilet it can be pretty slow though at busy times and can be quite annoying to as it seems a lot of people here don't pay any attention to where we're going and just barge into you or maybe that's just me as I'm visually impaired so overall just what you'd expect good train station but the busier it gets the worse it gets. "

11 April 2018

Marseline Andre

" Stasiun dengan pelayanan kepada pengguna jasa kereta api yang sangat baik, tempat yang nyaman dan fasilitas cukup lengkap mulai dari tempat khusus merokok, musholla, toilet, tempat tunggu eksekutif, kantin, dll. Kebersihan juga sangat dijaga, Benar benar membuat nyaman para Pengguna Jasa Layanan Kereta Api Indonesia. Terima Kasih ! "

11 April 2018

Conk Busra

" For travel surabaya or semarang by train "

05 April 2018

Edric Tanti

" When I go to the hometown I always got to here by train. All it is not too bad "

25 February 2018

Bidya Nila Giwiwardani

" pusat kerajinan dan oleh-oleh dari Cepu yaitu kayu jati..
disini tiap rumah kebanyakan usahanya kerajinan kayu..
cuma kalo siang sepi, orang mau beli jadi agak ragu "

04 January 2018

Andreas Wisnu

" eventhough the station is small but it is very clean and tidy inside
there are some local drivers are quite annoying when offering a ride, just like other normal station.. "

06 December 2017

Eka Rukmana

" Quite train station in the middle of central Java, one of oil and gas producer at Cepu. Clean and quite environments. "

29 November 2017

Andika Dwi

" Nice and clean station, love the wolcome music "

19 October 2017

Dhimas Huda

" good and quiet place "

26 July 2017

Pramudya Arif Dwijanarko

" the only major station in this region "

22 June 2017

Eko Sasmito Hadi

" Comfort clean good quality "

04 June 2017

Dargombes Romadlon

" Good...clean, your traveling more confortable, if you want to go to semarang better using economic train cheap, faster and on time "

16 April 2017

Iman Prastyo

" Train station stop if you want to travel around blora or cepu. Connecting surabaya and jakarta "

21 February 2017

Aldi Subagio

" Good place "

13 February 2017

Hasan Muda Afgani

" Bagus nyaman "

24 January 2017

Antonius Tri K

" old memory "

04 January 2017

Atun Aja

" Ok "

20 November 2016

Rohman Muhamad

" We just need touchscreen self ticket printing system. "

17 November 2016

Akbar Maulana

" Sejuk, cocok untuk tempat jogging "

24 September 2016

Noeroel Hadie

" bagus "

12 July 2016


" Cepu ok "

01 June 2016

Lukmanul Hakim

" Cepu, bentar lg nyampe tujuan "

28 March 2014

Dodik Kurniawan

" My work job "

18 March 2014

Supri Yono

" Lapangan ronggolawe "

21 February 2014

Lionardus Ruslim

" Nice stopover "

30 January 2014

Dedhi Udiyarsa

" Small town with thousand bunch of food heritage "

30 January 2014

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