Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
About Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember
Jurusan Sistem Informasi, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember is a university, located at Keputih, Sukolilo, Surabaya City, East Java 60117, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 5999944, visit their website is.its.ac.id for more detailed information.
Abdullah Mazeed
" one of the best education institutions in indonesia for engineering "
24 May 2018Arfan Wijaya
" Kampus perjuangan. "
30 April 2018Tikalovely Ruly
" cozy campus. i love it! "
22 April 2018Melianny Puspita
" nice campus, so large area. many trees and seems a little creepy when dark "
12 April 2018Jalerdio
" beloved campus, but not good enough infrastructures "
08 March 2018Devi Engar
" Jl raya ITS "
17 February 2018Fathurrahman Malik
" My almamater. One of the best Institute in Indonesia. "
04 February 2018Edwin Azmiramdhan Sulaiman
" Surabaya World Class University, It has a big and green environment. It can be a good place for morning or evening walk. All of student has a polite and great attitude. It has an epic building called graha ITS. One of point of interest in Surabaya! "
05 December 2017Muhammad Ikhwan
" Bunderannya lagi dibangun lebih cantik lagi. Sementara tulisan Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember sudah di cat putih semua. Tahun 2016 lalu masih ada birunya. "
29 November 2017Ramadhan Firman
" World class university with many great facility, and green environment "
03 November 2017Muhammad Asrar Amir
" Well, the public place such as mosque and canteen can be access easily. A friendly place for a disabled person. Green and clean place, no wonder they called themself eco campus. The students and the employees are also friendly. Overall a great place to visit as a visitor, and also a great place to continue our studies. "
22 September 2017Nizar Aditya
" One of the most favorite college in indonesia "
05 September 2017Dewi Chumairoh
" it has library that nice to visit, for reading or just surfing (the internet) "
02 July 2017Budiono Sukses
" Kampus teknik terbesar dan terbaik di Indonesia Timur. "
29 June 2017Mazaya Yumna
" The best university in East Java. Green environment🍃 "
25 June 2017Delina Rahayu Effendi
" Jurusan sistem informasi terbaik dan tertua di Indonesia 👍 tempatnya luas, fasilitas lengkap. Hanya beberapa tempat kurang diperhatikan kebersihannya "
23 June 2017Eva Andri
" Enjoy "
19 June 2017Bagus Baskoro Sakti
" World class university. The campus is also green. The students are also showing good competence and a lot of relations for working and scholarship. "
16 May 2017Rendra Budi Hutama
" The last renovation was nice. Always miss Evening Ramadhan atmosphere here. "
05 April 2017Muhammad Hafiz Egan Pradana
" This eco-campus university is one of the best engineering majors institute in Indonesia "
30 March 2017Jevan Nurandi
" I love this campus. It has good ecosystem and facilities. The best university in East Java. "
27 March 2017Slamet Riadi
" Big campus and one of best of the best university in East Jave "
25 February 2017Sipur Nama
" ... Joging. "
19 February 2017Putri Bunga
" The best lah kampuskuuu💙 "
27 January 2017Billy Gondokusuma
" A place where you able to get lost easily. with dirty toilets. "
17 December 2016Vega Nuansa Pratiwi
" It has completely changed in positive way absolutely since I stepped out of the campus. No regret to have studied engineering. Proud to be an ITS graduate. Be good, my alma mater. "
14 November 2016David Herlianto
" The best technique institute in Surabaya. But, the bathrooms are dirty and there is no lock in it. "
06 November 2016Engka Anais
" The best and prestigious University (Institute) in term of Engineering. This university is well known in faculty of Informatics "
10 July 2016Teguh Sunyoto
" The greatest campus in Surabaya, East Java. Eco campus, widely location, wifi in all area, Many kind of Bank, Center Cafetaria, Sport Facilities. VIVAT ITS. "
10 June 2016Didik Purwanto
" I am graduated here in 2011. Its nice place to learn science and tech. People so kindly and the environment is clean.
17 March 2016Hopefully, somedays I can come back here again "
Hevar Rysta
" I graduated both my bachelor and master from this university. I got accepted easily here based on my achievement. I love it then, i love it more now. Though that QS ranked ITS as the 7th best in Indonesia (2015-2016), but ITS is the best university for me that bring me a good job too now at one of the government-owned company. If i have chance to continue my doctoral degree, i definitely going there again. "
07 January 2016Rahmandhika Firdauzha Hary Hernandha
" This Institute is number one in Maritime field. It claimed by Soekarno as the center of Marine and Ship building Engineering in Indonesia.
17 December 2015And this Institute become the center of college student movements from when it was born at 1960. Because it was built by Indonesian hope in Engineering field as a great Institute with Sepuluh Nopember and heroes spirit.
Vivat!!! "
Dewinda Julianensi Rumala
" Great lectures, great friends, great campus.. second largest campus in Indonesia. So many great people here to be so much advantageous to our country. I love how they teach us not to forget our spiritual side and love for the earth by the effect of technology. We always do our best! "
22 July 2015