Tahu Dan Takwa Bahkacung Cakrawijaya
About Tahu Dan Takwa Bahkacung Cakrawijaya
Tahu Dan Takwa Bahkacung Cakrawijaya is a restaurant, located at Jalan Trunojoyo 59, Kediri, East Java 64129. They can be contacted via phone at +62354689283 for more detailed information.
Lintang Ayu
" Tahu takwa enak banget. Apalagi di makan bersama bakso 😍😍😍 mantap pool. Dibalik harga mahal, ada rasa yg tidak diragukan. Semoga bisa jalan2 ke Kediri lagi biar bisa mampir membeli tahu takwa yg enak. "
10 June 2018Nanok Tunarno
" The company is the pioneer in selling good quality tofu. No preservatives, so it will not last long unless refrigerated. The best tahu kediri, my favourite of all. Slightly more expensive than other brand, but the taste is unbeatable. "
05 May 2018Soffian Joyopranoto
" Old recipe quality consistent "
18 March 2018Danny Daniel
" Otentik and original traditional local tofu in kediri city.. Pioneer tofu in Kediri city "
26 December 2017Soti
" Nice tahu...possibly one tof the oldest tahu maker "
28 October 2017Iqbal Rachman
" the tofu company founded by the lau soen hok (bah sesung 1912-1966) is a well-known tofu company in eastern jawa east
09 October 2017This shop is located on the street trunojoyo pekelan kediri
this company is very retain the original tofu recipe that is owned so as not to have a branch or provide the secrets of the existing products
now is the third derivative (lauw soen djing / herman budiono) from the inventor knows the mushroom and still survive until now "
Riza Yunan
" tahu takwa legendaris sejak 1912 "
06 September 2017Prahasta Sandy
" Pusat oleh2 khas kediri, tempat ini jg terkenal dengan makanan khasnya yaitu tahu kuning mba kacung, yg sesuai dengan nama tempatnya. "
30 June 2017IMAM QUSHOI
" Tahu Bahkacung adalah pelopor pertama industri tahu di kota Kediri. Berkat usaha yg didirikan sampai sekarang menjadikan industri tahu di kota Kediri berkembang pesat dan mengangkat perekonomian masyarakat setempat menjadi lebih baik. "
29 June 2017Aulia Nugraha Bhakti
" Its a delicius tofu store "
10 April 2017HENDRA DHARMA
" The tofu taste is bad for me "
05 April 2017Andry Anto
" I think its a fenomenal tofu store in kediri city. But when I arrived here, it looks so quiet. Noone there even though at busy hour. I don't know and i start questioning their existence that not as good as reviewed. Then I chosen not to buy their products. "
22 March 2017Nadia Tasya
" Hubungi "
13 March 2017Candra Galuh
" kuliner khas kediri tahu kuning mbah kacung sudah melegenda sejak lama rasanya maknyussss "
07 February 2017Miko 17
" Tahu paling tua di Kediri "
23 November 2016Mut Taqin
" Legendary "
13 November 2016Agus Koko Trisilo
" Tahunya mantap "
10 November 2016Welly Wibisono
" Tahu istimewa "
09 October 2016Arief Iskandar
" Tahu yang enak "
10 August 2016Wan Chung
" Traditional tofu "
02 August 2016Rockin Joe
" Tahu Takwa tiada duanya...
19 July 2016Paling mantap rasanya...this is the legend "
Aldo Alase
" Salah satu pionir pembuat tahu takwa sejak 1912 "
17 July 2016Andy Soeseno
" Mantap.rasa tidak pernah bohong.maknyus (BAHKACUNG) "
16 April 2016Wahyu Yuliono
" Tahu takwa BAHKACUNG rasanya khas dan muantap "
18 July 2015