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About Hotel Dalwa

Hotel Dalwa is a lodging, located at Jalan Raya Raci No. 51, Bangil, Raci, Bangil, Pasuruan, Jawa Timur 67153, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 343 6750700, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 29

Rzq Bagus

" Desainnya menarik... Like it "

08 May 2018

Monaldi Nasir

" Good shariah hotel with Mart down stairs. "

03 May 2018

Muchammad Djaenuddin

" Nice place buta just have small meeting room. We need more atractive entertainment for domestic or foreign tourist. "

26 April 2018

Etis Kurniasari

" Syariah hotel, the room was comfort, clean bathroom, unfortunately I got room without window because my room type was the cheapest, maybe 😂
The breakfast menu variation was enough, but it hasn't window view, I feel isolated 😂 "

24 April 2018

Hamdi Muhammad

" Hotel syariah, dekat dengan kawasan industri PIER. Kamarnya bersih. Resto makanan khas Timur Tengah "

10 April 2018

Mohammad Abdullah Shihab

" Overall condition is not bad but ac of the room is insufficient. "

18 March 2018

Aprillia Wulandari

" It has grand concept even in a little building. It has diverse product in its environment like bread, mart, travel agent with the same brand. It was built with religious vibe. "

30 January 2018


" A good quality hotel combined with good service, cheap price, and comfortable room.
The only unsatisfaction point is located in a crowded road which are very noisy in the night.
But overall was good.
Thanks "

15 January 2018

Abduh Khoir

" Islamic based hotel. A sharia hotel "

26 October 2017

Rama Dhan

" So cozy and comfort and nice environment "

11 September 2017

Aqieq Sulaiman

" A nice hotel.... "

06 September 2017

Andhika Wardana

" Syariah hotel near PIER "

01 September 2017

Ahmad Taufiqi

" Ok "

12 August 2017

Denny Oktavianus

" Harga nya murah, pas libur idul fitri/high seasson harga tidak naik
Kamar bersih, ada lift, ac
Minus kolam renang & taman "

27 June 2017

Martin Helmi

" It is so so.. not good and not bad. Cleaness should be upgraded "

17 June 2017

Hans Lovers

" Nuansa Islam pas ut Wisata Religii & dekat akses Tol RembangA1-Sidowayah (Tuj.Pandaan/Prigen) "

26 March 2017

Ali Alaydrus

" Very good "

19 February 2017

Wiwin Oktavianti

" Posisinya strategis, pas di tepi jalan. Parkirnya luas. Satu komplek dengan pesantren Dalwa. Cocok banget buat orangtua yang ingin mengunjungi anaknya yg lagi mondok. "

09 February 2017

Robby Wiyono

" Clean and has a good service... "

28 January 2017

Nurun Hunein

" Kerren "

03 January 2017

Gde Eka Pradipta

" Tempat bersih, tetapi hanya menerima Debit BCA dan tunai. Makan pagi kurang enak dan menunda sedikit. Berada satu kompleks dengan pesantren, cocok untuk orang tua yang sedang mengunjungi putranya. "

27 December 2016

Romy Mukromin

" Sarapannya enak, kamar bagus dan rapih cuma ada sedikit kekurangan Air Panas'a tidak fungsi "

16 November 2016

Dedy Kurniawan

" harga kompetitif "

11 October 2016


" is My HIME IS my Faradays "

05 August 2016

A Google User

" Lumayan nyaman "

21 July 2016

Anca Lodan

" Tapi gak bissa booking lewat on line ya "

12 January 2016

Syarif Iqbal

" Serasa lagi di hotel bintang 5.. bagus sekali..
Hotel dalwa tempat yang menarik buat nginap di sana. "

01 January 2016

Mujib Burrohman

" Enak hotelnya besar "

28 June 2015

Rajib Nagregge

" Saya sangat senang "

02 June 2015

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