" I love this mountain! I went there via jalur Dieng. It was very easy to reach. Access for transportation were also easy. Just stop 200m before Penginapan Bu Jono. Walk around 500m and you will find the Basecamp. You need to pay 10.000 to the Basecamp. Hike up for 30 minutes and you will reach Post 1. Hike another 15 minutes, you will reach post 2. Akar Cinta. Hike another 15 minutes, you will find post 3. After that, the hike will be so easy. Another hour then you will reach the summit. Take your time to enjoy Bukit Teletubbies. If you need to camp, go camp a little bit down from the summit. The wind could be rough. It is one of the most clean mountain I have ever hiked. "
27 May 2018
Ong Zhen Liang
" It's the perfect place to watch sunrise but it's brisk, so remember the extra clothes "
02 May 2018
Andi Adharto
" Nice place for make Your body fit "
02 May 2018
Agung Buana
" wonderfull "
13 April 2018
Dhie Maryadi
" Gugusan gunung di dataran tinggi dieng dengan view yang amazing
#LetsGuide "
06 April 2018
Marfa U
" Indah sekali dan bagus untuk pendaki pemula, namun sangat disayangkan kesadaran pengunjung dengan banyaknya sampah dan kotoran yang ditinggalkan. Semoga senantiasa terjaga karena sedih melihat alam rusak. "
04 April 2018
Friska Annisah
" Verry cold, beautiful place, good kuliner, lovely mountain, best weather, love this place so much! "
29 March 2018
Widya Astutik
" gunung prau "
16 March 2018
Whina Indriana
" The best golden sunrise in south east Asia can be seen from top of prau mountain "
17 February 2018
Achmad Rosyid Imaduddin
" I just love this place.
I came here from Patak Banteng and it took me about 3.5 hours to get to the top. The climb route from Patak Banteng is quite exhausting from the start until the top but everything is worth it with the golden sunrise that you'll see. "
31 January 2018
Notification Youtube
" Angker banyak hantu. Perempuan dengan suara kerincing gelang dan pohon bambu angker. "
26 January 2018
Abee Sukarna
" Mount Prahu or Prau is located in Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo, Central Java. It takes about 3 to 4 hours from Yogyakarta city. There are three Basecamps as I've known to get the Peak of Mahaprahu (the Peak name of Mount Prau); Patak Banteng Basecamp, Dieng Basecamp, and Kalilembu Basecamp. The view was very beautiful when you come here in Summer. "
25 January 2018
Laila Mubarokah
" Hiking via dieng basecamp needs 3 hours to the peak.. The track is not hard and not much elevation so it's good for beginner.. The view at the peak is really beautifful especially when sunrise "
26 December 2017
" 대단한 절경
Beautiful view and mabulious sun rise "
11 December 2017
Ojen Jeno
" There're many hiking tracks offered to reach the top : via Dieng (a longer route) via Patak Banteng.. Better bring rain coats if you want hike in rainy months.. the entrance fee is 10.000 idr per perso and additional 5000 idr per group for garbage bag.. "
09 November 2017
Panca Satria
" Prau Mountain is a great place for camping and hiking, its height is 2565 meters above sea level.
The track is not too difficult to pass. there are three paths when I get There, the lane of the bull, the village of wates, and I forgot another one. "
01 November 2017
Patrick Moningka
" For better experience go conquer it and feel the beauty. "
10 October 2017
Ferdiansyah Iqbal Rafandi
" Definitely I have visited this site last July and I found several alteration compared to the condition of this place when I visit it it in 2016. I started my journey to hike this summit from Pathak Banteng basecamp. Last year when I visited this place, it was quite difficult to reach this place. However, now we can easily to find the route because there were lot of street sign to reach Pathak Banteng.
Nevertheless, the condition of the top of summit is not far away different from what I experienced last year. The crowdness is totally different because nowadays people prefer to start their hike trip from Dieng basecamp than Pathak Banteng. Probably, Pathak Banteng track is more steeped than in Dieng. "
09 October 2017
Harnandika Hartas
" sangat cocok untuk pemula, perjalanan tidak terlalu ekstrim, pemandangan dipuncak pun sangat indah apalagi ketika sunset dan sunrise "
29 September 2017
Vinsens Setyoraharjo
" Great view. Worth every step climbed. "
30 August 2017
Husein Rafli Ardiansyah
" Keren, apalagi keliatan triple S, tapi tanpa Slamet. Sindoro, Sumbing dari puncak Prau. Golden sunrise nya juga Masya Allah.. "
27 August 2017
Naufal Zahid
" Gunung yang baik untuk pemula dan pendaki , jangan lupa dijaga kebersihan lingkungan dan bawa sampahmu turun kembali, salam lestari !! "
21 August 2017
Agus Yudiana
" This is an extremely amazing beautiful place, especially for those who love trekking. You will find 360 degrees incredible view on the summit. "
06 August 2017
Ajik Pinwa
" very most beautiful mount in Indonesia, especially for sunrise, never ever seen like this before. awesome👌👌👌 "
06 August 2017
Maula Zahara
" I spent 2 hours of summit attack from Patak Banteng. There are 2 most common alternatives, via Patak Banteng & Dieng. Patak Banteng will get you faster but worth of steepy lane, and Dieng lane is sloping and "friendly" to hikers but it will take you more than 2 hours bcs it's detour the lane. "
30 July 2017
Baktya Tri S
" it's a a woderfull place to get sunrise "
05 July 2017
Angger Prasetyo
" Beautiful sunrise. Not difficult track. "
30 June 2017
Panggih Pradila
" Greatest golden sunrise 👌 "
29 April 2017
Rebecca Triana
" Nice sunrise spot. Cold weather "
25 April 2017
" Weather is not as good as before, so view is fully surrounded by the dark cloudy. recently there were injuries and deaths happened thanks to the storm. I was going down at the time before the rain and this accident happens. "
25 April 2017
Putri WahyuniMD
" Gunung ini bagus untuk pemula , karena gak begitu tinggi dan gak begitu curam. Kesananya kalo dari kota Yogyakarta sekitar 4 jam , tanpa berhenti ya. Sampai sana ada penginapan penduduk , kalau mau naik subuh bisa nginep dulu disana . Di penginapan juga ada yg jual mie , susu , kopi dll. Naik ke puncak kira2 makan waktu 3 jaman .. kalau pas weekend atau libur nasional gitu , ruameee banget . Di puncak gak ada toilet , jadi poopnya disemak2 belakang bukit hehe . Malem hari kalau enggak mendung , langit dan bintangnya romantiss . Recommended ! "
24 April 2017
Kabul Budiono
" Wow my trip gunung prau dieng "
11 January 2017
Putri Adini
" I won't regret to visit this spot. The chilling and freezing maybe affected me to curse all night long but in the morning, my fatigue disappeared by sun rising. "
01 January 2017
Narangga Khoirul U
" This mount has hight 2565 above the sea level, this mount is most popular mount to hike for any people. Is soo suitable when a newbie until professional hiker visit this mount because this mount reasonable easy to pass, not eat many/long time. And the scene is so beautiful "
27 December 2016
Denis Da
" One of the best sunrise I have seen in Indonesia. Easy night hike, only 2-3 hours from village of Dieng. Small entrance fee, which was a big surprise compared to some other mountains. Torch needed. "
21 November 2016
Peter Yanto
" Good for beginner "
22 October 2016
Sucii Fitria
" Amazing place with beautiful panorama "
05 October 2016
Muh. Miftahul Annam
" Pemandangan bagus (beautiful view) "
23 September 2016
Bodo Malessinau
" Tanjakannya lumayan berat buat pemula. Bisa bikin betis sixpack. :D
Tapi semua lelah segera terlunasi dengan segala keindahan yang tersaji disini. "
05 September 2016
Jagad Cunjayani
" Awesome but maybe more preciciously and show the safety ways haha "
29 July 2016
Bona Sipahutar
" Awesome "
27 June 2016
Nur Chayatin
" Perjalanan yg melelahkan terbayar begitu sampai di puncak...gunung sindoro sumbing berdiri gagah di dpn mata....kebesaran Allah tiada dua nya... "
03 June 2016
Dedy Erwin
" Sunrise nya mantap, treck nya nanjak teruus no bonus. Cocok untuk pendaki pemula Dan anak2. Pendakian normal sekitar 3jam "
" Tempatnya indah dan menarik untuk wisata "
04 June 2018Imam Santosa
" I love this mountain! I went there via jalur Dieng. It was very easy to reach. Access for transportation were also easy. Just stop 200m before Penginapan Bu Jono. Walk around 500m and you will find the Basecamp. You need to pay 10.000 to the Basecamp. Hike up for 30 minutes and you will reach Post 1. Hike another 15 minutes, you will reach post 2. Akar Cinta. Hike another 15 minutes, you will find post 3. After that, the hike will be so easy. Another hour then you will reach the summit. Take your time to enjoy Bukit Teletubbies. If you need to camp, go camp a little bit down from the summit. The wind could be rough. It is one of the most clean mountain I have ever hiked. "
27 May 2018Ong Zhen Liang
" It's the perfect place to watch sunrise but it's brisk, so remember the extra clothes "
02 May 2018Andi Adharto
" Nice place for make Your body fit "
02 May 2018Agung Buana
" wonderfull "
13 April 2018Dhie Maryadi
" Gugusan gunung di dataran tinggi dieng dengan view yang amazing
06 April 2018#LetsGuide "
Marfa U
" Indah sekali dan bagus untuk pendaki pemula, namun sangat disayangkan kesadaran pengunjung dengan banyaknya sampah dan kotoran yang ditinggalkan. Semoga senantiasa terjaga karena sedih melihat alam rusak. "
04 April 2018Friska Annisah
" Verry cold, beautiful place, good kuliner, lovely mountain, best weather, love this place so much! "
29 March 2018Widya Astutik
" gunung prau "
16 March 2018Whina Indriana
" The best golden sunrise in south east Asia can be seen from top of prau mountain "
17 February 2018Achmad Rosyid Imaduddin
" I just love this place.
31 January 2018I came here from Patak Banteng and it took me about 3.5 hours to get to the top. The climb route from Patak Banteng is quite exhausting from the start until the top but everything is worth it with the golden sunrise that you'll see. "
Notification Youtube
" Angker banyak hantu. Perempuan dengan suara kerincing gelang dan pohon bambu angker. "
26 January 2018Abee Sukarna
" Mount Prahu or Prau is located in Dieng Plateau, Wonosobo, Central Java. It takes about 3 to 4 hours from Yogyakarta city. There are three Basecamps as I've known to get the Peak of Mahaprahu (the Peak name of Mount Prau); Patak Banteng Basecamp, Dieng Basecamp, and Kalilembu Basecamp. The view was very beautiful when you come here in Summer. "
25 January 2018Laila Mubarokah
" Hiking via dieng basecamp needs 3 hours to the peak.. The track is not hard and not much elevation so it's good for beginner.. The view at the peak is really beautifful especially when sunrise "
26 December 2017이로운
" 대단한 절경
11 December 2017Beautiful view and mabulious sun rise "
Ojen Jeno
" There're many hiking tracks offered to reach the top : via Dieng (a longer route) via Patak Banteng.. Better bring rain coats if you want hike in rainy months.. the entrance fee is 10.000 idr per perso and additional 5000 idr per group for garbage bag.. "
09 November 2017Panca Satria
" Prau Mountain is a great place for camping and hiking, its height is 2565 meters above sea level.
01 November 2017The track is not too difficult to pass. there are three paths when I get There, the lane of the bull, the village of wates, and I forgot another one. "
Patrick Moningka
" For better experience go conquer it and feel the beauty. "
10 October 2017Ferdiansyah Iqbal Rafandi
" Definitely I have visited this site last July and I found several alteration compared to the condition of this place when I visit it it in 2016. I started my journey to hike this summit from Pathak Banteng basecamp. Last year when I visited this place, it was quite difficult to reach this place. However, now we can easily to find the route because there were lot of street sign to reach Pathak Banteng.
09 October 2017Nevertheless, the condition of the top of summit is not far away different from what I experienced last year. The crowdness is totally different because nowadays people prefer to start their hike trip from Dieng basecamp than Pathak Banteng. Probably, Pathak Banteng track is more steeped than in Dieng. "
Harnandika Hartas
" sangat cocok untuk pemula, perjalanan tidak terlalu ekstrim, pemandangan dipuncak pun sangat indah apalagi ketika sunset dan sunrise "
29 September 2017Vinsens Setyoraharjo
" Great view. Worth every step climbed. "
30 August 2017Husein Rafli Ardiansyah
" Keren, apalagi keliatan triple S, tapi tanpa Slamet. Sindoro, Sumbing dari puncak Prau. Golden sunrise nya juga Masya Allah.. "
27 August 2017Naufal Zahid
" Gunung yang baik untuk pemula dan pendaki , jangan lupa dijaga kebersihan lingkungan dan bawa sampahmu turun kembali, salam lestari !! "
21 August 2017Agus Yudiana
" This is an extremely amazing beautiful place, especially for those who love trekking. You will find 360 degrees incredible view on the summit. "
06 August 2017Ajik Pinwa
" very most beautiful mount in Indonesia, especially for sunrise, never ever seen like this before. awesome👌👌👌 "
06 August 2017Maula Zahara
" I spent 2 hours of summit attack from Patak Banteng. There are 2 most common alternatives, via Patak Banteng & Dieng. Patak Banteng will get you faster but worth of steepy lane, and Dieng lane is sloping and "friendly" to hikers but it will take you more than 2 hours bcs it's detour the lane. "
30 July 2017Baktya Tri S
" it's a a woderfull place to get sunrise "
05 July 2017Angger Prasetyo
" Beautiful sunrise. Not difficult track. "
30 June 2017Panggih Pradila
" Greatest golden sunrise 👌 "
29 April 2017Rebecca Triana
" Nice sunrise spot. Cold weather "
25 April 2017Fralyx
" Weather is not as good as before, so view is fully surrounded by the dark cloudy. recently there were injuries and deaths happened thanks to the storm. I was going down at the time before the rain and this accident happens. "
25 April 2017Putri WahyuniMD
" Gunung ini bagus untuk pemula , karena gak begitu tinggi dan gak begitu curam. Kesananya kalo dari kota Yogyakarta sekitar 4 jam , tanpa berhenti ya. Sampai sana ada penginapan penduduk , kalau mau naik subuh bisa nginep dulu disana . Di penginapan juga ada yg jual mie , susu , kopi dll. Naik ke puncak kira2 makan waktu 3 jaman .. kalau pas weekend atau libur nasional gitu , ruameee banget . Di puncak gak ada toilet , jadi poopnya disemak2 belakang bukit hehe . Malem hari kalau enggak mendung , langit dan bintangnya romantiss . Recommended ! "
24 April 2017Kabul Budiono
" Wow my trip gunung prau dieng "
11 January 2017Putri Adini
" I won't regret to visit this spot. The chilling and freezing maybe affected me to curse all night long but in the morning, my fatigue disappeared by sun rising. "
01 January 2017Narangga Khoirul U
" This mount has hight 2565 above the sea level, this mount is most popular mount to hike for any people. Is soo suitable when a newbie until professional hiker visit this mount because this mount reasonable easy to pass, not eat many/long time. And the scene is so beautiful "
27 December 2016Denis Da
" One of the best sunrise I have seen in Indonesia. Easy night hike, only 2-3 hours from village of Dieng. Small entrance fee, which was a big surprise compared to some other mountains. Torch needed. "
21 November 2016Peter Yanto
" Good for beginner "
22 October 2016Sucii Fitria
" Amazing place with beautiful panorama "
05 October 2016Muh. Miftahul Annam
" Pemandangan bagus (beautiful view) "
23 September 2016Bodo Malessinau
" Tanjakannya lumayan berat buat pemula. Bisa bikin betis sixpack. :D
05 September 2016Tapi semua lelah segera terlunasi dengan segala keindahan yang tersaji disini. "
Jagad Cunjayani
" Awesome but maybe more preciciously and show the safety ways haha "
29 July 2016Bona Sipahutar
" Awesome "
27 June 2016Nur Chayatin
" Perjalanan yg melelahkan terbayar begitu sampai di puncak...gunung sindoro sumbing berdiri gagah di dpn mata....kebesaran Allah tiada dua nya... "
03 June 2016Dedy Erwin
" Sunrise nya mantap, treck nya nanjak teruus no bonus. Cocok untuk pendaki pemula Dan anak2. Pendakian normal sekitar 3jam "
02 June 2016Dedi Irawan
" First time climb with my daughter "
07 May 2016Dika Pratiwi
" 16-17 Augst 2015 "
19 August 2015