About Dewald Cafe
Dewald Cafe is a cafe, located at Jalan KH Wachid Hasyim, Kepatihan, Kaliwates, Kepatihan, Kaliwates, Kabupaten Jember, Jawa Timur 68131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 813-3669-5964 for more detailed information.
Febrianto Budimulyono
" Nice place to hangout with friends "
19 October 2019Febrianto Budimulyono
" Nice place to hangout with friends "
19 October 2019Febrianto Budimulyono
" Nice place to hangout with friends "
19 October 2019Nada Haroen
" The food was so-so, and when you come at night the ambience is a little bit darky. If you have other place to go, I suggest you to try other first. I tried their bakso Cilok and it was bland, and their juice was too sweet. "
02 June 2019Andre Maulana
" Good ambience, open space, many seats and tables on outside area, nice place to hangout and talks with friends. The guava & avocado juices are too sweet for me.
02 May 2019I also ordered Cilok Kuah, it's okay. "
Annisa Palupi
" Great place to relax and hang out with friends, foods and beverages are delicious "
31 December 2018Ahmad Fikri Zulfi
" Nice place to hangout. Huge garden and nice service "
02 September 2018Ietha Nugraheny
" Cozy place. Taste? Just so so "
19 April 2018Daniel P
" Ok "
17 February 2018Melina Juli Poerwanti
" Nice place....but for the foods its not okay...sorry..... "
12 November 2017Veve Wibowo
" The place is beautiful. The food is delicious. "
25 October 2017Yoga Server
" Cafe berkelas di jember.. cocol buat segala elemen pengunjung. Pas buat acara" istimewa. "
14 October 2017Ahmad Affan Farizi
" Good "
16 September 2017DCWORKS
" Tempat bagus, parkiran untuk mobil terpaksa harus di badan jalan. Makanan harga standar, rasa biasa saja, kecepatan pelayanan perlu ditingkatkan lagi, terutama saat jam-jam ramai. "
30 August 2017Ebes Rek
" Tempatnya bagus dan nyaman, makanan enak..
15 July 2017Hanya penyajiannya agak lama "
Kurniawan Hariadi
" Tempatnya romantis dan nyaman. Di belakang ada tempat lagi dengan minimal pesanan 50K. Free wifi tapi sangat lemot jadi lebih baik menggunakan kuota sendiri. "
27 June 2017Siska Imandasari
" Tempatnya sih romantis. Cocok banget buat pasangan atau sembari ngerjain tugas kuliah. Cuma kalo pesen makanan lumayan nunggu lama "
04 June 2017Umi De Vries
" Used to be very quiet relaxed and nice...5 stars, however they keep adding more and more tables...prices go up steadily on every visit..lowered rating to 3 stars..
08 May 2017Order mie ayam... taste nice ... tapi pangsitnya bau.. kayak yg sudah 10 minggu dikulkas ???? "
Hendra Krist
" Feel like home "
03 April 2017Bintang Islamy
" Masih perlu kesini lagi, tuk coba Arabika Aceh Gayo dan jenis kopi Nusantara yang lain "
16 January 2017