" Good coffee for small town, glad to know this cafe open until -12 am the barista said. "
09 June 2018
Alexander Mochammad
" Cozy place and awesome coffe, recommended place "
22 May 2018
Edwain Satria
" The one and only coffee culture ☕️☕️☕️ "
26 March 2018
Riska Yuniar
" Good place to have deep conversation or chill, the menu's also nice "
05 March 2018
Uyab Raden
" nice place, fine taste coffee ... plus nice barista "
31 January 2018
Paul Emote
" I was here, 4 days ago, i really enjoyed my time with V60 coffee here, the barista really good well u have to come here. "
22 December 2017
Rusdi Kalensang
" Not bad.. good coffee, standard price and cozy enough... "
09 December 2017
Rizki Meizikri
" Nice place to sit and work on your laptop "
17 November 2017
Sason Putra
" coffee is the best and a good place to sharing mind and reading "
28 October 2017
Yanuar Rachmad Faizal
" Rasa minuman 8/10.
Varian Kopi lumayan banyak, Lokasi mudah dijangkau. Harga standar Café, tapi bagi sebagian orang mungkin sedikit overpriced.
Makanannya belom sempet nyoba karena janjian ama orang jd buru2.
Tempat nyaman n cozy. "
16 October 2017
Serenity Lovely
" The Coffee is delicious. The place is pretty good. "
14 August 2017
Thoriq Prima Putra Dewantara
" Good value for money and cozy place to hang out with friends or date "
06 August 2017
Dimas Deananda Putra
" Best shop coffee in Mojokerto City. Nice place to hangout with friends or family. Tasty food and beverages. The price is worth it. "
14 July 2017
Ace Saraswati
" Tempat Ngopi asik.
Olahan kopi nya lengkap.
Kopi single origin, bukan instan atau sachet.
kisaran harga antara 15 - 40K "
03 July 2017
Riana Harumi
" Cozy. Comfortable place to hang out with friends. Affordable price. "
02 April 2017
Trastian Satria Wibowo
" Quality coffee shop. Best in this town. "
27 March 2017
Machfud Chalimi
" A good place to have a good coffee "
24 March 2017
Yuanto Wibisono
" nice cafe "
19 March 2017
Dessy Ningrum
" Coffee shop with all local coffee of Indonesia especially Mojokerto city, ready to serve with best taste best service and best place. "
28 February 2017
Sumono Agit
" tempat nongkrong di moker . vietnam drip rekomennya hehehhe "
11 February 2017
Lyra Licya
" nope. Won't come back. "
20 January 2017
Septia Laili Farida
" cozy place "
05 January 2017
Muhammad Shobirin
" Tempat nongkrong asik cocok buat pecinta kopi di Mojokerto "
Sabriena Puspita
" Good coffee for small town, glad to know this cafe open until -12 am the barista said. "
09 June 2018Alexander Mochammad
" Cozy place and awesome coffe, recommended place "
22 May 2018Edwain Satria
" The one and only coffee culture ☕️☕️☕️ "
26 March 2018Riska Yuniar
" Good place to have deep conversation or chill, the menu's also nice "
05 March 2018Uyab Raden
" nice place, fine taste coffee ... plus nice barista "
31 January 2018Paul Emote
" I was here, 4 days ago, i really enjoyed my time with V60 coffee here, the barista really good well u have to come here. "
22 December 2017Rusdi Kalensang
" Not bad.. good coffee, standard price and cozy enough... "
09 December 2017Rizki Meizikri
" Nice place to sit and work on your laptop "
17 November 2017Sason Putra
" coffee is the best and a good place to sharing mind and reading "
28 October 2017Yanuar Rachmad Faizal
" Rasa minuman 8/10.
16 October 2017Varian Kopi lumayan banyak, Lokasi mudah dijangkau. Harga standar Café, tapi bagi sebagian orang mungkin sedikit overpriced.
Makanannya belom sempet nyoba karena janjian ama orang jd buru2.
Tempat nyaman n cozy. "
Serenity Lovely
" The Coffee is delicious. The place is pretty good. "
14 August 2017Thoriq Prima Putra Dewantara
" Good value for money and cozy place to hang out with friends or date "
06 August 2017Dimas Deananda Putra
" Best shop coffee in Mojokerto City. Nice place to hangout with friends or family. Tasty food and beverages. The price is worth it. "
14 July 2017Ace Saraswati
" Tempat Ngopi asik.
03 July 2017Olahan kopi nya lengkap.
Kopi single origin, bukan instan atau sachet.
kisaran harga antara 15 - 40K "
Riana Harumi
" Cozy. Comfortable place to hang out with friends. Affordable price. "
02 April 2017Trastian Satria Wibowo
" Quality coffee shop. Best in this town. "
27 March 2017Machfud Chalimi
" A good place to have a good coffee "
24 March 2017Yuanto Wibisono
" nice cafe "
19 March 2017Dessy Ningrum
" Coffee shop with all local coffee of Indonesia especially Mojokerto city, ready to serve with best taste best service and best place. "
28 February 2017Sumono Agit
" tempat nongkrong di moker . vietnam drip rekomennya hehehhe "
11 February 2017Lyra Licya
" nope. Won't come back. "
20 January 2017Septia Laili Farida
" cozy place "
05 January 2017Muhammad Shobirin
" Tempat nongkrong asik cocok buat pecinta kopi di Mojokerto "
25 December 2016Agrifina Widya
" Enak sekalii. Ada harga ada rasa 👍 "
10 December 2016Evania Dita
" Cozy. Greeantea nya enak "
27 September 2016Stevi Gosal
" Ruangan cukup nyaman "
20 September 2016