BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Probolinggo
About BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Probolinggo
BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Cabang Probolinggo is located at Jl. Imam Bonjol No.19B, Sukabumi, Mayangan, Kota Probolinggo, Jawa Timur 67219, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 335 422876, visit their website bpjsketenagakerjaan.go.id for more detailed information.
Kholidatul Fitriyah
" There because the information on the front banner on October 11 was open, uhh went there on the 13th instead the security guard said it was still closed, mbok Yo took off the banner, poor people who waited from 5-6 in the morning ... , the future is just using a sling ... it's a little good, for example, Pasuruan "
13 October 2020Awd
" Ambiradul queue. There is someone who defends at 3 in the morning and has written it in the queue of sheets of paper. Pdhal opens at 8. For example, there are no guards in the queue book in the morning (officers come later than cust. Meanwhile, the queue books are already in front) in shambles. I suggest using a queue number such as at banks using disposable paper queues. Thank you ???? "
14 September 2020Byun BaekHyun
" Antrinya lama sekali. Yg dtg langsung gak langsung dipanggil, eh malah yg booking nomer antri lewat tlp dateng2 langsung dipanggil.. hadeeeehhh "
22 February 2020Khairun Najah
" Good attitude, nice communication, keep up the good work. "
24 December 2019Muhammad Qosim
" Pelayanannya bagus dan ramah....
21 August 2019Bgi yg mw kesana usahakan sblum jam 8 sudah dilokasi dn menulis daftar antrean di meja satpam... "
Dewi Purwati
" Public service "
16 April 2019Hadi 274
" Ok "
04 January 2019Kushadi Cahyono
" Ok "
04 January 2019Syaiful Ridzal
" Ok "
08 December 2018Syaiful Ridzal
" Ok "
08 December 2018Rosyd Say
" klo perwakilan bs g ya "
19 October 2018Agus19 Lely
" Lumayan nunggunya "
07 October 2018A.K.A Iqrar
" Sangat membantu pengguna BPJS TK "
07 October 2018Aldi Syah
" Pelayanan nya memuaskan & cepat. 👍 "
30 August 2018Syaiful Ridzal
" Ok "
29 June 2018Arifin Arifin
" Pelayanan yang sungguh mengesankan.. Trims "
26 May 2018Abdul Aziz
" Sekarang hrs antri dr subuh utk mengurus bpjs "
08 May 2018Aidima Bima
" Mantap "
14 March 2018Vst Probolinggo
" Cepat pelayanannya "
22 December 2017Go BlocK
" pelayanan bagus "
12 December 2017Eko PMC
" Pelayananya bagus ramah dn tertib "
06 November 2017Rayendra Pratama
" Kurang ramah "
04 October 2017Andy JS
" Pelayanan yang cepat & petugasnya ramah... Walaupun proses lambat tapi saya kasih 4 bintang buat keramahan para petugas BPJS Probolinggo... 😊 "
02 August 2017FBBR
" Best 👍 "
11 April 2017King Of Seven Seas
" Mantap jiwa "
17 January 2017Andrik Rofisyah Hadi
" Awalnya disambut oleh Security merangkap Resepsionis "
03 September 2016