About BLUBS Coffee, Eatery and Drinks
BLUBS Coffee, Eatery and Drinks is a cafe, located at Jalan Soekarno Hatta No. 67, Banyudono, Ponorogo, Banyudono, Kec. Ponorogo, Kabupaten Ponorogo, Jawa Timur 63411, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 853-3141-2090, visit their website www.pikore.com for more detailed information.
Bagus Yugho Nugroho
" Nice place to share dreams with people you love... ownernya kece abis deh. "
09 December 2017Rio Rahmawanto
" Tempatnya cozy bangett bikin nyaman sama betah disinii "
07 October 2017Singgih Adjhi
" Tempatnya lumayan bersih tp kadang ada kucing liar masuk 😅 "
15 July 2017Deo Mahendra
" Wi-Fi on an enjoy the cozy place "
11 June 2017Alik Dwi Febrianto
" Kalau tempatnya asik dan seru banget. Cuma makannya kurang sip, dengan harga segitu harusnya makannya lebih enak lagi. Penyajiannya juga cukup lama. "
21 May 2017Nike Winda Hidayati
" Tempat nongkrong nya asik, varian kopinya banyak cocok bagi penyuka kopi. Rasa makanan agak kurang nendang, penyajian makanan nya lama.it's oke ,recomended buat ngumpul hangout sama teman-teman/keluarga "
21 May 2017Indah N. Leviana
" tempatny asik buat nongkrong, makanan minumanny jg enak-enak 👍👍 "
23 April 2017Widiana Anisa
" Well, it's my second visit. I thought the place and the menu got a lot improvement. But, the food taste is just so-so. You guys should give a lot focus on food taste and the quality. So, still 3 stars. "
08 April 2017Hasna Herliana
" Enak, tapi harga kurang bersahabat buat masyarakat ponorogo 😂 "
20 March 2017AdiT Tyas
" 👍🏻 "
08 March 2017Ani Soundtrack
" mantap "
15 February 2017Dresthia Yusuf Kalpika Wiratama
" Lumayan enak coy "
27 January 2017Widiana Anisa
" Not bad place.. But the menu is so-so, not really impressive. "
13 January 2017Sheva Rosdika
" Cafe asyik buat nongki "
17 December 2016