ACE HARDWARE – SIDOARJO is a hardware store, located at Jl Jenggolo no 41-43, Kabupaten/Kecamatan Sidoarjo Kelurahan Pucang,, Kab. Sidoarjo, Pucang, Sidoarjo Sub-Distrcit, Sidoarjo Regency, East Java 61219, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 31 8050000, visit their website www.acehardware.co.id for more detailed information.
Prem La Seraphim
" For "home hardware seekers", this store is a decent choice. The item collection is good, the shop keepers are friendly and helpful and the place is relatively easy to find if you live in Sidoarjo. However, if you are looking for electronics, there are many better stores you can visit. Since focusing on providing home hardware, this store has lesser collection of electronics (and they are more expensive). "
24 January 2018Rachmad Firmansyah
" Pelayanan memuaskan "
25 September 2017Prasetyo Adi
" Helpfull staf , complete home improvement. "
09 August 2017Roman Bellic
" Hardware store in Sidoarjo... in front of mitra 10 "
04 August 2017Michael Agung
" Place to buy home appliances and technical stuff "
07 July 2017Even Aja
" G ada scrape handel.../putty knife skrng d Ace "
25 May 2017Dedi Alam
" Lumayan komplit "
17 May 2017Isa Fanani
" Barang-barangnya lumayan lengkap..
01 March 2017Harganya kalangan menengah ke atas.. "
Nisa MSG
" Agak kurang lengkap menurut saya dibanding ace hardware yg disurabaya. Namun utk pelayanannya cukup memuaskan "
08 December 2016Oeirika L Fernanda B
" keren, alat-alat disini lengkap, dari alat bangunan rumah sampai alat-alat rumah tangga. gak kalah sama ace yang di surabaya "
01 December 2016Mav3n
" Kalau mau mencari peraralatan kantor, bisa disini juga. Juga untuk perkakas rumah tangga. "
31 August 2016Bram Ray
" Sering sekali tidak lengkap barang yg dcari "
24 August 2016Danny Chen
" The best hardware store in town.... "
19 August 2016Ferdi Balfas
" Lengkap banget, klo ga pinter milih barangnya bisa dapet yg jelek walaupun dibeli dengan harga yg mahal, pengalaman beli gembok harga 100rban baru dipake 2 kali udah rusak. Semoga ada perbaikan mutu untuk kedepannya "
04 July 2016AMAR KHAQQI
" Nice Store "
12 January 2016Liu Liu
" Buka jam brp ni? "
20 December 2012