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About Waroenk Ora Umum

Waroenk Ora Umum is a restaurant, located at Jl. DR. Soeparno No.98, Arcawinangun, Purwokerto Timur, Arcawinangun, Purwokerto Tim., Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53113, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 811-2773-333, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 48

Deangga Satrio

" Great place for hangout, reasonable price, fast wifi, spacious, and fast service "

01 June 2018

Revi Djanegara

" Nice place to hang. Affordable price "

30 May 2018

Hastuti Jw

" Taste 7/10 "

10 May 2018

Qisthi Al-Hazmi HR

" The food has pretty good taste (I ordered Chicken Katsu Teriyaki Rice and my wife ordered Chicken Mushroom Rice), the concept of these foods has uniqueness, especially for the Chicken Mushroom Rice, the taste of the mushroom is very unique, quite hot, and the spices tastes good, but the Chicken Katsu Teriyaki wan't tasty well, the seasoning wasn't strong enough but I like the chruncy of the katsu. Overall, those food I give 8/10.

Now, about the place. The place (outside or hall) too crowded and too noisy, I had to speak louder to be heard, I didn't try yet the indoor room. The music was too louder and the sound wasn't soft enough, the sound system need to be checked, about the place I'll give 6/10. "

07 May 2018

Faisal Amin Fikri

" Nice "

01 May 2018

Hana Pertiwi

" It's a restaurant near jenderal soedirman university. The food is delicious and there are many menu that unexpected such as ceker setan, nasi ora umum, indomie with teriyaki sauce. "

20 April 2018

Arifah Fidyah

" Reasonable price, es carica selasihnya enak "

17 April 2018

May Krisna Sari

" yummy food, cozy place "

12 April 2018

Isna Eni

" Happy "

06 April 2018

Dian Susmarini

" Price is fair, nice place for gathering, food varies "

21 March 2018

Wahyu Indradi

" Open 24 hours "

17 March 2018

Firdaus Syach

" Cozy place and cheap food "

20 February 2018

Bagas Yoga

" Cheap, tasty, and "unique" meals, what do you want more?

Oh, um, a bit crowded (still okay, not really a trouble for me) "

15 February 2018

Jan Cipta

" Cozy place for student, lovely atmosphere. Fair price. Unique menu name, reachable place, limited parking area "

19 January 2018

Aanz Lucianz

" Kinda expensive but place is very cozy and delicious "

17 January 2018

Iwan Setiawan

" Came in for breakfast. Pisang bakar was good. Just can't understand why they didn't clean up dirty tables & floor. What a pity.. "

09 December 2017

Ani Kurnia

" Cozy place, free wifi and delicious food "

23 October 2017

Evi Lestari

" Wong ndeso pertama ke sini ya tetep ndeso, nih saya kasih tahu+ tempe biar ga ndeso.

1. Pertama datang langsung saja ke kasir pilih menu&langsung bayar yoooo
2. Setelah bayar trus dikasih nomor meja ama mba kasirnya...*aku sih nomer 43 &bebas pilih mau di meja yg mana saja asalkan kosong ga merebut meja orang lain yg sudah ditempati
3. Pesanan datang deh ..cepet banget!!!* mungkin krna pas lagi sepi
4. Di tawarin ama mba'nya * minumnya apa??
Ya saya jawab aja "udah bawa minum. Kemanapun pergi saya selalu bawa minum sendiri ala2 backpacker gitu hihihi
*lain kali jangan ya!! Kata mba'nya

Jadi poin utama Jangan Bawa Makanan/Minuman dari luar ya.... alias semuanya harus beli di situ!!!

Tapi Enak sihhhh
Abisnya laperrrr

#ngasih parkir Rp.1.000 , mas'nya bilang Rp.2.000, mau nambahin Rp.1.000 lagi tapi saya adanya uang Rp.2.000n ya tek kasihin toh...ekh malah yg seribunya diangkut juga ...jadi parkir Rp.3.000 deh mahal yoooo "

12 October 2017

Dodi Zain

" Cozy place to hang out... The food is affordable "

10 October 2017

Wais Al Qurni

" Unik "

10 October 2017

Khanidya Veronica

" Nice place for having an ordinary friends meeting or a date. Not so expensive place and meal. "

12 September 2017

Rajendra RC

" Great place to chat with old friend when u back to hometown. "

06 September 2017

Eko Budhi Cahyono

" Open in 24 hour in 7days "

04 September 2017

Fathan Rifardi

" Nice spot to hangout with friend. You can wasting time here with many games. The price in the menu here is cheap. "

08 August 2017

Egi Octadianto

" Warung kekinian dengan menu utama berbagai mie instan premium (versi lokal dari warung upnormal), serta menu2 bervariasi termasuk menu lokal yang tidak bisa ditemukan di kota lain. Harga bervariasi dr yang murah maupun cukup mahal, namun berbagai menu terlihat agak kemahalan, terutama untuk kota kecil seperti cilacap . "

06 July 2017

Biyan Widyawan

" Nice service for moderate price place "

02 July 2017

Andhy Kurniawan

" 24 jam - tempat luas - pelayanan lumayan cepat - parkir motor lumayan luas - rasa standar - harga standar - lokasi strategis "

01 July 2017

Ridan Bramantya

" Board games and stuff, bunch of seats. Good for large groups, affordable price "

01 July 2017

Ilham Pangestu_

" Good "

30 June 2017

Fitri Nurcahyani

" the cheaper version of warunk upnormal. the same taste and same game play "

25 June 2017

Zulfickar Adhitya Prakoso

" Waroenk Ora Umum ini memiliki konsep seperti Warunk Upnormal di Jakarta, dengan sajian menu yang sebagian besar adalah makanan ringan dan snack seperti Roti Bakar Green Tea/Ovomaltin/Nutella, French Fries, dll. Tapi ada juga makanan berat seperti Nasi Goreng dan Mie Goreng.
Tempat nongkrong yang tergolong baru di Cilacap ini memiliki design yang menurut saya cukup bagus untuk berfoto. Untuk range harga makanan dan minuman mulai dari 8k-30k. Overall, saya suka dengan tempat ini. And I'll keep on coming back for more ! "

31 May 2017

Arief Baniarto

" Ok "

30 May 2017

Rini Handojo

" Kentang mozarella nya rekomended😍 "

24 May 2017

Andrean Farandy Rachman

" The lovely place to hangout "

21 May 2017

Tri Bhuana Murtianingrum

" Good food. Good place. Even my son like to eat here "

16 May 2017

Akhmad Ghany

" Kelebihan:
- Tempatnya luas
- Meja kursi banyak & bisa digabung
- Parkir motor luas & dipagar 1 pintu supaya aman
- Pelayanan ramah
- Minuman cepat tersaji
- Free wifi
- Ada permainan

- Parkir mobil di jalan besar "

22 April 2017

Nugraha Triputra

" Cheap. Lively. Above average "

28 March 2017

Lucky Sampurnaningrum

" Makanannya sih lumayan amat bervariasi...tempat luas, banyak bangku, jadi tidak bingung tidak kebagian tempat meski ramai sekalipun...sayang pelayanannya lama sekali...mungkin karena baru buka, pengunjungnya membludak, sementara tenaga mungkin masih terbatas...ketolong sama minumannya yang cepat tersaji dan banyak games yang bisa dimainin, pengunjung jadi gaa mati gaya... "

28 March 2017

Melcky Kamu Timothi

" Not bad..
20k for mozzarella cheese rice.
6k for lemon tea "

07 March 2017

Irfany Phalita

" Big portion food with cheap price "

07 February 2017

Vincent Gk

" Many dessert and games! "

14 December 2016

Fina Ayu Wardani

" Cheap n fun toys available "

14 December 2016

Papa Kay

" Uwenakk n anti mahal "

11 November 2016

Yusuf Setyadi

" Cocok buat nongki kawula muda n keluarga, menu harga mahasiswa . Susu, indomie, sosis, telur, favorit es susu coklat tabur keju. Selalu ramai, kadang antri dikasir order hrs bayar dulu . Free wifi "

21 August 2016

Muhammad Ajun

" Recomended "

29 June 2016

Dhymas Aryha

" Asik buat kongkow "

17 June 2016

M. Sani Habib Mufi

" Nice and clean. Porsi nasi sosisnya banyak "

03 May 2016

Irfan Bahtiar

" Mantap mba desti dan mas panji "

05 April 2016

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