" Monumen in strategic area ,ngabul roundabout. This monument is to depict the struggle of these three women. Also this monument is easy to notice. Because the size is pretty big. Inside the area of this monument there text written by sabiroto. The point of the text is to motivate all women especially in jepara . How precious they are and how they hold the future of jepara . But aside from that . Inside the monument . The area is kinda messy. There many empty can. Plastic . Etc scattered around the monument . Hopefully the government can fix this problem asap. Because this monument is one of landmark Jepara city . "
09 May 2018
Pandu And
" Tempat nongkrong kalau malam minggu "
19 April 2018
" Reme "
07 April 2018
Aden FeuruMi
" Ok k "
21 March 2018
Anggie Mahardhika
" It's good public space but too bad doesn't have a parking area. "
21 February 2018
Awang Sufyan
" Nice place "
21 February 2018
Sunu Anggit
" wonderfull "
27 November 2017
Aris Epe
" Just good landmark "
05 October 2017
Lathifatus Syifa
" Wonderfull "
01 October 2017
Ardnas Dewi
" Located on Ngabul Roundabout.. The three female figures depicted by the monument are Queen Shima, Queen Kalinyamat and Kartini "
22 September 2017
Priyo Adi
" Nice Public place and clean. "
26 July 2017
Cheper Saegae
" Fun tastic "
25 July 2017
Ipoel Wewe
" Ok "
16 July 2017
Kreshna Restu
" Great landmark "
15 May 2017
Abraham Boy
" Nice spot to take a photo "
05 May 2017
Gery Kusnatov
" Best place for jeparas people to meeting point outdoor area "
03 May 2017
Afif Bahrony
" Good place to hanging around "
24 April 2017
Sepatu Fantofel
" Tolong untuk para pengunjung jangan naik ke monumenya dan jangan buang sampah sembarangan .. kan sudah ada tempat sampah .. jangan menginjak injak rumputnya .. belum genap 1 tahun mungkin sudah rusak jika tidak ada kesadaran masing2 . "
04 April 2017
Likin San
" Mengingatkan sejarah perjuangan tiga puteri dari Jepara sesuai dengan masanya masing-masing "
15 March 2017
Budi Alba JAYA
" Kurang megah dan gagah jika ingin dibuat icon daerah, pengunjung dan penjual yg naik ke dinding semakin menambah semrawut keadaan.. "
27 February 2017
Handoko Koko
" tugu baru aja jd blm ada 3bln sidah retal semua yg salah kontruksinya apa lainnya "
Rifqi Syauqi
" Monumen in strategic area ,ngabul roundabout. This monument is to depict the struggle of these three women. Also this monument is easy to notice. Because the size is pretty big. Inside the area of this monument there text written by sabiroto. The point of the text is to motivate all women especially in jepara . How precious they are and how they hold the future of jepara . But aside from that . Inside the monument . The area is kinda messy. There many empty can. Plastic . Etc scattered around the monument . Hopefully the government can fix this problem asap. Because this monument is one of landmark Jepara city . "
09 May 2018Pandu And
" Tempat nongkrong kalau malam minggu "
" Reme "
07 April 2018Aden FeuruMi
" Ok k "
21 March 2018Anggie Mahardhika
" It's good public space but too bad doesn't have a parking area. "
21 February 2018Awang Sufyan
" Nice place "
21 February 2018Sunu Anggit
" wonderfull "
27 November 2017Aris Epe
" Just good landmark "
05 October 2017Lathifatus Syifa
" Wonderfull "
01 October 2017Ardnas Dewi
" Located on Ngabul Roundabout.. The three female figures depicted by the monument are Queen Shima, Queen Kalinyamat and Kartini "
22 September 2017Priyo Adi
" Nice Public place and clean. "
26 July 2017Cheper Saegae
" Fun tastic "
25 July 2017Ipoel Wewe
" Ok "
16 July 2017Kreshna Restu
" Great landmark "
15 May 2017Abraham Boy
" Nice spot to take a photo "
05 May 2017Gery Kusnatov
" Best place for jeparas people to meeting point outdoor area "
03 May 2017Afif Bahrony
" Good place to hanging around "
24 April 2017Sepatu Fantofel
" Tolong untuk para pengunjung jangan naik ke monumenya dan jangan buang sampah sembarangan .. kan sudah ada tempat sampah .. jangan menginjak injak rumputnya .. belum genap 1 tahun mungkin sudah rusak jika tidak ada kesadaran masing2 . "
04 April 2017Likin San
" Mengingatkan sejarah perjuangan tiga puteri dari Jepara sesuai dengan masanya masing-masing "
15 March 2017Budi Alba JAYA
" Kurang megah dan gagah jika ingin dibuat icon daerah, pengunjung dan penjual yg naik ke dinding semakin menambah semrawut keadaan.. "
27 February 2017Handoko Koko
" tugu baru aja jd blm ada 3bln sidah retal semua yg salah kontruksinya apa lainnya "
17 February 2017Dziyaul Anwar
" Good "
24 January 2017Achmad Sandhiko
" Unik "
16 January 2017Arul Tirtana
" Tugu tiga tokoh jepara "
15 January 2017Ahmad Yusup's
" Bikin lebih cantik jepara "
30 December 2016