About Soto Seger Hj. Fatimah
Soto Seger Hj. Fatimah is a restaurant, located at Jl. Pandanaran No.257, Banaran, Kec. Boyolali, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah 57313, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 276 325456, visit their website business.google.com for more detailed information.
Ajeng Kinasih
" The Soto is iconic. This is the most popular 'touristy' place for people who wanna try Boyolali-style soto (the soup is clear). The taste is friendly for adult and children. The place is usually packed during lunch time, and the chicken soto is not available all day (beef though, is always available). "
18 May 2018Ren Kob
" Good food, delicious taste with a lot of side dish 😙
28 April 2018The venue is easy to found with G-maps "
Rainbow Hearttaker
" Delicious, but a lot of flies arround satai "
26 April 2018Imam Santosa
" The place is too crowded and no one helping to direct people where to sit. So customer has to find their own seating.it will take sometime to get our food delivered. And sometimes it involves reconfirming our order over and over again. The Soto was good and fresh. Tempe goreng was a highlight! To pay was another problem because there is no clear line so people just serabutan trying to make a payment. "
14 April 2018Christopher Swenrijando
" Good taste and serve many snack too 👍👍 "
14 April 2018Sri Johan
" Tepat untuk makan siang. Rasanya gurih, dengan kuah bening, tipis, tidak mlekok, bener bener sesuai namanya, soto seger. Pelengkapnya beraneka ragam, tinggal pilih, sate kikilnya enak, empuk, tidak alot, tidak amis, tempe goreng tepungnya garing, pas sebagai pelengkap makan. Ada oula telur puyuh bacem, sate kerang, tempe mendoan, tahu isi, bakwan klasik, bakwan jagung, dan kerupuk. Harganya terjangkau. Terletak di pinggir jalan persis. Mudah untuk dikenali. Hanya saja tidak memiliki lahan parkir. Kendaraan parkir di pinggir jalan secara sejajar. Tapi sepertinya tidak jadi masalah. "
10 April 2018Didik Wahyono
" Lots of side dish. I liked cow brain satay so much. The taste of the soto is also good. No dedicated parking space available. You'll use road shoulder and road body to park your car. "
" Nice place and good food for breakfes "
22 March 2018Muhammad Basalamah
" Nice food and equal for the price "
04 March 2018Vincentius Sukamto
" Good food but rest room very limited and floor was slippery "
18 February 2018Dino Rahardja
" Good taste and good price.. "
11 January 2018Eko Icarus
" Its nice to stopped by here and enjoy the soto "
08 January 2018Bambang Andjar
" Is always a excellent moment wheb visiting this place for various side-eat food... "
07 January 2018Mas Zaen
" typical city cuisine boyolali, soto clear cow meat and various fried with various drinks, the place is wide enough and parking along the way. suitable for eating with friends and family "
07 January 2018Hubertus Eko Budidharmaja
" Light taste, fresh, and a lot of side dishes (sate telor puyuh, sate baso, mendoan, bakwan jagung, pia-pia/bala-bala) "
02 November 2017Af Is
" Very good traditional meals served here. Love it a lot... "
01 November 2017Aryo Gunanto
" Famaous traditional vegetrbles meat soup at Surakarta "
13 September 2017Dan T
" Best, complete, regular stop from Jogja-Salatiga. God bless 70x7 "
13 August 2017Slamet Riyadi
" The taste of soto seger original. And many snacking like gorengan, and when I came here. Have live musuc keroncong "
14 July 2017Nova Bauersche
" Good place for eating Soto. "
10 July 2017Venti Rahadini
" Famous and legend in the city, I guess. After Soto Mbok Giyem franchise of course. Always crowded. For my personal liking, the dish is ordinary. Tasty but not too special. Still, one of famous place. "
04 July 2017Kemal Faza
" The soto is soo good and has a lot of snack choice "
03 July 2017Galih. M. A Wibisono
" When i came here the place is over crowded but it's worth to wait. The taste of the 'soto seger' so fresh n it have a lot variants of 'kudapan'. "
30 June 2017War Sito
" Must try this, popular local dishes, when you travel by Boyolali. 'Soto Seger' means clear soup with small pieces of meat and bean sprout, really freshening (seger) in your empty stomach. "
26 June 2017Andri Taufan
" Best soto in boyolali, everytime i go to solo, always have a breakfast here :) "
24 June 2017Abu Faisol Azmi
" rasa sotonya enak "
14 June 2017Sri Widarti
" Makanan nya bener2 uenaaaak smua, dr soto, gorengan, teh manis n sate ati ampela serta perkedel kentang "
23 May 2017Ardiyan Abi
" great place and great taste "
03 May 2017Erwin Nugroho
" Good taste, good place in the central of Boyolali city "
25 April 2017Christiawan Nugroho
" I like the soup broth tastes light and balance. I bought the chicken ones. Its condiments are vibrant from tempe to chicken meat skewers, tofu and fried potato mashed or perkedel kentang. Maknyus wes pokokmem. "
15 April 2017Agus Rohmad
" Mo sendiri....mo rombongan ???!!! Ndak masalah..sambil maem soto ndengerin bas bethot,... "
27 January 2017Faqih Khanif
" Matap untuk makan bersama keluarga.
11 January 2017Pelayanan sangat cepat dan tidak perlu menunggu lama pesanan setelah memesan. "
Darmawan Listyono
" Joss. "
10 January 2017Puraditya Bayu Suhadiyono
" Good food : Beef Soto Soup with hot / ice tea. Very delicious and cheap. "
02 January 2017Hafidh Susila
" Delicious fod from Boyolali city "
02 January 2017Andi Wawo
" Oh god very good taste "
17 December 2016Wawan Kurniawan
" M A N T A P bin T O P "
05 December 2016Riefki's Channel
" Nice place, good food "
14 November 2016Rizki Susetiadi
" Great taste, so many choices of condiment. Soto daging and sate paru best combination!! "
27 October 2016Altodia Herwindita
" Very nice soto they got here, has many side dish variation "
09 October 2016Velia Veronika
" Sotonya legend banget, mantap rasanya dan komplit lauknya.. Plus denger musik2 live campursari "
28 September 2016AmYu Sulistyo
" Ga ngerti lagi... Funtastico rasane "
23 September 2016Sofyan Syah
" Segeerrr
20 September 2016Kalau makan soto ini jeruk nipisnya 3 siung di peres ya.
Baru segeeerrrrr
Aku 3 mangkuk tanpa nasi
2 mangkuk daging
1 mangkuk ayam "
Kristiasmoro Triatmojo
" Lauknya sangat lengkap dan menggugah selera. Sangat crowded, pada jam makan siang. "
13 September 2016Ibnu Syarif
" Rasanya gurih dan segar, banyak cemilan, gorengan, berbagai macam sate, lokasi mudah dijangkau "
07 September 2016Tukang Loak
" Mantap....seger..... "
19 August 2016Listyo Nugroho
" Uenak tenan...(really deliciousss...) nambah 2 x... "
08 August 2016Erwin Nugroho
" Good taste, good place in the central of Boyolali city "
21 July 2016Agung Bayu Dewo Broto
" Murah dan enak "
21 May 2016Johan Tampubolon
" Great soto. Great sosis solo. Great mendoan. Great sate keong.
11 January 2016And it's very cheap. (Usually IDR 5-7K per portion) "
Ayyub Gusti
" Soto nya seger (nama nya aj soto seger ) dan gorengan nya bny, sate nya jg hehehe, tktna kenyang dl sblm soto dateng hehehe harus dicoba teman "
10 January 2016Patria Suwu
" seger bener sotonya. Sosis solo dan tempe mendoan 👍👍👍 "
01 January 2016Y.L Fanny Hendro Aryo Putro
" Mak nyuss. Tempenya "
01 December 2015