" Fried chicken taste is good, but not that excellent, really fast serving, price lil bit expensive "
02 June 2018
Satria Pasir
" Traditional restaurant. Taste ok, n cheap but only cash. "
11 May 2018
Rizqi Fadillah Romadhona
" This restaurant is famous for it's fried free-range chicken ( ayam kampoeng goreng), you can choose any part of chicken that you like by yourself, it also include other menu like tempe, tofu, etc.. after that the waitress will cook your meals, the taste is good but not the best, compared to other fried chicken restaurants in Solo and Jogjakarta,
Sambal serve with it's pan, very nice
The rice is soft and "pulen",
Overall, this restaurant is worth to try "
27 April 2018
Zaimatus Sa'diyah
" The legend of traditional fried chicken "
23 March 2018
Gracia Selly
" The taste of the fried chicken is good. But the ambience is not good. Smelly and dirty. I'll think it twice for re-visit this place.. "
09 March 2018
Isti Astro
" Delicious fried chicken with local ingredient and recipe, yummy "
18 February 2018
Retno Damayanti
" Went there at the public holiday and it was so crowded, we even wait for few min to be seated. But i think it was worth it. Bcos i really love the sambal which was sambal korek. they also serve bebek goreng, tempe and tahu. "
" Fried chicken with very spicy sambal. Place is so crowded and not clean. "
27 October 2017
Mario Ronny Prasetya
" The sambal is great taste, plus you'll have better sensation after drink the hot sweet tea... Wooooouw..
But the car park is suck, always full😎 "
02 May 2017
Deni Triona
" Their sambal tasted pretty good. However, its ayam/bebek goreng tasted just... ordinary. Far from what I've expected. And the botok is cold, like, it's just out straightly from the refrigerator. The service is bad, they got no smiles. And it's pricey for a small city like Salatiga. They also didn't give the bills, so we didn't even know the exact price. "
10 February 2017
Gunung Harjanto
" Not bad "
12 January 2017
Jessie J
" Aduh.. ini ayam goreng kampung favorit banget.. tiap mudik ke semarang pasti disempetin kesini.. meski agak jauh dr pusat kota semarang tetep worthed lahh... "
Noviana Ika Setyaningrum
" Fried chicken taste is good, but not that excellent, really fast serving, price lil bit expensive "
02 June 2018Satria Pasir
" Traditional restaurant. Taste ok, n cheap but only cash. "
11 May 2018Rizqi Fadillah Romadhona
" This restaurant is famous for it's fried free-range chicken ( ayam kampoeng goreng), you can choose any part of chicken that you like by yourself, it also include other menu like tempe, tofu, etc.. after that the waitress will cook your meals, the taste is good but not the best, compared to other fried chicken restaurants in Solo and Jogjakarta,
27 April 2018Sambal serve with it's pan, very nice
The rice is soft and "pulen",
Overall, this restaurant is worth to try "
Zaimatus Sa'diyah
" The legend of traditional fried chicken "
23 March 2018Gracia Selly
" The taste of the fried chicken is good. But the ambience is not good. Smelly and dirty. I'll think it twice for re-visit this place.. "
09 March 2018Isti Astro
" Delicious fried chicken with local ingredient and recipe, yummy "
18 February 2018Retno Damayanti
" Went there at the public holiday and it was so crowded, we even wait for few min to be seated. But i think it was worth it. Bcos i really love the sambal which was sambal korek. they also serve bebek goreng, tempe and tahu. "
01 January 2018Maisur Abduh
" Ayam gorengnya yummy banget... apalagi botok petetnya "
19 December 2017Moch Shofieyuddin
" Popular "
08 December 2017Dwi Febrilia Anjarwati Rahayu
" Fried chicken with very spicy sambal. Place is so crowded and not clean. "
27 October 2017Mario Ronny Prasetya
" The sambal is great taste, plus you'll have better sensation after drink the hot sweet tea... Wooooouw..
02 May 2017But the car park is suck, always full😎 "
Deni Triona
" Their sambal tasted pretty good. However, its ayam/bebek goreng tasted just... ordinary. Far from what I've expected. And the botok is cold, like, it's just out straightly from the refrigerator. The service is bad, they got no smiles. And it's pricey for a small city like Salatiga. They also didn't give the bills, so we didn't even know the exact price. "
10 February 2017Gunung Harjanto
" Not bad "
12 January 2017Jessie J
" Aduh.. ini ayam goreng kampung favorit banget.. tiap mudik ke semarang pasti disempetin kesini.. meski agak jauh dr pusat kota semarang tetep worthed lahh... "
30 December 2016Jaimy Azle
" So hotttt... So delicious. "
21 August 2016Atiek Rachmawati
" sambel koreknya mantap "
17 August 2016Sigit Hermawan
" Sambelnya puedes "
24 July 2016Masrukin NikursaM™
" OK "
11 June 2016Desman Chairry
" Pedass "
08 May 2016Tajudin Muchlis
" pokok e jossss .. "
27 February 2016Tubagus Haryawan
" Pedasnya...Mak nyuss... "
07 March 2015