SMKS Muhammadiyah Wanasari Brebes
About SMKS Muhammadiyah Wanasari Brebes
SMKS Muhammadiyah Wanasari Brebes is a school, located at JL. PG Banjaratma KM.01 Klampok Wanasari, Brebes, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia 52252. They can be contacted via phone at +6289649167793, visit their website for more detailed information.
From Students, Dear Students, For Students,
Be smart, Be Islamic, Be Quality,
SMK Muhammadiyah Wanasari
Sekolah tingkat Menengah yang di kelola dibawah majelis Jabang Wanasari Muhammadiyah Brebes.
Ada 3 Jurusan :
1. Teknik Otomotif
2. Teknik Komputer Jaringan
3. Akuntansi