" Traditional market having various items to buy "
05 January 2019
Much Fauzi
" Masih bisa dimaksimalkan kerapian dan kebersihannya "
08 November 2018
Much Fauzi
" Murah meriah "
07 November 2018
Kamso Saputro
" Sio "
13 September 2018
Noor Widiastuti
" During the renovation, this market becomes so dark since the management doesn't pay attention to lighting.
I hope the renovation will turn out really great since this market provides products with affordable prices than the market in the center of the town. But it's a "morning market", you barely see nothing when you come after mid day. "
05 August 2018
Deny's Channel
" Nyaman untuk berbelanja kebutuhan dapur, harga juga bisa ditawar, bersih dan terjaga "
08 May 2018
Hangker Budi
" Lewat saja.. "
04 May 2018
" Suatu saat waktu lewat "
07 April 2018
Elan Najib R
" One of traditional market in Demak, you know the place when it called “Traditional” right ? "
12 February 2018
Dwi Ayu
" Beberapa bulan terakhir ini sedang dalam masa perbaikan, pedagang dipindahkan lapaknya di depan gerbang pasar "
05 January 2018
Kholil Kholik
" Top "
22 October 2017
Bango Indah
" Belanja nyaman dan murah . cocok untuk kulakan "
14 October 2017
Iwak Endas
" lumayan yg penting tradisional "
30 July 2017
Eni Sulis
" Belanja serba ada "
26 June 2017
Muhammad Hasbi
" Asik ni tempatnya "
22 June 2017
Muhamad Abdillah
" Kurang di perhatikan oleh pemkab nya "
22 June 2017
Gregorius Sugibudiman
" Daerah kerja "
20 April 2017
Kurnia Amalia
" Jebor is the best "
04 April 2017
Chaerusacuostic Abc
" cek and ricek "
02 March 2017
Faza Dafa
" mempermudah menemukan lokasi yang di tuju "
12 February 2017
Tio Cabir
" Pasarnya sepi. Lahan parkir banyak genangan air "
Zulfahni Fani
" Ok "
17 July 2019Ahmad Muhid
" Traditional market having various items to buy "
05 January 2019Much Fauzi
" Masih bisa dimaksimalkan kerapian dan kebersihannya "
08 November 2018Much Fauzi
" Murah meriah "
07 November 2018Kamso Saputro
" Sio "
13 September 2018Noor Widiastuti
" During the renovation, this market becomes so dark since the management doesn't pay attention to lighting.
05 August 2018I hope the renovation will turn out really great since this market provides products with affordable prices than the market in the center of the town. But it's a "morning market", you barely see nothing when you come after mid day. "
Deny's Channel
" Nyaman untuk berbelanja kebutuhan dapur, harga juga bisa ditawar, bersih dan terjaga "
08 May 2018Hangker Budi
" Lewat saja.. "
" Suatu saat waktu lewat "
07 April 2018Elan Najib R
" One of traditional market in Demak, you know the place when it called “Traditional” right ? "
12 February 2018Dwi Ayu
" Beberapa bulan terakhir ini sedang dalam masa perbaikan, pedagang dipindahkan lapaknya di depan gerbang pasar "
05 January 2018Kholil Kholik
" Top "
22 October 2017Bango Indah
" Belanja nyaman dan murah . cocok untuk kulakan "
14 October 2017Iwak Endas
" lumayan yg penting tradisional "
30 July 2017Eni Sulis
" Belanja serba ada "
26 June 2017Muhammad Hasbi
" Asik ni tempatnya "
22 June 2017Muhamad Abdillah
" Kurang di perhatikan oleh pemkab nya "
22 June 2017Gregorius Sugibudiman
" Daerah kerja "
20 April 2017Kurnia Amalia
" Jebor is the best "
04 April 2017Chaerusacuostic Abc
" cek and ricek "
02 March 2017Faza Dafa
" mempermudah menemukan lokasi yang di tuju "
12 February 2017Tio Cabir
" Pasarnya sepi. Lahan parkir banyak genangan air "
02 February 2017Khezan Amartya
" Ramah bro...... "
10 April 2016