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About Bandungan Market

Bandungan Market is located at Jl. Ngasem, Jetis, Bandungan, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50614, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 21

Kristian Nugroho

" a place to buy local fruits or vegetables. everything is fresh. good bargaining skill can be very useful. "

13 May 2018

Nonots Sunoto

" 🌹Gorgeous Flower! Beautiful Color! I see you in each flower. I feel your love blossoming all around me. I know you are with me here in your garden.
🌸 👍🏻🤲❤💚🌷 "

11 May 2018

Aldi 141414

" Nice traditional market. Cold weather. "

05 May 2018

Jenian Marin

" Popular tourist/ local market in Semarang Regency. You can find fresh vegetables and fruits, already packed in a small packet or you can buy it by kilograms at good price. Not just groceries, local foods like satay, getuk and other gorengan, nasi pecel, kue lekker, tahu and soymilk, etc are worth trying. There is a recreational park nearby, and there is an area for fresh flower and decorative plants for your garden.
Although, it is usually crowded in the weekend. So it best to leave your vehicle in the parking lot. Not in the side of the street. "

05 May 2018

Badrus Zaman

" Right place to get low cost n traditional vacation "

16 April 2018

Richard Yang

" Bandungan jalannya sangat sempit dan banyak pengunjung parkir sembarangan dan membuat jalan yang sudah sempit makin sempit dan memperparah kemacetan. Petugas polisi setempat menyadari hal ini dan tidak bertindak tegas dengan mengusir semua pengendara yang parkir seenaknya agar lalu-lintas lancar. Pasar di Bandungan perlu lahan parkir luas dan semua kendaraan pengunjung wajib parkir di sana dan tidak boleh ada satu kendaraan pun boleh parkir di pinggir jalan yang sudah sempit. Mohon Dishub Kabupaten Semarang memasang tanda larangan parkir dan menderek semua mobil bandel yang parkir di daerah tersebut. Pemda juga wajib memperhatikan kebersihan lingkungan di kota Semarang, Ambarawa, Bandungan dan sekitarnya. Kota Semarang dan sekitarnya masih sangat kotor dan jorok. Sampah dibuang sembarangan. Masyarakat harus dididik menjaga kebersihan dan membuang sampah pada tempatnya. "

15 April 2018

Heru Juddya

" Narrow street for two vehicles. But many beautiful flowers to buy "

03 March 2018

Rindhi Widyastuti

" Traditional market in such a lovely place which has cool weather, bcs it was mountainous little city. Always crowded on Saturday and Sunday because ppl from surrounding city came here for fresh weather. "

08 February 2018

Moudy Sieneta

" Traditional market in Bandungan area. Now the building is better and its cleaner than it used to. "

30 January 2018

Shinta Dewi Wulandari

" Fresh veggies and fruits. The price is quite normal. Ordinary place. You can also buy fresh flowers here. "

20 December 2017

Azam Saifullah

" So so market, you'll find a good traditional goods here... "

17 November 2017

Masnatanael Grabcarsemarang

" Best place for greens. They are fresh and at logical price. Cool air too. "

26 September 2017

Mohammad Arkham Chadiar Jantra

" Nice place, it's called one of beautiful and cozy to enjoy your day. Well, superb "

22 August 2017

Elisabeth ARTI Wulandari

" Best time to go is early morning when freshly cut flowers are sold in big bulks. "

20 August 2017

Edith Eve

" Regular traditional marketplace like the one you usually see in every Indonesian corner, but the veggies and fruits are so fresh and nice, and located in cooler highland. Also theres a small home industry of tofu and soy milk nearby, you can enjoy them hot in the morning. "

05 August 2017

Bayu Marsetyawan

" So crowded in the morning. Many sellers offer flower in a cheap price. "

08 July 2017

Jane Patricia

" You can buy fresh vegetables and fruits here. There are lots of culinary choices and snacks to pick out too. Walk further up a bit and you'll find flower and plant kiosk "

02 July 2017

Asrida Ulinuha

" The fruit and vegetable always fresh here, and find local food for breakfast such as sate kelinci with lontong and soto, they are delicious. By the way, take some one who can speaks bahasa and able to bargain, some price at fresh market a bit expensive than modern market at downtown. "

04 June 2017


" Good traditional market to find fresh vegetable, fruits, and other groceries with best price. Unfortunately, it's to crowded and hard to find car parking lot. "

29 May 2017

Puput Riani

" Crowded traditional market and good people. Near bandungan resort and waterpark. So you can stay at night here if you want to try how atmosphere in here. "

05 April 2017

Bandrek Premium

" Buahnya segar "

31 October 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Thursday 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Friday 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Saturday 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM
  • Sunday 5:00 AM – 6:00 PM