Kebun Bunga Pak Yoto is a park, located at Jurang RT. 1 / RW. 2, Kenteng, Bandungan, Duren, Bandungan, Duren, Bandungan, Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50614, Indonesia
" Panaaaaaaassss....sementara belum bisa memberikan rekomendasi tempat ini buat traveler. "
19 March 2018
Kudip Jones
" Nice "
27 February 2018
Arif Askhanuddin
" Alhamdulillah bisa menikmati keindahan bunga luar biasa. Smoga berkah. Aamiin "
13 February 2018
Bajragini Gandewa
" Ok "
26 January 2018
Aditya Whisnu
" Although the farm is small, I think this farm is beautiful and scenic. The view around this farm is beautiful too although it is a little difficult to find this farm. At July 7th 2017, this farm was harvesting the flowers. And if you come to this farm, and the flowers is in growing period (3.5 months), Pak Yoto will suggest you to another farm around Pak Yoto's farm. "
01 November 2017
Kasbi Yanto
" Lumayan untul selfi "
09 September 2017
Aditya Whisnu
" Although the farm is small, I think this farm is beautiful and scenic. The view around this farm is beuatiful too although it is a little difficult to find this farm. At July 7th 2017, this farm was harvesting the flowers. And if you come to this farm, and the flowers is in growing period (3.5 months), Pak Yoto will suggest you to another farm around Pak Yoto's farm. "
08 July 2017
Iin Sulistyowati
" Pelayanannya ramah bgt. Harga tiket dan bunga terjangkau. Kebun bunga pun terawat dg baik. "
18 June 2017
Danang Istu Nugroho
" Banyak macam bunga, tempat lumayan bersih. Panas sih di dalem, tp bagus buat foto2. Sayang pas kesana masih ada yang blm mekar. "
01 May 2017
Gunung Hutasoit
" Cocok sebagai alternatif tmp refreshing....
Menikmati hamparan bunga2 indah sambil selfie.. "
29 April 2017
Ida Dahlan
" Pemiliknya ramah...hrg bibit murah banget...gak bakal rugi dah
Bunga potongnya bagus2... "
27 April 2017
Mas Pran
" Kebun Bunga Pak Yoto.. buat yg pengen ke kebun bunga... liat bunga yang seger seger.... warna warni... buat pikiran jadi ayemmm..... apa lagi sama pasangan.... "
04 April 2017
Eka Febry Setiawan
" Harga yang lumayan murah, dengan berbagai warna bunga yg indah ... bagus juga untuk prawed
Butuh guide? Hub line : febry282 "
30 January 2017
A'ang Ibnu Ahmad
" Sesuk & indah "
14 January 2017
Mohammad Arkham Chadiar Jantra
" Ya, kebun bunga yang kecil tapi keren. Biasanya di Taman bunga Krisan dan beberapa bunga lokal. Harganya bekisar antara 5-15ribu. Cukup lumayan untuk short escape diakhir pekan "
Matriksulton Andara
" Ok "
23 May 2018Khoirul Mujahidin
" Topp... Kembangkan "
03 May 2018Anna Masfuatun
" Panaaaaaaassss....sementara belum bisa memberikan rekomendasi tempat ini buat traveler. "
19 March 2018Kudip Jones
" Nice "
27 February 2018Arif Askhanuddin
" Alhamdulillah bisa menikmati keindahan bunga luar biasa. Smoga berkah. Aamiin "
13 February 2018Bajragini Gandewa
" Ok "
26 January 2018Aditya Whisnu
" Although the farm is small, I think this farm is beautiful and scenic. The view around this farm is beautiful too although it is a little difficult to find this farm. At July 7th 2017, this farm was harvesting the flowers. And if you come to this farm, and the flowers is in growing period (3.5 months), Pak Yoto will suggest you to another farm around Pak Yoto's farm. "
01 November 2017Kasbi Yanto
" Lumayan untul selfi "
09 September 2017Aditya Whisnu
" Although the farm is small, I think this farm is beautiful and scenic. The view around this farm is beuatiful too although it is a little difficult to find this farm. At July 7th 2017, this farm was harvesting the flowers. And if you come to this farm, and the flowers is in growing period (3.5 months), Pak Yoto will suggest you to another farm around Pak Yoto's farm. "
08 July 2017Iin Sulistyowati
" Pelayanannya ramah bgt. Harga tiket dan bunga terjangkau. Kebun bunga pun terawat dg baik. "
18 June 2017Danang Istu Nugroho
" Banyak macam bunga, tempat lumayan bersih. Panas sih di dalem, tp bagus buat foto2. Sayang pas kesana masih ada yang blm mekar. "
01 May 2017Gunung Hutasoit
" Cocok sebagai alternatif tmp refreshing....
29 April 2017Menikmati hamparan bunga2 indah sambil selfie.. "
Ida Dahlan
" Pemiliknya ramah...hrg bibit murah banget...gak bakal rugi dah
27 April 2017Bunga potongnya bagus2... "
Mas Pran
" Kebun Bunga Pak Yoto.. buat yg pengen ke kebun bunga... liat bunga yang seger seger.... warna warni... buat pikiran jadi ayemmm..... apa lagi sama pasangan.... "
04 April 2017Eka Febry Setiawan
" Harga yang lumayan murah, dengan berbagai warna bunga yg indah ... bagus juga untuk prawed
30 January 2017Butuh guide? Hub line : febry282 "
A'ang Ibnu Ahmad
" Sesuk & indah "
14 January 2017Mohammad Arkham Chadiar Jantra
" Ya, kebun bunga yang kecil tapi keren. Biasanya di Taman bunga Krisan dan beberapa bunga lokal. Harganya bekisar antara 5-15ribu. Cukup lumayan untuk short escape diakhir pekan "
14 December 2016