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About KFC Purwokerto

KFC Purwokerto is a restaurant, located at Purwokerto, Pabuaran, Purwokerto Utara, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53125, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 281 643000, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 28

Azka Prasetyo

" ayam kfc enak tenan. tempate ya nyaman kie. bisa go buka bersama nek wayahe puasa. karo ngadem nek hawa nang jaba kue panas pisan. "

04 June 2018

Mas Rian

" di Purwokerto hanya KFC ini yang menyediakan layanan Drive Thru, sehingga dapat dengan cepat dan ngga perlu turun untuk mendapatkan makanan dan minuman yg kita inginkan. "

04 June 2018

Habibullah Al Faruq

" Tempat yang nyaman dan luas, untuk lahan parkir tidak ada masalah. Pelayanan yang diberikan juga cukup ramah. Lokasi yang di dekat lampu merah, terkadang membuat kesulitan pengunjung yang akan datang. "

03 June 2018

Abi Rahardian Utama

" responsiv, suka sama evoucher buat bayarnya jadi praktis. pilihan menunya update dan enak. "

03 June 2018

Ade Kristiawan

" recomended to do the campus task or another similar thing "

12 May 2018

Niky Nanda

" Great placet to get fast food, cozy place and fast services "

30 April 2018

Andy Hafiz

" standar KFC..hehee "

13 April 2018

Andre Santoso

" Restoran KFC ini besar dan luas serta terdapat pula jalur drive thru. Lokasi restoran strategis mudah dijangkau, pelayanan staff baik, cepat dan ramah khas KFC. Kebersihan area restoran, peralatan makan dan makanan baik. Tersedia area parkir yang luas pada halaman restoran. "

13 April 2018

Sri Maharaja

" The salted egg yolk sauce has thick consistency, we can totally get the salted egg yolk taste. The sauce only tastes salty and savory, it’s not bad but a bit flat for us personally. Well, it’s still enjoyable but definitely not the best salted egg yolk sauce we’ve ever had though. Crispy, salty, eggy, what’s there not to love? "

25 March 2018


" It’s alright larger than the one in sri ratu "

16 February 2018

Risal Sepdianadi Anggriawan

" Cozy and lovely place.. ok buat nongkrong "

29 December 2017

Nuning Haryati

" The place is cozy. The services are good. You can enjoy your meal while browse with wifi connection "

23 August 2017

Makhrunnisa Dainty

" As always the chicken is delish, but I don't know why every time I came here they always run out of salad smh "

23 August 2017

Fathan Rifardi

" Cozy KFC restaurant in town. Very comfortable here. They provide spacious parking area and also the drive thru service. "

08 August 2017

Amar Various Channel

" Tempat yang cocok buat makan sambil kumpul temen. Wifi ? Available! "

30 July 2017

Ajie Nugroho

" The food is tasty. Parking space is big, but please check the toilet often.. it so smelly. "

01 July 2017

Budi Nugroho

" It's as much as you can expect from a fast food restaurant. Polite and friendly waitress/waiters though. "

24 June 2017

Imasworo Nur Himmah

" Fast service, good place and good service "

21 May 2017

Nugraha Triputra

" The place is good, and thats about the only decent thing your money will be spent on. The food and the price are average at best "

15 April 2017

Taufik Rachman

" Fast-Food "

02 March 2017

Laila Rahmadani

" Great like the other KFC u can find anywhere "

23 February 2017

Hanin Banurukmi

" If I'm not mistaken it is the first drive thru restaurant in Purwokerto. The room and the parking lot is spacious. Inside the building is cozy. And the food is just typical KFC. "

30 December 2016

Aditya Nugraha

" Good place, large room 👍 "

29 October 2016

Yusuf Setyadi

" Recomend places, tempat nyaman "

21 August 2016

Gigin Ginanjar

" Great KFC outlet. Probably the best in town, on par with Jakarta outlets. Once the playground opened, it will be even better for families with kids. "

20 August 2016

Luqman Ramadhan

" Brand new drive thru restaurant in the city 👏👏👏 "

04 July 2016

Faqih Bachtiar

" good.. "

28 June 2016

Achmid Brata

" KFC drive Thru pertama di Purwokerto "

08 June 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 10:00 PM