Warung Es & Soto Sagwan Putra is a restaurant, located at Jl. Tegal - Cilacap, Mangkukusuman, Tegal Tim., Kota Tegal, Jawa Tengah 52131, Indonesia
" "Es Sagwan", one of the local culinary in Tegal... Sweet, cold, mixed with sliced coconut... You must try if come to Tegal... "
" Joss banget ini "
" Es khas tegal "
" I prefer the sagwan ice with brown/java sugar over the sagwan with white sugar "
" "Es Sagwan", one of the local culinary in Tegal... Sweet, cold, mixed with sliced coconut... You must try if come to Tegal... "
30 June 2017Blue Screenz
" Joss banget ini "
08 June 2017Yusmianto Use
" Es khas tegal "
28 September 2016Suyandi Liyis
" I prefer the sagwan ice with brown/java sugar over the sagwan with white sugar "
19 May 2016