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About BAMBOO Modern Asian Bistro & Cafe

BAMBOO Modern Asian Bistro & Cafe is a cafe, located at Jl. Jendral Sudirman No.217, Proyonanggan Tengah, Kec. Batang, Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah 51216, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 831-2365-5955 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 33

Ekka Alsha

" The best place for your dinner and meeting

#ekaal "

02 June 2020

Bhimasena Power

" Nice food and beverages "

10 October 2019

Fais Nadzir

" Very nice food and life band was awesome.... "

05 October 2019

Makrifah Sari

" Need huge improvement on how serving guest properly "

23 August 2019

Ikon 94

" The only cafe providing corona beer in Batang and Pekalongan! "

30 May 2019

Ekka Alsha

" The best place for your dinner and meeting "

05 February 2019

Yosua Agung

" Quite good. Live music every tuesday. Lots of alcoholic beverages. Just be prepared for lots of smoke from ppl smoking "

23 January 2019

Aprillio Bagas Sriwisnu

" Nice place, suitable for meeting or just hanging out with friends "

01 January 2019

Kresna Raharja

" Its located on the top floor of a cellphone shop. You need to climb the stairs. Not sure if it has lift. I love the food specially the garlic rice. It also has live music on certain days. "

16 November 2018

Kresna Raharja

" Its located on the top floor of a cellphone shop. You need to climb the stairs. Not sure if it has lift. I love the food specially the garlic rice. It also has live music on certain days. "

16 November 2018

Gaurav Naidu

" Good place for food and fun. But must have Proper cooling inside "

11 October 2018

Muchammad Daniyal Kautsar

" Nice and cozy place. The food is worth the price. "

07 July 2018

Wisnu Ajisatyaa

" Tempat parkir nya minim ... "

17 May 2018

Septiawan Anwar

" Tempat nyaman, strategis, makanan enak juga, harga terjangkau, menyediakan beer juga, yang sangat disayangkan tempat parkir tidak ada sehingga kalau berkunjung pakai mobil harus parkir dipinggir pantura sangat beresiko. "

15 May 2018

Riyanto Okey

" Bistro asian dbest "

09 May 2018


" Nice, comfort, the waitress nice, live performance from band, but the food kind a hard to tell. "

14 April 2018

Gamal Kevin

" Great place with decent atmosphere.

The place offers various options of booze and beverage. Come with slightly expensive price tag, but it's relatively worth it. Servers are good and friendly. Toilets are easily accessible. Foods offered are top notch. Live music will accompany your casual evening, or any romantic date with a lover.

However, this place is not suitable for children. The sheer amount of alcoholic beverage offered can be a bad influence to them. The building structure which located above ground will bring danger to children if wander without watch.

It's a 8 out of 10. "

04 April 2018

Ikon 94

" The only cafe providing corona beer in Pekalongan! "

08 March 2018

Denai Islam Sabanayo

" Nicee "

13 February 2018

Aryanto Herlambang

" Great place and great ..... highly recommended.... "

25 December 2017

Desti Firza Mulyati

" place is good. food also good. "

09 December 2017

Aan Frezz

" Bir house...westren food,local taste "

26 November 2017

Ari Kurnia

" tempatnya ber AC... ada minuman2 yang menyegarkan, COCOK BUAT BERFOTO -FOTO "

17 October 2017

Teguh Suroso K-link

" nice place. good drink "

05 October 2017

El-Fahmy Attahiry

" (-) Mahal, blm trmsuk pajak, prkir bayar, tmpt masuk buat parkir motor licin dan sempit, (+) pelayanan cukup bagus, tmpt cozy bersih, menu cukup enak. "

03 October 2017

Uli Vales

" Dari luar nggak ketauan kalo ada cozy cafe di lt 2. Interior ruangannya unik, waiters ramah, service nya bagus. kurang beragam, AC nya kurang dingin. Overall, Not Bad "

26 September 2017

Haniv Aiono

" Duhh bakal gk nyesel dehh klo mampir ke bamboo cafe. Udah pelayanan ramah, makannya enak" lagi. Dan pas di kantong pokoknya πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œβ€β€β€β€ "

09 August 2017

Dymar Rismayanti

" Tempat nya modern banget, makanan nya enak, sesuai kantong πŸ‘ "

09 August 2017


" cozy place and great food πŸ‘Œ "

02 August 2017

M. Arief Wibowo

" Tempatnya instgramable banget, cocok untuk yg suka foto2. Namun agak sedikit bingung untuk masuk, karena lantai dasar terlihat konter handphone "

14 July 2017

Klemen Diaz

" Suasana nyaman untuk ngobrol dengan teman... makanan dan minuman yg tersedia enak semuaaaaa... 😁 "

22 June 2017

Nugroho Hadiprojo

" It worths to pay of visit. Good ambience. Good food. Please do come and try. "

16 June 2017

Ekka Alsha

" Good place "

07 June 2017

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Tuesday 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Wednesday 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Thursday 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Friday 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Saturday 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM
  • Sunday 12:00 AM – 12:00 PM