State Parks Andhang Pangrenan
About State Parks Andhang Pangrenan
State Parks Andhang Pangrenan is a park, located at Jalan Gerilya, Purwokerto Selatan, Karangklesem, Banyumas, Kabupaten Banyumas, Jawa Tengah 53142, Indonesia
Henry Handoko
" Public park in Purwokerto city but this place is not located in the city center. I found this place because of i stayed 2 nights at Palapa hotel about 200m near the park. Looking for something to eat for dinner but there is nothing interesting "
12 March 2018Taufik Hidayat
" It's a really good place, nice view and bring your family and relaxing with some interesting drink and meals menu around here, try it. Cheers "
12 February 2018Fairuz Zaki
" This place gives you comfortable senses. Many Instagramable spots inside this area. "
11 February 2018Muhammad Ilham Perdana
" Good Enjoy Park, There we can do sport, make an event, take pictures, and more "
02 February 2018Nuning Nuenk
" It is a good place to go with friends or your family. Sometimes you can watch a cultural event here. "
05 October 2017Fit Hari Cahyadi
" Nice place for breakin, n took some pict 😁 "
30 September 2017Syakilla Fithria
" a good place, but a little crowded. it is a place where you're on sunday morning play with the kids. not for rest... "
08 September 2017Enjy Mouri
" Great place for having fun with children here and get selfie or wefie photos here "
22 August 2017Fathan Rifardi
" Nice city park in town. It's a good place for jogging, gather with your community and your friends. The minus is you must pay for a ticket to enter this park, even it's just 2 thousand rupiah's, I think the city park should be free for all people "
12 August 2017Radhiyatam Mardhiyah
" Worth the visit especially during evening. Easy to access and affordable price (2k) "
29 June 2017Rana Fathares
" Not recommended coz you must paying for entrance to so you called park "
27 May 2017Kiara Paramita Octaviani
" Good for evening stroll with kids. The food is not too great tho. "
21 May 2017Abdullah Tsani
" One of our best public space "
10 May 2017Dhanu N Putra
" This place is amazing bro "
" Joss "
19 March 2017Didot Banyumas
" place for hanging around at affordable price "
10 February 2017Yulian Purnama
" Good place for activities "
21 January 2017Ryan Hendry
" Great place for family time "
24 December 2016Vincentius Kedang
" Kurang sreg dibanding yang dulu. Sekarang rumputnya ngga terawat, kantinnya juga terkesan jorok. :( "
27 September 2016Gigin Ginanjar
" Great park for events "
16 September 2016Anang Yoga
" This is cool place to hang out on the evening with your kids, family or your partner. You can enjoy all the entertainments and let the kids playing on the playground. "
09 August 2016Vincent Gk
" Having time with family. Recommended. "
13 July 2016Mas Hans
" Nyong Pernah mrene.. dholan karo Unyil Unyil.. Asik Juga.. ngesuk pang mrene manying ah.. "
01 July 2016Faqih Bachtiar
" cocok buat jalan2 dengan modal cekak "
28 June 2016Abah Latif
" Baik "
22 June 2016Antok Frans
" Green and Fun Park in the heart of Purwokerto "
17 June 2016Arief Maulana
" Great place for music venue "
14 June 2016Kumis Tipis
" Sedulur angger momong bocah maring ngeneh baen "
15 June 2015