" Public space yang menyenangkan. Dekat dengan beberapa kompleks dinas. Salah satunya perpustakaan daerah. Saya sering menghabiskan sabtu pagi saya di Perpustakaan sampai dengan jam 2 siang, kemudian bisa lanjut ke alun-alun untuk wisata kuliner, juga membaca berbagai informasi dari surat kabar yang ditempel di board yang ada di area alun-alun.
Yang sedikit membuat tidak nyaman disini adalah rute jalan yang kurang tertata. Dari arah selatan dan utara sering tumbukan. Dear pemda mungkin bisa menertibkan arus lalu lintas disini via pembuatan traffic light baru di dekat RM Muncul Jaya.
Ungaran Kota Serasi! "
04 June 2018
Lusi Septiana Nova
" Not a large place and I don't like the traffic here, but various food are sold here, most of them are delicious. "
09 May 2018
Nuwik Dewi
" street food lovers. in here you can found nasi goreng, bakso, babat gongso and many more "
04 April 2018
" Many street foods. Good for dinner "
15 March 2018
Bismar Hidayatullah
" Its a good place where yo can find park, street food and government office in same place "
31 January 2018
Sigit Purnama
" Good place if you looking for inexpensive menu and park to relax "
09 January 2018
Choi Alris
" Crowd place. The best choice for spend time on weekend. "
25 December 2017
Rezky Gani
" Good place to take a rest and dine during long car trip "
17 September 2017
Anastasia Yulianti
" Many PKL with varied menu offered. If you just want to enjoy the atmosphere, there is a bench in the middle of the park. Alun alun is rather dirty. "
06 September 2017
" Though considered as an old town square, the place is still crowded with food street sellers. It's also famous for hanging out during the night. "
28 August 2017
Mafridho Bagus
" Good site but not really clean. It's fun if we visit this place in the evening. "
17 August 2017
Catur Kepirianto
" Cool weather and nice surroundings "
31 July 2017
Steffan Inoe
" Nice place to spend weekend with family "
30 July 2017
Patrick Darmawan
" Great place to spend times and eat a great food with low budget "
26 July 2017
Tgt Priyadi
" Public place that you can enjoy for some food,before you buy better you ask the food price "
14 July 2017
Feni Rahmawati
" Nice place with families or friends to eat streetfoods or "warung". There are a lot of choices such as Satay, Soto, Mie Ayam, Nasi Goreng, Bebek goreng, Mie Goreng etc. "
30 June 2017
Chris Icn
" nice place, good hawkers in the evening "
09 February 2017
Mas Natan
" Nice place for relaxing "
20 December 2016
Raphael Raven
" Not bad.. "
13 December 2016
Iman El Roi
" small, not much an attraction "
12 December 2016
Vinsensa Radita
" Though considered as an old town square, the place is still crowded with food street sellers. It's also famous for hangout during the night. "
Binti Siswadi
" Public space yang menyenangkan. Dekat dengan beberapa kompleks dinas. Salah satunya perpustakaan daerah. Saya sering menghabiskan sabtu pagi saya di Perpustakaan sampai dengan jam 2 siang, kemudian bisa lanjut ke alun-alun untuk wisata kuliner, juga membaca berbagai informasi dari surat kabar yang ditempel di board yang ada di area alun-alun.
04 June 2018Yang sedikit membuat tidak nyaman disini adalah rute jalan yang kurang tertata. Dari arah selatan dan utara sering tumbukan. Dear pemda mungkin bisa menertibkan arus lalu lintas disini via pembuatan traffic light baru di dekat RM Muncul Jaya.
Ungaran Kota Serasi! "
Lusi Septiana Nova
" Not a large place and I don't like the traffic here, but various food are sold here, most of them are delicious. "
09 May 2018Nuwik Dewi
" street food lovers. in here you can found nasi goreng, bakso, babat gongso and many more "
04 April 2018Wd_ratri
" Many street foods. Good for dinner "
15 March 2018Bismar Hidayatullah
" Its a good place where yo can find park, street food and government office in same place "
31 January 2018Sigit Purnama
" Good place if you looking for inexpensive menu and park to relax "
09 January 2018Choi Alris
" Crowd place. The best choice for spend time on weekend. "
25 December 2017Rezky Gani
" Good place to take a rest and dine during long car trip "
17 September 2017Anastasia Yulianti
" Many PKL with varied menu offered. If you just want to enjoy the atmosphere, there is a bench in the middle of the park. Alun alun is rather dirty. "
06 September 2017VRH
" Though considered as an old town square, the place is still crowded with food street sellers. It's also famous for hanging out during the night. "
28 August 2017Mafridho Bagus
" Good site but not really clean. It's fun if we visit this place in the evening. "
17 August 2017Catur Kepirianto
" Cool weather and nice surroundings "
31 July 2017Steffan Inoe
" Nice place to spend weekend with family "
30 July 2017Patrick Darmawan
" Great place to spend times and eat a great food with low budget "
26 July 2017Tgt Priyadi
" Public place that you can enjoy for some food,before you buy better you ask the food price "
14 July 2017Feni Rahmawati
" Nice place with families or friends to eat streetfoods or "warung". There are a lot of choices such as Satay, Soto, Mie Ayam, Nasi Goreng, Bebek goreng, Mie Goreng etc. "
30 June 2017Chris Icn
" nice place, good hawkers in the evening "
09 February 2017Mas Natan
" Nice place for relaxing "
20 December 2016Raphael Raven
" Not bad.. "
13 December 2016Iman El Roi
" small, not much an attraction "
12 December 2016Vinsensa Radita
" Though considered as an old town square, the place is still crowded with food street sellers. It's also famous for hangout during the night. "
28 March 2016