" A place to enjoy the local food with their atmosphere in natural park. "
18 March 2018
Rico MN
" Alun-alun kota kelahiran saya. Recommended: Fresh Milk (ShiJack) & Sate Kambing at southern of it (forget the name) "
28 January 2018
Deny Endarwati
" Every Sunday always come because there cfd (car free day) also I work "
20 December 2017
Hendro Kusumo
" Full of various food... Enjoy your night "
23 October 2017
Febriyanto Arifin
" Not to crowded... Good place to stop and quick bite! "
02 October 2017
Dedy Catur Wicaksono
" The real name of this place is alun alun setya negara "
24 September 2017
Just Ibell
" Alun² kotaku.. Joss.. 😍😍😂😂 "
13 September 2017
Angga Gal5
" Nice place to hangout. A lot of child play, food and drink. Car free day on sunday. "
01 August 2017
Adolfus O'Deecue
" Good place to spend time, but crowded on Sundays. Lots of people in Sundays but also lots of trash. "
22 July 2017
Sapta Setiyana
" Nice view... but don't go during peak seasons.. too many ppl "
01 July 2017
Peter Johannes
" Good place for outdoor sports "
11 May 2017
Widiana Anisa
" Actually it's a good place. Unfortunately the street around is too narrow, even though it's already one way. It caused traffic jam, especially on Saturday night. "
01 April 2017
Fauzan Ahmadi
" We can enjoy the night with friend while enjoy the culinary there. "
30 March 2017
Rizal Daffa
" Jjs "
08 March 2017
Arry Suprianto
" Love it, always miss this place, a lot of food's, my favourite was "tengkleng"....Mmhhhh.....!?!!!&$&@$ "
14 February 2017
Mas Alfiyan
" Place where you can gather with your friends, family, community and the others. There are many food. Come "
04 February 2017
Norez Masalilo
" Nice place "
21 November 2016
Wulan Pertiwi Devi
" Tempat nongkrong asik sambil minum susu shi jack atau nyemil jajanan pinggir jalan "
04 October 2016
Muhammad Rifat
" Good spot for culinary "
04 October 2016
Kemal T
" Mostly where Sukoharjo's spent their night. Some amusement available for children and wide Array of street food to satisfy your hunger "
Estika Sari
" Gooddd...nice placeee "
12 May 2018Su Dardi
" nice place to gather with family on weekend "
23 April 2018Black Lotus
" A place to enjoy the local food with their atmosphere in natural park. "
18 March 2018Rico MN
" Alun-alun kota kelahiran saya. Recommended: Fresh Milk (ShiJack) & Sate Kambing at southern of it (forget the name) "
28 January 2018Deny Endarwati
" Every Sunday always come because there cfd (car free day) also I work "
20 December 2017Hendro Kusumo
" Full of various food... Enjoy your night "
23 October 2017Febriyanto Arifin
" Not to crowded... Good place to stop and quick bite! "
02 October 2017Dedy Catur Wicaksono
" The real name of this place is alun alun setya negara "
24 September 2017Just Ibell
" Alun² kotaku.. Joss.. 😍😍😂😂 "
13 September 2017Angga Gal5
" Nice place to hangout. A lot of child play, food and drink. Car free day on sunday. "
01 August 2017Adolfus O'Deecue
" Good place to spend time, but crowded on Sundays. Lots of people in Sundays but also lots of trash. "
22 July 2017Sapta Setiyana
" Nice view... but don't go during peak seasons.. too many ppl "
01 July 2017Peter Johannes
" Good place for outdoor sports "
11 May 2017Widiana Anisa
" Actually it's a good place. Unfortunately the street around is too narrow, even though it's already one way. It caused traffic jam, especially on Saturday night. "
01 April 2017Fauzan Ahmadi
" We can enjoy the night with friend while enjoy the culinary there. "
30 March 2017Rizal Daffa
" Jjs "
08 March 2017Arry Suprianto
" Love it, always miss this place, a lot of food's, my favourite was "tengkleng"....Mmhhhh.....!?!!!&$&@$ "
14 February 2017Mas Alfiyan
" Place where you can gather with your friends, family, community and the others. There are many food. Come "
04 February 2017Norez Masalilo
" Nice place "
21 November 2016Wulan Pertiwi Devi
" Tempat nongkrong asik sambil minum susu shi jack atau nyemil jajanan pinggir jalan "
04 October 2016Muhammad Rifat
" Good spot for culinary "
04 October 2016Kemal T
" Mostly where Sukoharjo's spent their night. Some amusement available for children and wide Array of street food to satisfy your hunger "
03 September 2016MichoVai NuMiXPro
" Nice "
25 July 2016Fajar Gunawan
" Good alun-alun "
20 July 2016Fitria Candra
" Ramah kantong "
10 July 2016Muhammad Ikhsan Paripurna
" Good "
05 June 2016Wahyu Prih Mardoyo
" Enjoyable "
31 December 2015Nunung Ji
" Alun alun sukoharjo "
19 July 2014