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About Alun-Alun Batang

Alun-Alun Batang is a park, located at Denasri Kulon, Kecamatan Batang, Denasri Kulon, Kec. Batang, Kabupaten Batang, Jawa Tengah 51216, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 41

Agus Nurma

" Numpang lewat "

19 June 2018

Ekky Sanyotho

" There are a lot of food stall. You can have a nice morning walk here, while having a meal on various food stall. They even provide playground for children too. "

12 June 2018

Sigit Muktiyarta Estumandaya

" Nice place dan lengkap kulinernya "

27 May 2018

Brian Fajar

" Tidy and good place to refreshing with friends or family. Any event in the sunday morning and " Kliwonan " festival. "

22 May 2018

Raditya Priyo Hartiko

" a good place with traditional fisherman's Javanese taste, "

03 May 2018

Kode Rumit

" Alun alunya bagus. Para pedagang nya juga ramah ramah. Makanan khasnya kota batang yakni nasi megono. Tapi paling suka sama minuman jahe di alun alun. "

26 April 2018

Rio Alfajri

" It is quite bit hot outside although it is night. There are some food stall here with several traditional menus. "

12 April 2018

Hadi Sutedjo

" Tempat penduduk lokal berkumpul, biasanya pada week end. Week end di wilayah Pekalongan dan sekitarnya adalah Kamis Malam dan Sabtu Malam. Karena eksisnya tradisi libur mingguan hari jum'at. Tempat menikmati kuliner khas batang. Recommended adalah lontong opor dengan ayam kampung, tentu saja segomegono juga tersedia. Khusus penggemar burung dara goreng selalu tersedia. Lokasi parkir nyaman. Seputar alun alun. Kebersihan nilai 7 skala 10 "

03 April 2018

Aan Infobatang

" minggu pagi ramai sekali "

05 February 2018

Sally Callysta

" Piye iki? "

21 January 2018

Alif Santoso

" sing gawe titik cpo,, goblog tmen alun2 ning tengah sawah.... "

21 January 2018

Hadi Harianto

" Central city of batang. Nice for hangout and find local food "

15 January 2018

Nur Hidayah

" Well organized nowadays, so happy to see that. Best place to chill and out with friends "

14 January 2018

Virgan Rakhmat Yusuf

" A good public place, clean and located in the middle of Batang city. Public gathers in this place for food, meet up with friends, or just to spend the evening. A must visit in Batang. "

07 January 2018

Ashadi Amir

" This place open for 24 hours a day. Many food serve here. Alun-alun busy hours at night, in Indonesian calender Alun-alun will much more crowded at Friday "kliwon" "

25 December 2017

Rifan Jaya

" Titiknya salah. Ini mah d tengah sawah. Bukannya d alun" batang. Hadeh "

23 December 2017

Suryati Arifatullaili

" Must visited place if you would like to enjoy Nasi Megono. Nasi Megono is authentic foods of Batang/Pekalongan beside Pindang Tetel & Sauto. It's served with many side dish at your choice such as Tempe Mendoan, Mangut Ikan Asap, Pepes, Squid, Fried Chicken, various choices of Satay such as egg, chicken, clamps, also Sambal (Spicy Chilli Sauce). Kids can play mini car race or enjoy a ride around Alun-alun. "

28 October 2017

Zaim Muhammad

" Ada pasar malam tiap malam jumat "

26 October 2017

Ronaldo Kristiant

" good place for sightseeing in the morning. also you can jog or play bycycle here "

23 September 2017

Ari Pambudi

" Batang town square, always crowded when held tradition market (pasar kliwonan) or others comunity event with sorrounded by local food store "

11 September 2017

Allan Satrio

" Sudah tertata rapi, walaupun belum sempurna.
Parkiran sekarang lebih luas, terutama untuk mobil yg sekarang dipusatkan di sisi sebelah utara.
Patung gajah yg ikonik sebaiknya diperbarui lagi.
Konsep mempertahankan pohon beringin yg sempat patah dan terbakar bisa menjadi penyemangat buat warga. "

24 August 2017

Angga Gunawan

" The town square is quite wide, lots of local food is sold here. "

19 August 2017

Hady Mohammad N

" Meet the finest taste of Nasi Megono and good people here..... "

26 July 2017

Ayahnya Fauzan

" Very exciting place to bring kids and family. Enjoying culinary and playing with on the field. "

14 July 2017

Paul Haubourdin

" Nice, with lesehan style dining along the edges. Nasi Mogono is recommended: rice with young nangka on the side. "

12 July 2017

Harmaji Aribowo

" Find nasi megono, Batang's unique food here. Suitable for family with children game. Reasonable price. "

02 June 2017

Dina Ahsanti

" Favorite menu at alun-alun batang, sego megono👍 "

14 May 2017

Abdel Alatas

" Nice place...nice view...many typical food choice... "

22 April 2017

Putra Javanian

" Find local food, enjoy the city and listen to the big mosque praying at front! Good place also to do jogging! "

19 April 2017

Thomas Anggraono

" The only public area that is crowded in sunday morning "

04 April 2017

Rofi Udin

" You can find any decent street food like sego megono that's favorite here, nasi goreng, soto, bakso, ayam goreng, siomay, etc "

01 April 2017

Ratih Indriasih

" Enak byk kulinernya "

12 February 2017

Jack 85

" Nice placed....nice view...nice people....mice food "

09 February 2017

Salsabila Fatimah

" Really9999x hot on the afternoon. I think you should add some trees. "

03 January 2017

AR Sugeng Riyadi

" Nice place to drink "Ronde" (y) "

05 November 2016

Koh Handoyo

" The public square of Batang. Try the traditional food called "nasi megono" here. "

26 October 2016

Marita Prasetyani

" Nasi megono Pak Mungkin pojokan dekat masjid agung Batang tempat favorit buat makan malam jika melewati pantura. "

27 August 2016

Muhammad Subhan Tsalits P

" Joss optik pro "

18 August 2016

Sadewa Rahmamuliawan

" Kampung gua "

05 May 2016

Danang Sucahyo

" Pusat kota batang "

29 December 2015

Hernan Halim

" I stopped here for a sleep after a long night drive from Surabaya. When I stop, i saw many local dishes around the alun alun. But Im so sleepy, but when i wake up, its changing. The night seller is gone and the morning seller replace them. Good food... "

03 September 2015

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