" Towernya keren, Kita cuman perlu Naik ke atas buat liat pemandangan keren pantai pamayangsari tempat berlabuh Nelayan. Dibelakang rumah dan persawahan luas. Disana ada tempat pelelangan ikan dan Restoran seafood. Hati2 pas naik tower ini, safety nya tidak terlalu ketat. Sayangnya banyak orang corat-coret mengurangi keindahan tower. "
25 May 2018
Johanes Jenito
" One of the biigest fish market in southern area oF West Java instead of Pangandaran area. It has big tide, so each biat should be really carefully to handle of "
25 April 2018
Prabowo Ajie
" Nice n peace Natural beach "
19 March 2018
Indra Permana
" This is the place if u want to see community of traditional fishermen. They build wave breaker to save their boat against rough hindia ocean. Good pitstop and take some pictures. Explore further on my IG @anindrasuherman "
13 March 2018
Muhammad Aderick Bima Andhika
" nice view "
22 February 2018
Kalih Fahman
" Nice fishing spot, you have to be careful though, the waves are usually high. "
22 February 2018
My Post Wed Story
" The hidden treasure just behind of local housings around Pamayangsari ..so good to enjoying the beautiful private beach..Pls search n join kami di facebook My Post Wed Story untuk share foto Anda dan pasangan. "
09 February 2018
Panji Arthawibawa
" fresh fish available... "
24 July 2017
Ratiyan Munggaran Atmadja
" Good place for buy fresh fish from fisherman.. "
24 April 2017
" Good place to find sunset... "
28 March 2017
Rinrin Fitriana
" Sip "
06 September 2016
Agus Abdul Azis
" makan ikan bakar sambil liat aktivitas nelayan...mantap abis "
30 August 2016
Rudi Hartono Sunaryo
" Good view "
18 July 2016
Rizki Sindhuarta
" Good place to enjoy fresh and cheaper seafood. "
12 July 2016
Siti Susanti02
" Top "
08 July 2016
Febrianto Ramadhan
" Laut Kidul nyaéta salasahiji harta milik Kabupatén Tasikmalaya "
25 June 2016
H Dahlan
" Typical small beach in south of Tasikmalaya. Got fish market "
Arief Pokto
" Towernya keren, Kita cuman perlu Naik ke atas buat liat pemandangan keren pantai pamayangsari tempat berlabuh Nelayan. Dibelakang rumah dan persawahan luas. Disana ada tempat pelelangan ikan dan Restoran seafood. Hati2 pas naik tower ini, safety nya tidak terlalu ketat. Sayangnya banyak orang corat-coret mengurangi keindahan tower. "
25 May 2018Johanes Jenito
" One of the biigest fish market in southern area oF West Java instead of Pangandaran area. It has big tide, so each biat should be really carefully to handle of "
25 April 2018Prabowo Ajie
" Nice n peace Natural beach "
19 March 2018Indra Permana
" This is the place if u want to see community of traditional fishermen. They build wave breaker to save their boat against rough hindia ocean. Good pitstop and take some pictures. Explore further on my IG @anindrasuherman "
13 March 2018Muhammad Aderick Bima Andhika
" nice view "
22 February 2018Kalih Fahman
" Nice fishing spot, you have to be careful though, the waves are usually high. "
22 February 2018My Post Wed Story
" The hidden treasure just behind of local housings around Pamayangsari ..so good to enjoying the beautiful private beach..Pls search n join kami di facebook My Post Wed Story untuk share foto Anda dan pasangan. "
09 February 2018Panji Arthawibawa
" fresh fish available... "
24 July 2017Ratiyan Munggaran Atmadja
" Good place for buy fresh fish from fisherman.. "
24 April 2017Agsrn
" Good place to find sunset... "
28 March 2017Rinrin Fitriana
" Sip "
06 September 2016Agus Abdul Azis
" makan ikan bakar sambil liat aktivitas nelayan...mantap abis "
30 August 2016Rudi Hartono Sunaryo
" Good view "
18 July 2016Rizki Sindhuarta
" Good place to enjoy fresh and cheaper seafood. "
12 July 2016Siti Susanti02
" Top "
08 July 2016Febrianto Ramadhan
" Laut Kidul nyaéta salasahiji harta milik Kabupatén Tasikmalaya "
25 June 2016H Dahlan
" Typical small beach in south of Tasikmalaya. Got fish market "
01 May 2016Erik Santoso
" Masih indah.. "
20 February 2016