" Taman Gesit is in a strategic location. Free pass. Can be reached by public transport. Unfortunately the condition of the park is currently messy and not treated. Different from the first, when the park is still newly. I used to take my children to this park to play. But now the playground is broken. "
02 May 2018
Dee Widie
" Taman Gesit is in a strategic location. Can be reached by public transport. Unfortunately the condition of the park is currently messy and not treated. Different from the first, when the park is still newly. I used to take my children to this park to play. But now the playground is broken. "
15 April 2018
Tri Julianto
" Good "
27 December 2017
Asep Syarifudin
" Too small and looks lack of treatment. "
13 August 2017
Luki Andreas Wibowo
" The place looks so messed and the garden has no one keeping it tidy. "
14 July 2017
Sulaiman Sulaiman
" Good "
19 May 2017
Amateur Traveler
" lumayan untuk tempat santai dan manjat-manjat sedikit :D
tangga bagian atasnya saya liat suka dipake gelandangan tidur, jd kesan nya agak kumuh.. "
13 March 2017
Ginanjar Widya
" Joyable place "
08 March 2017
Robby Gunara
" ada wifi gratisnya "
28 January 2017
Choirur Roziqin
" lahannya sempit, sayang pemkot belum merenovnya.. jadi agak kumuh "
19 January 2017
" Nice "
19 November 2016
" Taman yang cukup nyaman, relatif kecil dibandingkan taman tematik lainnya, namun tetap memiliki arsitektur yang unik dan modern. Terdapat pepohonan dan tempat untuk bersantai di atas pohon. "
27 August 2016
Aditya Mokhamad
" Taman kecil yang dibuat walikota dengan penuh arsitektur yang bikin betah diem lama disana , ada free wifi juga dan tempat teduh yang bagus. "
24 May 2016
Muhammad Ridho Fazri
" Konsep serta penataannya sebenarnya sangat bagus. Sayangnya, kurang terawat dan kurang bersih. Banyak sampah serta coret-coret tidak jelas. Semoga bisa dijaga dan ditingkatkan perawatannya. "
28 March 2016
Alex Iwan
" Okay "
22 March 2016
Boosh Swoosh
" Good place for chilling if youre taking a walk or jogging and coincidently passing this small park. There is some bench you can sit on especially if it is a sunny day. Too bad there is no wifi. "
Renaldi Firmansyah
" Ok "
15 May 2018Dee Widie
" Taman Gesit is in a strategic location. Free pass. Can be reached by public transport. Unfortunately the condition of the park is currently messy and not treated. Different from the first, when the park is still newly. I used to take my children to this park to play. But now the playground is broken. "
02 May 2018Dee Widie
" Taman Gesit is in a strategic location. Can be reached by public transport. Unfortunately the condition of the park is currently messy and not treated. Different from the first, when the park is still newly. I used to take my children to this park to play. But now the playground is broken. "
15 April 2018Tri Julianto
" Good "
27 December 2017Asep Syarifudin
" Too small and looks lack of treatment. "
13 August 2017Luki Andreas Wibowo
" The place looks so messed and the garden has no one keeping it tidy. "
14 July 2017Sulaiman Sulaiman
" Good "
19 May 2017Amateur Traveler
" lumayan untuk tempat santai dan manjat-manjat sedikit :D
13 March 2017tangga bagian atasnya saya liat suka dipake gelandangan tidur, jd kesan nya agak kumuh.. "
Ginanjar Widya
" Joyable place "
08 March 2017Robby Gunara
" ada wifi gratisnya "
28 January 2017Choirur Roziqin
" lahannya sempit, sayang pemkot belum merenovnya.. jadi agak kumuh "
19 January 2017Byfirmanz
" Nice "
19 November 2016AG
" Taman yang cukup nyaman, relatif kecil dibandingkan taman tematik lainnya, namun tetap memiliki arsitektur yang unik dan modern. Terdapat pepohonan dan tempat untuk bersantai di atas pohon. "
27 August 2016Aditya Mokhamad
" Taman kecil yang dibuat walikota dengan penuh arsitektur yang bikin betah diem lama disana , ada free wifi juga dan tempat teduh yang bagus. "
24 May 2016Muhammad Ridho Fazri
" Konsep serta penataannya sebenarnya sangat bagus. Sayangnya, kurang terawat dan kurang bersih. Banyak sampah serta coret-coret tidak jelas. Semoga bisa dijaga dan ditingkatkan perawatannya. "
28 March 2016Alex Iwan
" Okay "
22 March 2016Boosh Swoosh
" Good place for chilling if youre taking a walk or jogging and coincidently passing this small park. There is some bench you can sit on especially if it is a sunny day. Too bad there is no wifi. "
03 March 2016