About Taman Aspirasi
Taman Aspirasi is a park, located at Warudoyong, Sukabumi City, West Java 43131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-2101-3099 for more detailed information.
Taman Aspirasi is a park, located at Warudoyong, Sukabumi City, West Java 43131, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 857-2101-3099 for more detailed information.
Hendri Gunafi
" Ok "
13 May 2018Angga Sakti
" ok "
06 April 2018The Doctor
" Toilet is far away from the Monas its self "
10 March 2018Surya Lesmana Syarif
" dirty. bad smell "
05 March 2018Peter Handsome
" Long big and many People there. "
07 February 2018Sardum07 Ramdani
" Good job "
02 February 2018Adi Prasetio
" This place was designed for people who want to express their aspiration to the government "
27 October 2017Pit Smith
" Free wifi "
10 October 2017Omega Soemarso
" Nice park at the National Monument Tower with souvenirs available, but the food sucks "
08 September 2017Gilbertsimson Gattang
" Interested place with so many activities in there "
05 September 2017Anto Aryandi
" Top "
29 August 2017Noer Iman
" godd place to visit, cozy and clean "
28 August 2017Didit Hardiyanto
" In memorial of Chester Bennington was here in Jakarta. "
02 August 2017JB Juliarso
" Small space to relax "
29 July 2017Alfasiera Gts
" Good "
21 July 2017Bobby Susanto
" Interesting place with so many street actress who shown their atractive skill.. and great place to photograph activity "
01 July 2017Bayu Adhiwarsono
" Tikum para goweser "
25 June 2017Collin Kempkes
" Really nice place to hang out with friends, some stuff to see here "
06 June 2017A Google User
" Lumayan buat istirahat sejenak, dl ad widi gratis disini, ntah knp skrng jd hrs bayar. Sekedar catatan: taman ini bkn bekas terminal angkot, klo yg itu taman cikondang. Dan dsni tdk ad GOR nya. Foto yg ad GORnya itu ad di deket stadion Surya kencana di jl. Stadion daerah Benteng. "
22 May 2017Wawan Gunawan
" tempat ini dulu nya adalah terminal angkutan kota seiring perkembangan nya sekarang menjadi tempat yg asri dan cocok untuk bersantai bersama keluarga "
26 April 2017Inggita Notosusanto
" if this is the same as taman pandang it's one of the new generation of Jakarta parks, small yet crowd friendly, with hi-tech porous cement that lets water seep into the ground below. "
17 March 2017Zolanski Genta Mansyur
" Sukabumi is growing and improving for sure, in term of beautification and more functionality. This park provides a sanctuary for the people to stay a while while enjoying the free wifi available "
16 March 2017Wernawati Westhi
" minim penerangan terlalu sempit untuk sebuah taman, mudah mudahan Pemkot sukabumi bisa lebih banyak membangun taman taman hijau terbuka, plus nya ada WiFi gratis, "
09 March 2017Joy Andi Permana
" Sio "
05 March 2017Kenshi Aryo
" bagus bagus "
19 February 2017Den Jaka
" Taman nya ga begitu luas agak bau asam, mu Mungkin krn dekat dengan pabrik nata de coco "
05 February 2017Florist
" Cool palace "
22 January 2017Gunawan Sutedja
" better "
14 January 2017Minrie CYJ
" Tempatnya kecil n lokasi tanggung tpi ada wifi gratis hehe "
14 January 2017Faldes Alderson
" Tempatnya terlalu kecil "
01 January 2017Henry Jusrin
" A place for you to show up your inspiration "
20 December 2016Wahyu Oky
" Clean and nice place to enjoy crowded jakarta "
20 November 2016Shinte Galeshka
" This is the ugliest park in Jakarta created by the Government (represented by fascist Governor Basuki BTP) who wants to repressed our civil right, our freedom of expression. "
24 September 2016Bondan Ricky
" Bagus untuk keluarga "
05 September 2016Agus Sunaryo
" Tempat asyik buat kumpul "
25 August 2016