" Pantesan ngantri.. Emang enak,murah, gede lagih..!! Hiji ge seubeuh..hehehe "
31 March 2018
Rini Kusmiati
" Gampang dicari, persis di perempatan jl Papandayan _jl Pasundan,,,,varian paforit POLOS TUTUNG hehe,,,, "
29 January 2018
Rury Dermawan
" Surabi or Serabi is culinary traditional at Garut City. With variant like chesee, oncom (tempe fermentation), beff floss, chicken floss, fish floss, and original also "
22 August 2017
Ade Setia Permana
" Enak dan murah "
06 August 2017
Bayu Fauzi
" Traditional cuisine from Tanah Sunda. Made from coconut based flour with "Oncom", "Abon" and eggs toppings. It's been there since forever, the best in town! "
Ali Supyan
" Pantesan ngantri.. Emang enak,murah, gede lagih..!! Hiji ge seubeuh..hehehe "
31 March 2018Rini Kusmiati
" Gampang dicari, persis di perempatan jl Papandayan _jl Pasundan,,,,varian paforit POLOS TUTUNG hehe,,,, "
29 January 2018Rury Dermawan
" Surabi or Serabi is culinary traditional at Garut City. With variant like chesee, oncom (tempe fermentation), beff floss, chicken floss, fish floss, and original also "
22 August 2017Ade Setia Permana
" Enak dan murah "
06 August 2017Bayu Fauzi
" Traditional cuisine from Tanah Sunda. Made from coconut based flour with "Oncom", "Abon" and eggs toppings. It's been there since forever, the best in town! "
08 May 2016