SPBU CIBIRU BANDUNG is a gas station, located at Cipadung Kidul, Panyileukan, Bandung City, West Java 40614, Indonesia. Visit their website www.pertamina.co.id for more detailed information.
" Hati hati kalau ngisi malam, Tadi Malam saya Lihat Petugasnya Ngotak ngatik Pompa di Tangannya, ngisinya CEPET Banget. Biasanya 70% Penuhnnya, sekarang cuma 50%.... Mohon di Perhatikan Petugasnya, Lihat dan Cek { BILANG KE PETUGAS BIARKAN BENSINNYA MENGALIR SENDIRI AJA} GAK USAH DI PEGANGIN #KECEWA!!!!!!!!!! "
14 May 2018Halu Story
" ada tempat cuci mobil, dekat dgn mcd cibiru, ada mushola, ada toilet umum, ada indomaret, ke toilet harus buka alas kaki. Toilet kurang bersih walaupun di cuci dan disikat setiap pagi, urinoir airnya macet kadang keluarnya sedikit, kursi di depan atm center sudah tidak layak duduk, terkadang antrian motor sangat panjang "
21 April 2018Andi Setiawan
" Good "
26 March 2018Wiwid Suryono
" Bagus spbu nya, petugas nya baik dan welcome kalo ada yg mau istirahat "
09 March 2018D T
" No debit or Visa here "
09 March 2018Dedi Darmawan
" This is kind of good rest area "
15 January 2018Aish Krim
" Standard Gas Station, but clean and neat enough. And one else.. It's widely space. Theres minimarket, ATM of Mandiri & BNI, and i dont know whats beside the minimarket. And of course a masjid. Usually crowded and the wait is so long. Be patient, dont go here in the morning. So crowded, wasting time. "
20 December 2017