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About Rumah Sakit Santo Borromeus (Saint Borromeus Hospital)

Rumah Sakit Santo Borromeus (Saint Borromeus Hospital) is a hospital, located at Jl. Ir. H.Djuanda No.100, Lebakgede, Coblong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 82558000, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 46

Andrew Lo

" I went here as a visitor so I would not give any comments regarding the services. But this hospital has almost everything you possibly need. Half-Mall, Half-Hospital. Even there is a little church in there as this is a Catholic Hospital to begin with. I'm not saying its a bad place to hang around at but who would want to hang out in a hospital.. "

13 May 2018

Nike Yulistia Angreni

" Christian hospital. Big area, old architecture, sometime it's like have a spooky feeling here. Maybe causedbof the design building, the old photoes and statue hanging in front of information area, big area and sure this is a hospital. But, this hospital has a complete and good serve. "

10 May 2018

Adhie Reira

" Kurang legaaaaaa "

29 April 2018

Idham Fauzan Sjattar

" Crowded and messy "

20 April 2018

Muhyidin SKM

" Area parkir nya cukup luas, kalau di luar penuh biasanya suka dialihkan masuk ke dalam area Ground gitu. Secara umum parkiran aman lah, tempatnya juga strategis.
Kalo mau ikut CFD bisa nitip parkir mobilnya disini, lewat belakang tapi ya "

16 April 2018

Mohammad Sinatrya

" One of the biggest and fine hospital in bandung city, with very experiences docters here. The parking lot is big, eventhough in the basement access quite narrow, just be carefull, if you will go here on sunday, remind thet from morning until 10am is car free day on Jl. Ir H. Juanda, use another access from dipatiukur or surapati "

18 March 2018

Maria Lie

" I think this hospital is one of the best hospital available in Bandung. The doctors are profesionals and many clinics division available to choose ( either for adults or for children ) the equipment are quite complete, the room are clean and nice and i think will getting better in the future. They also have ICU that available 24/7 "

12 February 2018

Robby Muhamad Fajar

" Parkir lumayan sulit didapatkan namun pelayanan RS cukup baik. "

26 January 2018

Tetra Bandung Hariwibowo

" Cukup luas dan informasi mobil yg masuk atau keluar ada. "

19 January 2018

Tjahjana 007

" Good "

12 January 2018

Brahmanta Aulia

" Facility-wise, the hospital is okay. However, the service is horrible. The nurses and staffs were unfriendly. The doctor seemed unprofessional in handling patient. Overall very dirty. You can see bloodstain on the emergency bed. I asked the nurse to clean it but nothing happened. If not for emergency purposes, please, please go somewhere else! They will overcharge you for this horible service. "

01 January 2018

Teni Yanti Salim

" adm buruk.. ga berubah sejak 5th yg lalu
Pelayanan parkir gratis buruk, salah perpanjang no kendaraan, konsumen hrs byr.. ditelp ga diangkat.. operator tidak cocok juga jadi operator, minta dihubungi ke bagian parkir, dihubungi ke igd.. org2 adm nya error2...? Kalo mau dibilang the best hospital, sy bingung.. the best.....??????? Ga mgkn "

17 December 2017

George Inaldo

" The most reliable and a very trustworthy hospital in Bandung

Doctors, nurses, and other medical staffs were all very compitent.

Most drugs/medicines are always available at the pharmacy.

Just need to improve or expedite for MRI & CT-Scan results, as it takes almost a week, for the written result interpretation for both. Understand about the limited number of radiologists and the massive file that need for result interpretation. But human health and life is at stake that need a very serious urgency.

Suggests to find further solution into an increasing parking-space problem, as this will be worse on years to come. "

27 November 2017

Kharisma Wakhyuning Prahesti

" I think this is the best hospital in Bandung. A very large area, many good doctors there. Friendly service, administrative staff, pharmacy, and health staff provide excellent service. Staff at IGD are quick to respond and ready to help. This hospital website has an admin that is always online and ready to help via chat. Cleanliness is maintained, water in public toilets flows very well. But the floors in public toilets are often muddy and there is a pile of used tissue. "

09 November 2017

Ungki Ariono

" Best hospital, some place look old but nice only need more parking space "

20 October 2017

Merlin Hutagalung

" Best hospital in bandung. Located in the north side of bandung with clean air. very close to ITB. The children care (BCMC) is very cozy. The doctor is friendly to kids. "

14 October 2017

Sou S

" The best hospital in Bandung, great service, great facilities, great rooms. It has bakeries, restaurants and super market as well. "

13 October 2017

Salma Aulia

" Good service and affordable price. They have clean restroom also. "

18 August 2017

Rachmad Kurniawan

" A new building of the hospital is nice and clean, but don't like services off their nurse "

08 August 2017

Indiana John

" Rumah sakit terbaik di kota bandung, pelayanannya cepat. "

28 July 2017

Bram Y. Setiadi

" Good service and has a lot of facilities like restaurant and mini market. A complete hospital. "

22 July 2017

Hendsy Mahatmha

" Been there for MCU and rushed friend for emergency. Nurses, doctors, staffs are welcome and treat equal. Treated like at home. "

28 June 2017

Albert Jayadi

" Good Hospital. Complete. Very clean. But always full booked. Many people "

27 May 2017

Ahmad Afif

" Rumah sakit besar dengan pelayanan yang tanggap "

27 April 2017

Yenny Marlina

" Its nice and clean hospital.staffs,nurses was very friendly and helpfull. The downside it has a small parking space for such a large hospital. .. "

22 April 2017

Dias Aditya

" nice hospital friendly nurse great doctor..the location is in the centre of bandung..a lot of food stall and restaurant near it "

22 February 2017

Iwan Pramesti Anwar

" bagus "

17 February 2017

Cecep Sihabudin

" When I was get sick DBD I spend almost Two week here. Nice hospital "

13 February 2017

Arvin Wibowo

" I'm on MCU programme. Nice hospitality from the nurse. But some process i have to manage by myself. But overall it's nice "

31 January 2017

Choirur Roziqin

" penanganan cukup cepat "

19 January 2017

Brahmanta Aulia

" Facility-wise, the hospital is okay. However, the service is horrible. The nurses and staffs were unfriendly. The doctors lack discipline (dr. Miriam especially always came late). So, can have more improvements there. Go to other hospital if you can. "

28 December 2016

Richard The

" the facility is good, but most doctors don't care much about their patients 👎🏼 "

14 December 2016

Wulan Arwina

" I have been hospitalized here about two weeks ago. And the way nurses and staffs treat me was so good and they gv me the best options since i'm came alone to the hospital (bc i'm a student from different city, so i'm separated with my parents) and they make sure that i'm 100% safe and got treated well. The nurses, doctors and staffs will welcoming you warmly and so polite. Its the best hospital in bandung than others. So I gv this 5 stars for this hospitals. Glad to being treated well as patient here "

14 December 2016

Tri Erwanto

" Pelayanan yg memuaskan "

23 October 2016

Aloysius Glenn S.

" One of the best hospital in Bandung. The service is good, some officers smile to the patient. The facilities are good, at the new building the AC is cool. Many foodcourts here make me feel that I'm not sitting in the hospital. In this hospital complex you can find a beautiful historic chapel (located behind the hospital) to pray. Even this is a catholic hospital, the pray room for moslems are provided here. "

17 September 2016

Insan Syarif

" CT scanned here about few months ago. I just realised the ER was moved into new building. Want to say this place is better. But nobody likes hospital... I guess. "

07 September 2016

Izun Hamidah

" Guede.. "

21 August 2016

Ayu Putri Wulandari

" The digestive surgeon here is one of the best. Altough he does not get along with the internist who in my opinion was too stubborn to admit she was wrong. "

15 August 2016

Gisella Thiofanny

" They said it's the best hospital in bandung. But i got the worst service here. They responded really slow to everything. They even put more atenttion to their phones when my mom was in huge pain. They still threw jokes to each other when my mom couldn't deal with her sickness.

Once everything was finally done (feels like they made it on purpose. They made my mom bought their lunch), I went to the payment area, and the cashier was too busy with her phone. She was responding to me with her eyes on her phone. "

09 August 2016

St. Wisnu Kumara Jati

" my baby was born here back in 2015, it was amazing as in that time my wife asked for Caesarian operation but somehow the doctor and nurses encouraged her for normal delivery and help her along the way, so thank you! "

06 July 2016

Fauzia P. Lestari

" Pelayanannya oke. Emergency ditangani dengan cepat. "

07 June 2016

Lucky Sebastian

" Best Hospital in Bandung, well managed, good service, even you use BPJS or only in class 3 room "

06 June 2016

Fedora Fei

" One of the best hospitals in Bandung. It has complete facilities and so many great doctors. "

28 May 2016

Angga Awang

" One of bandung's largest and oldest hospital. Building is a bit outdated. Very hard to obtain parking spot. "

02 April 2016

Fajar Nugraha

" I was born here. Good services. "

11 March 2016

Ady Saputro

" oke loh "

16 February 2016

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