" This street is a nice place to drop by to have a look around at the bags of goldfish and other animals (the buckets of pasty-white half tadpole half frog were too freaky for me!)
There are also other animals shops around, specifically to sell dogs or cats only. A very bizarre experience to walk past shops with fish in water bags everywhere. Our team help feel sorry for all the fish, but have to admit that I found it very intriguing as well and it makes for a great photo opportunity as well. "
26 October 2019
Awc Logistik
" Good place and unless u want to buy in bulk. No point going. Open Monday and Thursday only "
13 October 2019
Whisnu Febriansyah
" The ad didnt lie for this one they truly do have a complete collection with cheap price and the most famous for decorative fish "
10 October 2019
Ferry HZulfikar
" There are different info about working hours between internet and actual/fact. On the internet, it says, working hours at earliest morning. But the fact, working hours at noon till close... Confusing.. "
06 October 2019
Wishnu S Poespo
" Relatively affordable/cheap fishes to buy. Don't forget to bargain for more great deals! "
08 September 2019
Mandarin CH
" All fish you can find here.
Nego sampe pas. "
25 July 2019
Maung Kyaw
" All fish you can find here.
Nego sampe pas. "
25 July 2019
Yulius Windy Ari
" best place to buy fish with large scale. open 3x in week.Monday, Thursday and Saturday from 2 Pm - 10 Pm "
17 June 2019
Putra Rachmattullah
" Best ever I seen "
15 June 2019
Yudi Andri
" Have fun for fish fans "
28 May 2019
Willy R
" Very good for hunting the nice fishes.if you have time that recommended to visit that place "
15 November 2018
Muklis Abdullah
" Murah "
17 October 2018
Fajar Brigez
" Ok "
27 August 2018
Agrifa Yamaha
" Ok "
28 July 2018
Eka Ugi Sutikno
" Many fishes that you can buy, because it offers you to buy the fish. Yup, “Pasar Ikan Hias Parung” is always be your view. It near to Royal, traditional market and train station. "
20 July 2018
Agus Ariyanto
" Pusat ikan hias terbesar di indonesia "
02 May 2018
Goh Budiman
" Two thumbs up "
03 April 2018
Obby Anda Atmadi
" Ok "
22 March 2018
Priyo Adi
" Nice place for buying fish "
21 February 2018
Ajo Bodali86
" Top "
22 November 2017
Yasfi Aulia Pradella
" Ok "
03 August 2017
Abdillah Mauludi
" After all this time, I took time and touch down this premises. The market doesn't look crowded, or do I came too early? Can't talk to much due to just few the traders who open their shanties. May be I will come back here sometime. "
21 July 2017
Abdul Hamid
" Place for hunting koi fish "
17 July 2017
Maswik Saja
" Murah meriah, tapi harus pintar melihat kondisi ikan "
08 July 2017
Fachrul Rozy
" Buka sesuai tertera jamnya PAGI start 05.00 -11.00 jam 10 pagi udah sepi "
05 July 2017
Mujahid Abdurrahim
" Strongly agree with @huracannapoleon "
21 June 2017
Huracan Napoleon
" I bought some fishes. When i mix the new fish with my old fish that has been in my pond for months almost all die....
So what i want to say that buying fish there is not really good. Most of the fish carry diesease.
I have 60 fish and 20 fish died because of buying fish from parung. "
11 May 2017
Aziryadi 212
" Yg tau nomor tlpon WA atau pin bb penjual ikan hias jenis apapun saya butuh info nya . "
24 April 2017
Abdul Majid
" Saya datang pagi, dan terlihat tidak seperti pasar ikan, hanya seperti pasar biasa "
18 April 2017
Alan Ds
" Tradisional...hujan lumayan becek...tapi ikan banyak pilihan...harga standar "
18 April 2017
Casman Man
" Dulu.setiap.hari selasa dan.jumat.sy pergi.ke.sisi...cuma.usaha.sy.di bidang.ikan.hias.terbengkalai.bangrut..karna.pokus.lee pelerjaan lain "
02 April 2017
Lukman Hakim
" Lengkap dan murah "
27 February 2017
Abdoel Hamied
" pasar ikan hias terkomplit se jawa barat. "
18 January 2017
Agung Prabowo
" Gua beli ikan Arwana sama ikan msa koki buldog murah - murah jasa oyyy... "
16 December 2016
Yulianto_25 Ti2
" Beli nya mesti partai besar , perbungkus isu 50 or 100 "
02 October 2016
ArcaneTrone Pro 9
" Buka setiap senin rabu sabtu mulai jam 3 sore sampai malam.. Kata siapa harga ikan disana murah-murah ? Harga ikan disana dihitung per 1 ekor, 1 bungkus ikan berisikan min 5 s/d 100 ikan tergantung tipe ikan tsb. Entah yg melayani calo ataupun pedagangnya?klo menurut saya disana tmpat mafia ikan, tranksaksi disana hnya pada pelanggan yg sudah kenal saja.. Saya survei trnyata pembelinya kbnyakan dri daerah depok. Mereka membeli ikan untuk dijual kembali.. Jgn harap cari ikan berkelas Dan langka disana ? Sprti payara ,tigrinus ,dan palmas orna . Krna mayoritas penjual ikan disana hnya menjual ikan pasaran sprti koi, komet, louhan, cupang, arwana, ikan untuk aquascape , guppy, molly, tetra Dan ikan konsumsi . tempatnya jga kecil klo hujan becek , jgn harap Mobil bisa parkir bawa motor aja parkir susah.. Klo menurut anda disana tmpat yg terbaik silahkan monggo.. Jdilah pembeli yg bijak pilihlah ikan yg sehat dan berkualitas ,dgn harga yg pantas.. "
03 August 2016
Aguz Stiawan
" Hargannya broo.... "
22 June 2016
Uyung Mahayana
" Love this place.. "
05 June 2016
Didi Cahdi
" Hari apa bukaya jam brapa smpai jam brapa? "
30 May 2016
Atang Saputra
" Paling murah deket warung ibu anjas.. tanya aja bang puput.. awas banyak calo.. klo mau beli tanya aja bang puput mau ketemu bang puput.. banyak calo.. buka ny sekarang minggu sore,selasa sore,kamis sore.. "
Muhammad Wildan
" This street is a nice place to drop by to have a look around at the bags of goldfish and other animals (the buckets of pasty-white half tadpole half frog were too freaky for me!)
26 October 2019There are also other animals shops around, specifically to sell dogs or cats only. A very bizarre experience to walk past shops with fish in water bags everywhere. Our team help feel sorry for all the fish, but have to admit that I found it very intriguing as well and it makes for a great photo opportunity as well. "
Awc Logistik
" Good place and unless u want to buy in bulk. No point going. Open Monday and Thursday only "
13 October 2019Whisnu Febriansyah
" The ad didnt lie for this one they truly do have a complete collection with cheap price and the most famous for decorative fish "
10 October 2019Ferry HZulfikar
" There are different info about working hours between internet and actual/fact. On the internet, it says, working hours at earliest morning. But the fact, working hours at noon till close... Confusing.. "
06 October 2019Wishnu S Poespo
" Relatively affordable/cheap fishes to buy. Don't forget to bargain for more great deals! "
08 September 2019Mandarin CH
" All fish you can find here.
25 July 2019Nego sampe pas. "
Maung Kyaw
" All fish you can find here.
25 July 2019Nego sampe pas. "
Yulius Windy Ari
" best place to buy fish with large scale. open 3x in week.Monday, Thursday and Saturday from 2 Pm - 10 Pm "
17 June 2019Putra Rachmattullah
" Best ever I seen "
15 June 2019Yudi Andri
" Have fun for fish fans "
28 May 2019Willy R
" Very good for hunting the nice fishes.if you have time that recommended to visit that place "
15 November 2018Muklis Abdullah
" Murah "
17 October 2018Fajar Brigez
" Ok "
27 August 2018Agrifa Yamaha
" Ok "
28 July 2018Eka Ugi Sutikno
" Many fishes that you can buy, because it offers you to buy the fish. Yup, “Pasar Ikan Hias Parung” is always be your view. It near to Royal, traditional market and train station. "
20 July 2018Agus Ariyanto
" Pusat ikan hias terbesar di indonesia "
02 May 2018Goh Budiman
" Two thumbs up "
03 April 2018Obby Anda Atmadi
" Ok "
22 March 2018Priyo Adi
" Nice place for buying fish "
21 February 2018Ajo Bodali86
" Top "
22 November 2017Yasfi Aulia Pradella
" Ok "
03 August 2017Abdillah Mauludi
" After all this time, I took time and touch down this premises. The market doesn't look crowded, or do I came too early? Can't talk to much due to just few the traders who open their shanties. May be I will come back here sometime. "
21 July 2017Abdul Hamid
" Place for hunting koi fish "
17 July 2017Maswik Saja
" Murah meriah, tapi harus pintar melihat kondisi ikan "
08 July 2017Fachrul Rozy
" Buka sesuai tertera jamnya PAGI start 05.00 -11.00 jam 10 pagi udah sepi "
05 July 2017Mujahid Abdurrahim
" Strongly agree with @huracannapoleon "
21 June 2017Huracan Napoleon
" I bought some fishes. When i mix the new fish with my old fish that has been in my pond for months almost all die....
11 May 2017So what i want to say that buying fish there is not really good. Most of the fish carry diesease.
I have 60 fish and 20 fish died because of buying fish from parung. "
Aziryadi 212
" Yg tau nomor tlpon WA atau pin bb penjual ikan hias jenis apapun saya butuh info nya . "
24 April 2017Abdul Majid
" Saya datang pagi, dan terlihat tidak seperti pasar ikan, hanya seperti pasar biasa "
18 April 2017Alan Ds
" Tradisional...hujan lumayan becek...tapi ikan banyak pilihan...harga standar "
18 April 2017Casman Man
" Dulu.setiap.hari selasa dan.jumat.sy pergi.ke.sisi...cuma.usaha.sy.di bidang.ikan.hias.terbengkalai.bangrut..karna.pokus.lee pelerjaan lain "
02 April 2017Lukman Hakim
" Lengkap dan murah "
27 February 2017Abdoel Hamied
" pasar ikan hias terkomplit se jawa barat. "
18 January 2017Agung Prabowo
" Gua beli ikan Arwana sama ikan msa koki buldog murah - murah jasa oyyy... "
16 December 2016Yulianto_25 Ti2
" Beli nya mesti partai besar , perbungkus isu 50 or 100 "
02 October 2016ArcaneTrone Pro 9
" Buka setiap senin rabu sabtu mulai jam 3 sore sampai malam.. Kata siapa harga ikan disana murah-murah ? Harga ikan disana dihitung per 1 ekor, 1 bungkus ikan berisikan min 5 s/d 100 ikan tergantung tipe ikan tsb. Entah yg melayani calo ataupun pedagangnya?klo menurut saya disana tmpat mafia ikan, tranksaksi disana hnya pada pelanggan yg sudah kenal saja.. Saya survei trnyata pembelinya kbnyakan dri daerah depok. Mereka membeli ikan untuk dijual kembali.. Jgn harap cari ikan berkelas Dan langka disana ? Sprti payara ,tigrinus ,dan palmas orna . Krna mayoritas penjual ikan disana hnya menjual ikan pasaran sprti koi, komet, louhan, cupang, arwana, ikan untuk aquascape , guppy, molly, tetra Dan ikan konsumsi . tempatnya jga kecil klo hujan becek , jgn harap Mobil bisa parkir bawa motor aja parkir susah.. Klo menurut anda disana tmpat yg terbaik silahkan monggo.. Jdilah pembeli yg bijak pilihlah ikan yg sehat dan berkualitas ,dgn harga yg pantas.. "
03 August 2016Aguz Stiawan
" Hargannya broo.... "
22 June 2016Uyung Mahayana
" Love this place.. "
05 June 2016Didi Cahdi
" Hari apa bukaya jam brapa smpai jam brapa? "
30 May 2016Atang Saputra
" Paling murah deket warung ibu anjas.. tanya aja bang puput.. awas banyak calo.. klo mau beli tanya aja bang puput mau ketemu bang puput.. banyak calo.. buka ny sekarang minggu sore,selasa sore,kamis sore.. "
23 May 2016Mac Gyver
" Harganya miring abis... ampe jomplang... hahahah "
29 April 2016