" Terdapat di plaza 88 kemang. Tempatnya jadi satu sama warung pasta. Enak banget eskrimnya. Jadi 27 atau 28rbu udah dapet yang 200gr eskrim. 3 rasa. Recommended banget buat yang penyuka eskrim dan pengen coba rasa lokal Indonesia:) "
07 June 2018
" Large parking space, Good Beverage, and they have a lot of good traditional snack. The gelatto also have a good and uniqe taste "
18 May 2018
Arie Ridwan
" Nice food, nice services, nice place. "
16 May 2018
Mumnoon Rashid
" Nice hangout place for the young starts. Serves Italian and Indonesian trendy food and drinks. Coffee and ice cream is very famous here. It has smoking and non smoking zone. "
28 April 2018
Dee Anjani
" The place is cozy and welcoming. This place is best for a little hangout with friends in the afternoon. The price is worth the taste of the gelato. They serve local taste like kelepon, es potong, even tempeh. Worth to try if you're in the area!! "
06 March 2018
Mully Endah
" Thumbs up "
24 December 2017
Agni Lastari
" Kesini pas lyat promo buy1get1nya, eh ternyata udahan hahah.
Yaudah deh kita beli pke harga normal.
Ada 2 pilihan tempat, ada yang pake cup atau pake cone.
Rasa gelatonya mayan banyak n bikin bingung maw yang mana, dan rasanya unik-unik banget.
Kemaren nyobain rasa klepon yang rasanya beneran kek klepon, unik yah, must try loh. Sama tamarilo itu katanya terong belanda, rasanya kek sirsak gitu, asem seger. "
Pman Brownies
" Ikan bakaranya luar biasa... Wuenakkkk.. "
08 June 2018Dwika Nur
" Terdapat di plaza 88 kemang. Tempatnya jadi satu sama warung pasta. Enak banget eskrimnya. Jadi 27 atau 28rbu udah dapet yang 200gr eskrim. 3 rasa. Recommended banget buat yang penyuka eskrim dan pengen coba rasa lokal Indonesia:) "
07 June 2018孟美岐ExY
" Large parking space, Good Beverage, and they have a lot of good traditional snack. The gelatto also have a good and uniqe taste "
18 May 2018Arie Ridwan
" Nice food, nice services, nice place. "
16 May 2018Mumnoon Rashid
" Nice hangout place for the young starts. Serves Italian and Indonesian trendy food and drinks. Coffee and ice cream is very famous here. It has smoking and non smoking zone. "
28 April 2018Dee Anjani
" The place is cozy and welcoming. This place is best for a little hangout with friends in the afternoon. The price is worth the taste of the gelato. They serve local taste like kelepon, es potong, even tempeh. Worth to try if you're in the area!! "
06 March 2018Mully Endah
" Thumbs up "
24 December 2017Agni Lastari
" Kesini pas lyat promo buy1get1nya, eh ternyata udahan hahah.
02 September 2017Yaudah deh kita beli pke harga normal.
Ada 2 pilihan tempat, ada yang pake cup atau pake cone.
Rasa gelatonya mayan banyak n bikin bingung maw yang mana, dan rasanya unik-unik banget.
Kemaren nyobain rasa klepon yang rasanya beneran kek klepon, unik yah, must try loh. Sama tamarilo itu katanya terong belanda, rasanya kek sirsak gitu, asem seger. "
Budi Tanuwijaya
" Promo buy 200g free 100gr jm 11 sd 19 "
17 August 2017