Klinik Dokter Hewan Bogor - drh. Anastasia Narani (Myma Pet House)
About Klinik Dokter Hewan Bogor - drh. Anastasia Narani (Myma Pet House)
Klinik Dokter Hewan Bogor - drh. Anastasia Narani (Myma Pet House) is a veterinary care, located at Jalan H.Hamid IV No.1, Taman Cimanggu, Kelurahan Kedungwaringin, Kecamatan Tanah Sareal, Kedung Waringin, Tanah Sereal, Bogor City, West Java 16163, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 856-8010-244, visit their website www.mymapethouse.com for more detailed information.
Sonie Sudrajat
" Good for your animals "
16 October 2019Just Redi
" Place for your sick pets, doctor price for cats is 60k (not including medicine), IV is 30k, and they accept local cats as well, they also sell cage, food,and some toy but the price is a bit expensive compared to other. Make sure you call first since sometime they closed even during weekday "
27 March 2019Just Redi
" Place for your sick pets, doctor price for cats is 60k (not including medicine), IV is 30k, and they accept local cats as well, they also sell cage, food,and some toy but the price is a bit expensive compared to other. Make sure you call first since sometime they closed even during weekday "
27 March 2019Ferdy Dumais
" Good care if you patient.. "
13 September 2018Tantie Galih
" I think this place need renovation to give customer more convinience place. The place need more fresh air "
31 July 2018Wahyu Pambudi
" Okan's Vet, a friendly approaching that will make your pets so comfortable "
27 June 2018Dita Timorensis
" Dokternya ramah, sabar, baik. Harga terjangkau banget. Konsul sm obat mencret kelinci cuma 120 rb doang. Wah senengnya sesuai kantong. Pet shop lain hrgnya bisa 3-4 x lipat lho. Kelinci saya juga pinter minum obatnya pake pipet haha.. Makasih ya dr. Anandita 😀 "
10 May 2018Aldila Muzdalifah
" The place is almost hard to find, but the doctors are so nice and professional, it really shows that they're living their dream by the way they treat animals with such huge care and endearment. And the fee is not too expensive. "
06 May 2018Cyntia Rai
" Dokternya baik ramah, pelayanannya oke, obat terjangkau "
05 May 2018Sherly Sigiet
" Blue cheese "
03 May 2018Ruth Nattassha
" Dokter-dokternya ramah sekali dan memberikan penjelasan dengan sabar. Penanganannya juga cepat.
15 April 2018Harga konsul dan biaya perawatan lainnya (cth: mandi jamur) juga terjangkau. Dekat rumah pula. "
Robby Sahrial
" Ajib "
25 January 2018Fajar Lesmana
" Waktu hari minggu ane nganter sodara. Ada cerita unik.
27 July 2017Maaf tidak b8sa saya ceritakan , karna bersifat pribadi "
Ito Warsito
" Dokter nya ramah bener, respon nya cepet, penanganan oke punya... "
12 July 2017Pyonk Redfox
" Dokter Anastasia ramah banget, terus cepet responnya, bahkan dikasih foto gimana keadaan petnya sekarang. Sip, sukses selalu dok ^^ "
08 June 2017Matheus Sudarso
" Dokternya ramah..top abis ^^ "
08 June 2017Inmar Paramita
" Klinik hewan di Bogor yang TOOOOPPPPP!!! "
08 June 2017Gb Jkt
" Lumayan memuaskan "
24 May 2017Ginasari Hayati
" Dokternya baik, ramah, dan selalu memantau perkembangan kondisi kucing saya walau dari jauh. Penanganannya sangat profesional. Dijamin sembuh.. "
07 April 2017Firman Nugraha
" Dokternya baik, gak ribet. "
13 March 2017Putu Agya
" Dokter nya baik dan ramah, penanganan profesional :) "
25 January 2017Miranti Rakhmat
" Dokter anas ramah dan informatif sekali. Seneng deh karna anjing saya sembuh. "
20 June 2013Yoga Herawan
" penanganannya oke..mas bro, hehe "
18 June 2013Kemal Nasir
" Hmmm.. Super.. Pasti sembuh deh "
18 June 2013Nazar Taufik Dihartika
" Mantab.. "
18 June 2013Dwinaj. P.
" Kliniknya bersih dan nyaman, dokternya pun sangat profesional "
29 May 2013