Grosir dan eceran kaos polos bandung / T-shirt polos,jaket polos
About Grosir dan eceran kaos polos bandung / T-shirt polos,jaket polos
Grosir dan eceran kaos polos bandung / T-shirt polos,jaket polos is located at Bandung, Bandung. They can be contacted via phone at +6281564814911, visit their website for more detailed information.
hunian murah kualitas mewah
Imron Rosyidi
" Toko baju merk Polo. Menjual berbagai macam model kaos merk polo. "
18 May 2018Indrawan Aryanto
" Cukuplah "
15 May 2018M Maulana Yusuf
" Goooooooooood "
29 April 2018Rizky Hermawan
" Good selection of polo shirt, good service too. "
29 April 2018Frank Moxey
" The quality of service was excellent when I visited the Polo shop in Centre Point in April. I was visiting from Australia and needed special matching clothing for a wedding attended in Medan. Polo had a special sale and so that made it even better. Thanks to staff member Sonya for her expert assistance as men are hopeless with matching colours. FrankMoxey Brisbane. "
23 April 2018Agas Maha Astra
" nice collection "
04 March 2018Agung Widagdha
" Good to have polo store at the airport :) "
16 January 2018Julian George
" Got some good deals on RL-Polo "
11 January 2018Nu'man Jamil
" Recommended👍 "
19 December 2017EDY SUHERMAN
" Untuk pria dan Wanita yang berselera POLO, disini tempat nya untuk mendapatkan pilihan warna dan ukuran sesuai idaman anda. Banyak koleksi T-shirt dengan berbagai ukuran. XL adalah ukuran ideal saya, tentu berbeda dengan ukuran body anda bukan? Ukuran Gerainya tidak terlalu luas , tetapi menyajikan koleksi hampir lengkap. Lokasinya mudah dijumpai dan mudah terlihat dari Lobby Mall. 🌟02122017 "
02 December 2017Yana Afriyana
" Baik "
14 November 2017Alit Mahisa
" A large selection of high quality shirts, T-shirts etc, they even stock large sizes for tourists. "
22 September 2017I Ketut Sudarsana
" Luar biasa bagus "
04 September 2017Hamaris Mudayat
" Wait and see the discounted events "
25 August 2017Jihan Ayudia
" Is the best "
20 August 2017Ithe Monoarfa
" Good quality for polo shirt "
30 June 2017Stella Sujanto
" Pelayanannya sangat tidak memuaskan.
22 June 2017Saya dilayani setengah2 , dibantu mengambilkan baju saja tidak, padahal disitu sedang ada 4 karyawan, dan tidak ada satu pun yg melayani. Ketika saya tanya ada kamar ganti atau tidak , dijawab " ada " " eh engga " " ada tapi sedang tidak bisa dipakai " " tunggu sebentar " , akhirnya setelah saya menunggu 10 menit karena dikira ada , ga da satu pun.yg kasih tau, sy tanya " mba ini ruang gantiny ada org ? " si karyawan menjawab " lg ga bisa dipake" tanpa maaf. Belum selesai sampai disitu , ketika saya meminta membayar pakai kartu dan menggunakan pin , karyawannya malah menggunakan tanda tangan dengan alasan hanya bisa pakai tanda tangan, mesin gesek mana yg skrng hny bs pake tanda tangan. Benar2 mengecewakan "
Aditya Jap
" Lumayan lengkap koleksinya "
31 May 2017Heesuk Park
" 비교적 신상이 많고 항상 그런건지 모르겠지만 50~70%해서 기본티가 이만원 미만 정도. 비싸도 오만원 이하. 선물용으로 사가기 좋아요. 직원들도 센스있고 빨라요. "
21 May 2017Safik Harno
" Bandara sultan aji is the best "
14 May 2017Nekodeman Ade
" penataan ruangnya bagus
13 April 2017cuma masih kurang lengkap koleksinya "
Jacksen Merson
" Good store. Service is just OK though. "
28 December 2016Kallama Barru
" Nice "
01 December 2016Angga Sakti
" For your style polo shirt is here... "
08 November 2016Ahmad H. Saputra
" Shopping??? "
11 October 2016Mervyn Loh
" There are usually good discounts given. "
29 May 2016Jacksen Merson
" I found the Polo clothes very comfortable, so every once in awhile, I will go to one of the Polo's stores around Batam. Here is one of them.
23 April 2016Clothes generally have great quality and the store itself while not so wide, it's enough to comfortably look for the clothes. Staff here however does not give positive impressions. The staff generally feels like we actually gave her pressures when we asked for a specific cloth.
Other than that, this is just one of Polo's store in Batam. Great on everything but the staff. To be honest, their staffs in most branches in Batam have relatively bad attitude so, yeah, I guess 4 stars are good enough. "
Ubai Dillah
" Oke "
15 October 2015