GBI KAMBOJA (RAYON 9) DEPOK. is a church, located at Jl.kamboja No.18 Rt.01/07 Kec.Pancoran Mas Depok, Depok, Pancoran MAS, Depok, Pancoran MAS, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16431, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 627 752283, visit their website www.hmministry.com for more detailed information.
" Incredible church, I'm churching here already 5 years I really blessed there. Our pastor 'Pak yongki so really nice person Also his wife. The praise and worship are amazing here. I really have the presence of God when I'm churching here exactly worship "
11 June 2019Gracelia Apriela
" big, beautiful "
08 April 2019Antoniys
" Nice worship place "
10 December 2018Jodie March
" Church For Christian "
29 September 2018Robert Kurniawan
" Great church "
27 August 2018William Thames
" GBI Rayon 9 di Depok. Gereja ini berdiri berasaskan pujian, penyembahan, dan doa siang dan malam beserta melakukan kehendak Allah pada zaman nya. A good place to worship, pray and praise the God who lives in each and every one of us; the God and Love. "
23 May 2018Jordy Wirayuda
" GBI KAMBOJA DEPOK | Salah satu gereja yang cukup luas di depok selain gereja Santo Paulus ya walaupun saya katholik tetapi saya mencoba untuk beribadah di gereja kristen banyak perbedaan tetapi perbedaan lah yang menyatukan kita love you GBU dan foto ini diambil dari lantai atas dan saya mendapatkan pengalaman yang menyenangkan disini dan banyak teman-teman saya yang gereja disini tapi tak pernah ketemu semoga ketemu hehee "
16 May 2018Antoni Dani Wijaya
" A good place for pray. Gereja yg nyaman. "
30 March 2018Shun Heng
" Bagus tempat ibadahnya 2 lantai dan lantai 3 balkon. Ibadanya sangat bagus. Letak nya strategis "
18 March 2018Ronald Santoso
" No komen ahh "
17 March 2018NeveRich Torus
" Luxury church "
07 February 2018William Thames
" A church planted based on praise, worship, and pray all the time. A Good place to meet God "
24 November 2017Lidya Panjaitan
" Jadwal ibadah : 06.00, 08.00, 10.00, 12.00 dan 17.00. Setiap ibadah disertai sekolah minggu(ruangan terpisah), pre-service 15 menit sebelum jadwal ibadah. "
15 November 2017Panjaitan Johan
" Gereja ini sangat bagus dan baik untuk pendidikan anak anak "
23 September 2017Mansyur Setiawan
" D jlan kamboja posisi nya ...orderan grab nya lumayan "
18 August 2017Dhery Justin
" Infokan donk, jam masuk gerejaya jam berapa saja?? "
02 July 2017Hadirat Syukur Lombu
" Selalu ramai dan meriah "
19 June 2017Pran Oto
" Tepat terindah, melayani dengan grab "
08 May 2017Ochii Sluiter
" Area parkir kecil. "
27 April 2017