Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
About Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra - Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia is a university, located at Isola, Sukasari, Bandung City, West Java 40154, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 2013163, visit their website fpbs.upi.edu for more detailed information.
" Sumber ilmu Bandung. "
26 May 2018Danu Permadi
" UPI universitas pendidikan indonesia termasuk kampus perguruan tinggi negeri favorit yang berada di kota bandung.uoi juga terdapat di sumedang dan di purwakarta.letaknya yang strategis sangat mudah di temui.kampus utama universitas pendidikan indonesia berada di jalan setiabudi kota bandung.sangat dekat dengan terminal ledeng.kampus upi ini sangat asriii "
10 May 2018Dadang Sudrajat
" Prove it coz it's lovely place and best price "
06 May 2018Cindra Nugraha
" Kampus yang nyaman, bersih dan sejuk. Mesjidnya yang besar dan bersih begitu mengagumkan... "
30 April 2018Anon D
" Bersih, adem, nyaman. Dan airnya dingin dan bersih banget, kamar mandi di musholanya juga, tempat wudhu dan tempat sholatnya juga. Baru sekali ke sini tapi berkesan. Kalau yg mau ambil pendidikan disini juga recomended banget! Karena dia menerima jalur prestasi juga "
18 April 2018Yusep Setiawan
" Bagi yang mau melanjutkan ke perguruan tinggi negri du sini tempat yang cocok apalagi yg punya keinginan jadi seorang guru atau dosen sangat lah pas. Banyak gpasilitas dan lulusan nya bagus bagus lo "
07 April 2018Diki Wahyudi
" AC sangat bermanfaat. Semoga fasilitasnya terus di tingkatkan. "
08 March 2018Wagaling
" Banyak sastrawan yang lahir dari sini "
27 February 2018Teh Ara
" FPIPS (Faculty of Social Sciences Education)
14 February 2018Overall, FPIPS can be quite clean. There is accessibility for wheelchair users. There are 2 lifts (which have sound), and a rotating staircase. Has 6 floors and each floor has 4 toilets. The toilets are clean, fragrant, and all use the toilet seat. Has a microteaching laboratory. The chairs in each class are nice. The enlightenment is good, though there are some ill-informed corners and there are some unknown items whose and unknown purpose it is for what (as it is laid out and unkempt). It has 2 prayer rooms for Moslems (on the 1st and 4th floor), not as big as the classroom but has adequate lighting and has a thick base. There is an Auditorium on the 6th floor, but it only has one door, where it exits and enters through the door, so it would be very dangerous if at any time there is a disaster that requires people to get out. There is an emergency staircase and a light fire extinguisher. Have 2 photocopies. It has some well-groomed plants around the building, and a fish pond in front of the building, but no any green shades in the building. There are 2 canteen (on the 1st floor, but the place between the end with the tip), clean and neatly arranged. There is wifi that can be accessed by the public, it's just the speed of the internet in the daytime slow, but fast in night. Has a field but not too broad, has a ping pong ball sport place that is devoted to lecturers on the 1st floor. Land parker car arranged. "
Jusfar Rivai
" One of university in Indonesia focussed to educational. The campus with large public and open space. With nice landscape...., and historical building "PURI ISOLA" is still standing untill right now. Equipped with some good sports facilities. "
09 February 2018Ega Ajie Putranto
" Good canteen with smoking area.
01 February 2018Chicken noodles sold very affordable, 10.000 IDR.
The campus' cigarette vendor, Bram, can often be reached here. Behind Garnadi building. However, it's the nearest pathway from UC and FPBS, thus many people walk across FPIPS canteee. "
Dimas Kusuma
" Tempat saya ditempa ilmu bahasa.. "
27 December 2017Muhamad Nova
" A good place for studying language. Several majors are offered in this faculty, especially for language education. It includes Indonesian language, Japanese language, Korean language, Arabic language, English language, Dutch language, French language, and Sundanese Language. "
21 November 2017Muhamad Nova
" A good place for studying language. Several majors are offered, including Bahasa Indonesia, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, English, Dutch, French, and Sundanese Language. "
02 November 2017Ghulam Yagami
" Tempat belajarnya bahasa dan sastra. "
02 November 2017Mohamed Alhashmi
" Very huge nice university. I visited it to just to pray. The toilets were dirty. "
30 October 2017Diah Nurhadiati
" Gedung lima lantai, ruangan untuk belajar mahasiswa bahasa. Fasilitas umum terawat mulai dari toilet, musholla, lift, wifi, colokan listrik, dan lain - lain. "
22 August 2017Gogeta
" A convenient place for everyone, there are lots of trees and garden which could relieve your stress after full days work. This is a place where you can peacefully close your eyes and lay your body in green grasses and release anything which bothers your head, also a decent place for reading a book. I give it four stars because the university is located right near the road, you may hear the sounds of a vehicle and honk at some locations which positioned near the street. "
21 August 2017Didi Yusuf
" i think ,in sorounded UPI there's many good places/spot for your sport activity "
19 August 2017Neni Ratnasari Koswara
" Good university with historical building and cool park. It's best place for hanging out and discussing. "
20 May 2017Trias Abdullah
" Instagramable place. And cool weather "
25 March 2017Althur Sanjaya
" Im a sophomore of MRL UPI! "
01 February 2017Annisa Fitri Anggraeni
" I am 25years old.. a couple years ago, i was graduated from this university as bachelor of accounting .... good university.. now i am studying in doctoral of accounting padjajaran university.. thanks UPI "
31 January 2017Gisella Thiofanny
" This uni is huge! And it wasn't hard for me to find a parking space. Btw, they have angkots and a hotel inside the uni. Interesting. "
20 August 2016Nick Gatchalian
" nice university, my niece will love it there. she's an exchange student from the Philippines. B.S. Biology... "
17 July 2016Zaga Raksa
" Jl.sersan badjuri "
05 June 2016Nofitriani Dewi
" Enak diem dimana~ "
26 May 2016Rionaldo Qemal Pratama
" .. cool place for study. Theres a lot of tree and good view. Nicest place for relax your brain and soul after do some exercise~ "
13 May 2016Anas Anshori
" Ilkom upi "
26 January 2016Mohammed Amro
" i am looking for scholarship to study Phd in Educational Technology , the problem is my english requirements not available
14 December 2015please explain to me how to find solution "