Bougenville Garden Lounge @New Green Sentul Resort
About Bougenville Garden Lounge @New Green Sentul Resort
Bougenville Garden Lounge @New Green Sentul Resort is a night club, located at Unnamed Road, Tangkil, Citeureup, Bogor, West Java 16810, Indonesia
Dian Lestari
" Good..good hotel for wacthing circuit F1 with family "
12 December 2018Rooslain Wiharyanti
" A nice and quiet place in the middle of green big trees. "
11 November 2018Effendi Kartadinata
" price is reasonable... service is OK "
16 June 2018Artha Basithu
" Ok "
14 May 2018Hadi Purwanto
" Very good "
10 May 2018Asep Hadiyana
" Good hotel, clean and cheap. Best for rest and clean pool.. very love it "
12 April 2018Fathoni Putra
" Ok "
10 April 2018Rizal Iking Suriking
" Suasana alamnya ok "
07 April 2018Bonna Zakharia
" Pelayanan ramah, harga murah, cocok bgt yg mau cari hotel di daerah sentul. "
03 April 2018Lindsay Weissenberger
" The pictures make the place look better than it is. It wasn't awful but things didn't work initially and food delivery was slow even though we were the only ones there. We only stayed the night there which was good because it was far away from anything and we didn't have transportation. It was clean, I will say that. "
23 February 2018Didi Suryadi
" Nice place for meeting "
02 February 2018Ahmad Rizkyka
" What a great place to stay "
27 December 2017Ancelmus Simamora
" Secara keseluruhan saya puas dengan tempat ini. Informasi: saat pertama check in kita diwajibkan deposit sebanyak 100rb, nanti pas check out dikembalikan. Di quarter room saya mendapatkan fasilitas kolam renang umum yang lumayan. Mini dapur disini tidak ada kompor hanya wastafel saja dan dapat kulkas. Ruangan terbagi dua, tapi AC hanya satu di kamar, jadi kalau kamar ditutup berasa banget panasnya. "
17 October 2017Agha Nugraha
" Suasananya sunyi... tempat strategis tidak terlalu jauh dari Jakarta... roomnya bersih dan fasilitasnya oke.. harga juga bersahabat banget.. tapi sedikit bising kalo kebetulan lagi ada balapan di Sentul karena dekat dengan sirkuit... "
28 September 2017Bulle Rocker
" good view... "
24 August 2017Yusuf Hasbullah Asyari
" susana nya santai sejuk.... asik unutk liburan keluarga "
15 July 2017Jaja Melija
" Love the view and foods "
21 June 2017Ria Lubis
" tempat yang nyaman dan lengkap untuk meeting dan liburan ... akses tidak macet hemat waktu... "
03 May 2017Audi Agung Permadi
" Cozzy & comfortable place for hang out "
16 March 2017Sukma Vardyanto Setiawan
" one stop al entertain "
06 March 2017Cynthia Maria Panjaitan
" Nice ambience but poor for food "
27 February 2017Afifah Rahmawati
" Pernah bermasalah ketika akan check in di hotel ini. Pemesanan yg sudah kami buat via traveloka jauh2 hari katanya gak masuk ke sistem hotel. Jadinya kami terpaksa menempati kamar yg berbeda dr yang kami pesan. Pun awalnya harus negosiasi agak alot dlu dengan staff hotel. "
12 December 2016Citra Lestari
" Fasilitas lumayan lengkap suasana sejuk .... tenang ga berisik ad karoke nya juga asik ...petugas nya ramah "
09 October 2016Kris Wijayanto
" Good view and ambience. "
31 May 2016Khadik Kharisma
" Cakep "
13 June 2015