About Apotek Kimia Farma Tagog
Apotek Kimia Farma Tagog is a pharmacy, located at Jl. Raya Tagog No.515, Karangmekar, Cimahi Tengah, Kota Cimahi, Jawa Barat 40523, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 22 6654775, visit their website www.kimiafarma.co.id for more detailed information.
Nanang Ep
" ???????????? "
01 May 2020Food Critic & Reviewer
" Mending tutup aja kalo ga bs melayani kebutuhan rakyat , nyari masker kosong terus bbrp x kesini selalu kosong ???? "
14 April 2020Okky Sugiarto
" Deket rumah buka 24jam "
17 November 2019Irwan 30
" Bagus "
22 August 2019Ira Aprilianti
" I only bought an eye drop and it took literally 1.5 hours. Went there at 7pm and got the product at 8.30pm. They cannot serve slower than this. There is only 1 staff for each job. It took lots of process before I got the medicine. So disappointing. At 8pm my medicine has been in the pharmacist's table but it took so long, then I asked why I couldn't get it now and they said it needs to go to another pharmacist's table. They are so slow, the place is so small with lots of people in queue for both chemist and doctor in one place.
19 December 2018I would recommend you to go other chemist if you want a better service. "
" Good "
25 November 2018Maman Abdurrahman
" kalau 24 jam usahakan lengkap, trims,atau pas saya beli obat kebetulan stok obat yang saya cari kosong.. Okeee "
03 June 2018Pinky Rebecca
" lumayan lengkap lah "
05 May 2018Sharfina Nisa
" Sayang sekali tidak ada label harga di rak produk nya. Harus tanya ke kasir bolak balik. Tapi pelayanan cepat karena ada mahasiswa sedang PKL sepertinya. Tempat tidak terlalu besar "
06 April 2018Nanna Hery
" Buka 24 jam barang lengkap... "
27 March 2018Widya Aris
" Buka setiap hari dan 24 jam , pelayanan baik "
21 January 2018Bayu Aldrich
" Pelayanannya cepat, tempat menunggu cukup nyaman "
14 September 2017Tri S
" Open 24/7 "
19 August 2017Dhany Aditya
" Nice "
29 June 2017Luki Lukman Nurhakim
" salah satu apotek yg buka 24jam, cukup lengkap tapi kalau jam praktek penuuh bgt, "
21 June 2017Saeful Arifin
" Obat nya lengkap buka 24jam,menolong sangat kalo malam2 urgent nyari apotik "
15 May 2017Bodytalks Konveksi
" Buka 24 jam "
30 April 2017Evelyn Limanjaya
" Lengkap, pelayanannya sangat ramah "
22 March 2017Cantika Shop
" dokter anaknya baik "
07 March 2017Gunawan Ajah
" tolong di update dokter yang prakteknya juga "
04 November 2016Andri Yoci
" Swalayan obat. Suasana belanja obat nya nyaman "
18 September 2016