Ambulatoir Rumah Sakit Hewan Cikole
About Ambulatoir Rumah Sakit Hewan Cikole
Ambulatoir Rumah Sakit Hewan Cikole is located at cikole, Lembang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia 40391. They can be contacted via phone at 8278 22 44 for more detailed information.
Layanan Publik untuk memfasilitasi jemput antar pasien RSH Cikole
Meylani Julya Fadillah
" Good doctor.. "
29 August 2020Neng Trisnawati
" Ok "
29 July 2020Teddi Prasastiasmoro
" Very helpful! "
11 June 2020Sarang Hae
" Bad service. "
14 March 2020Elisha Novi
" Caring with animal. "
09 June 2019Puveanthan Nagappan Govendan
" A large busy animal hospital. Staffs are friendly. Vets are dedicated. They have lots of diagnostic tools. Also takes in exotic animals. Recommended. "
17 May 2019Mey Shelly Rikin
" Good service and also good doctor.. "
01 May 2019Avi Savitri
" Nice hospital, fully equipt, and friendly dog welcome you at the front yard "
23 July 2018Chenny Cencen
" Good and clean. Can't call the hospital, the phone is always busy almost 2 days until now "
27 December 2017George Ariyanto
" clean hospital, good doctors "
26 November 2017Yuliana Yudistri
" The vet and service are good, a lil bit far from where I live but it's ok "
21 October 2017Adnan Karim
" Best Animal hospital in west java "
20 October 2017Ricky Arnold
" Good service, nice team and doctors "
11 September 2017Andry Jiang
" Good place to have your pet examined or when your pet has infectious disease they have good service "
23 August 2017Deddy Adisudharma
" Pelayanan tidak baik... sudah cukup deh.. ngga akan lagi ke Rumah Sakit Hewan ini... "
22 August 2017Uchink Pasar
" Ulin "
08 June 2017Bakhtiar H Harahap
" good "
24 May 2017Ananda Abisananda
" Bisa dikatakan rumah sakit hewan terlengkap ,pelayanan baik dan sigap "
04 April 2017Tito Taufik
" Ada r.operasi
17 April 2016Usg
Jam kerja 9-2 sore
Sabtu minggu 10 -1 an (stand by dokter 1 person)
Bisa telfon dulu,parkir luas,bisa rawat inap "