Al-Khanza House N Mart (Kost, Mini Mart, Kantin Mini)
About Al-Khanza House N Mart (Kost, Mini Mart, Kantin Mini)
Al-Khanza House N Mart (Kost, Mini Mart, Kantin Mini) is a lodging, located at Jl. Nilem III No.1, Cijagra, Lengkong, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40265, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 822-1826-7878, visit their website for more detailed information.
Dominik Roth
" Toller Laden mit ATM, Gute Auswahl an Produkten und sehr nettes Personal. "
04 June 2018RM G
" ATM available there ! Nice and friendly staff. Sanitary products, food, cooled drinks, cookies, good range of products there. "
02 June 2018Roland Staudenmann
" Eher klein, aber das nötigste ist vorhanden. 24h Betrieb. "
01 June 2018M Yusuf
" Cocok buat nongkrong, tapi pelayanya muka datar semua "
27 May 2018Sharfina Nisa
" Harga sangat mahal sekali! Tidak cocok untuk turis domestik. Lebih baik belanja di CK di sebrangnya. "
20 May 2018Pande Ferry
" Lengkap "
15 May 2018Haris Sanjaya
" Good market "
09 May 2018Chansoo Shipper
" Harga terjangkau "
27 April 2018Mukhlisin Lampung
" Oke "
26 April 2018Alcafonne Aldi
" Warung di perumahan permata pelangi "
13 April 2018Faddly Irawan
" Good place to buy "
09 April 2018Kokok Leak
" Cocok untuk belanja kebutuhan sehari-hari tersedia buah segar🍉🍈🍏🍊🍌🍎 dan roasted chicken🍗apalagi saat malemnya bro,lo dapet nongkrong sambil nyari yg anget anget☕🍵🍻asalkan jangan knalpot aja guys,bahaya😂😂😆 "
04 April 2018Prawira Net
" Mini mart baypas "
29 March 2018Kevin Fleischer
" Use 500s to round up. "
24 March 2018Euyoung Jung
" Bin tang sell sooo expensive.
23 March 201842k one large beer "
Lutz Lehmann
" Teuer "
15 March 2018Binte Zen
" This Mart is the best solution to get all things under one roof. And the best part of the shop is it's open for 24/7 the customer service is always good and welcome every one with the Balinese attitude which is very comfortable and I am amazed that they can remember their customers. I recommend to visit this shop. "
08 March 2018Sekola Montessori
" it sucks "
20 February 2018Bethaney Smith
" BEWARE! The girl on the counter tried to over charge me, she said the total came to 97,000 however after I had paid and noticed that was way too much for what I had purchased I asked for a receipt as there was no screen on the Till. The receipt said 77,000 I asked her for the correct change. She did not apologise as she was clearly pocketing the difference for herself! This was no accident she clearly asked for 97,000rp. "
19 February 2018Hakam Hasanuddin
" cocok buat nongkrong,, "
31 January 2018Hakam Hasanuddin
" bagus mantap harga terjangkau untuk orng kaya 👍👍 "
31 January 2018Oliver
" Well stocked mini market with friendly staff "
25 January 2018Shudhanshu Chaturvedi
" Language Issue "
17 January 2018Pattikaw
" Uninterested staff, expensive shop. Better to go to Circle K, the other side of the street. "
12 January 2018Sdarb13
" Twice in one day they ripped us off for change. No receipt for second transaction but once correct change was demanded they handed over very quickly. Check receipts and your change!!! "
05 January 2018Harsh Woodward
" Swalayan N-Mart
01 January 2018Harga Murah, Pelayanan Baik. "
Bandrek Medan 76
" Parah..belanja di sini...staf ny kurang bersahabat...toilet ny juga gk boleh d pakai... "
27 December 2017Ari Santikayasa
" One stop shoping "
18 December 2017Heppy Genzo
" Good "
17 December 2017Akbar Hidayat
" Good service "
14 December 2017Roni Sutrisno
" Parkirannya cukup luas "
04 December 2017Evelyn Z
" Collection not very big. They have some toiletries like toothpaste and a small beer selection. You can find some snacks and there are often working more staff than there are visitors. There are 2 Atm's in the shop. Always make sure you ask for a receipt in mini marts. "
18 November 2017Наталья Шипачева
" The staff is sooo slow! There are 5 people but no one price for fruits! I waited for 15 minutes but nothing changes. They always have problems with prices. Terrible and very sadly. They just talk, hanging around the shop and do nothing! "
15 November 2017Traveltour Bali
" pelayanan yg bagus "
10 November 2017Vincent D
" Very Nice place with some Nice guys "
22 October 2017Agus Prianto
" Always come here after beach or drinking to get some snack. They open until late night, and they have good space of parking. "
20 October 2017Ardy Sky
" Modern,nyaman dan puas "
12 October 2017Made Panter
" Mini mart lokasi strategis,bersih nyaman,jika mlm bisa duduk2 sambil minum soft drink. "
20 September 2017Made Sudana
" Ramah "
16 September 2017Zendrato
" Tempat tongkrongan yang enak. Hehehe
09 September 2017Persis di depan Pepito "
Hyunchul Kim
" Tjampuhan's Sacred Hills를 다녀와서 환전한 곳, 환률도 좋았다. 일단 더운 곳을 걷다 시원한 음료가 필요해 들어선 미니 마트. 시원한 에어컨 바람과 스프라이트 그리고 환전을 한다니..기분 좋았다. 하지만 아쉬운 점...환전원이 잔돈을 주지 않음. "
06 September 2017Thomas Gaetjens
" Great staff "
26 August 2017Rani Wira
" Cukuo strategis "
13 August 2017Gabriela Pipit Lina
" Nice "
08 August 2017Shareef Shareef
" 😚. "
22 July 2017윤아권
" Employees are tricker!! Be careful!
20 July 2017점원들이 가격표없는 상품을 높여서 팝니다.
하겐다즈 아이스크림 60인데 80에 팔아요 바코드를안찍고 계산기에 돈을 찍어서 보여줍니다 양아치들임
꼭 영수증 받고 가격확인하고 사세요 "
M Abduh Zulfikar
" Ojo larang larang "
17 July 2017Matt Steiniger
" Ask for a receipt and count your change. Like half of the vendors on this street, they have several schemes to cheat and steal from travelers with a conning smile on their face. "
07 July 2017Joohwan Kim
" 캐셔가 영수증을 안주면 계산을 확인해야 합니다. 사가지고와서 확인해보니 돈을 더많이 받았습니다. 영수증 확인 필수 입니다 "
04 July 2017Hyunhak Jeong
" 반드시 영수증을 요청할 것
04 July 2017캐셔가 중간에 돈을 가로챔 "
Made Merta
" Harga bersaing dan OK "
20 May 2017Wijaya
" Good "
28 April 2017Nur Hafni Sappewali
" Worst staff ever..i was looking for medicine just now and the lady as cashier gave her unpolite response without giving any attention to customer.dont ever think that you will get the smile or greetings!!!!!! "
07 April 2017Imam Zubaidi
" Mie ayame sedap.. "
25 March 2017Motivator Islami
" good "
15 January 2017Gotot Hudoyono
" Satu2nya minimart di perumahan Pendowoharjo indah, Pendowoharjo, Sewon, Bantul. "
06 January 2017Arthanda Ilmi
" Walau kecil, tapi cukup lengkap barang yang dijual "
01 January 2017Ary Suarjaya
" Lengkap trus ada toilet juga "
30 December 2016Miss Gokil
" Parkirnya lumayan besar... "
11 November 2016Purna Wirawan
" Ok "
09 November 2016Sergey Kushnir
" Завышенные цены "
04 November 2016山本美鈴
" パドマリゾートの近くで便利
26 October 2016甘すぎるアイスは食後のデザート "
Lee Payne
" Friendly staff great service the only thnig in Bali is that all quick convienient shops are missing good old mince and cheese pies to cater for the New Zelanders and Australians. "
21 October 2016Abubakar Siddiq
" plenty of parking spaces for cars "
11 September 2016Honey Rose
" Not a very big selection "
05 September 2016Ngurah Dwika
" Bakso gulai kambing mantap "
09 August 2016PutuEka
" Free wifi but the speed really slow "
04 August 2016Syaiful Zain Alfarisi
" nice "
16 July 2016Musafir Aja
" lumayan "
12 July 2016Zil B
" Great convenience store if you need to get something quickly or at night (it works 24/7). "
16 May 2016Дмитрий Древин
" Отвратительное место!
04 May 2016Мало того, что в минимарте цены дороже даже чем в фудмарт гурмэ, так еще и продавец нагло завышает цену на свое усмотрение!
Когда его поймали за руку и показали ценник - он сказал что алкоголь запрещен, поэтому он не будет сканировать товар да и вообще цены изменились и он не успел поменять! Просто развод туристов.
Пошли ровно в такой же на другой улице - все продали в соответствии с ценниками витрины. "
Puji Lestari
" Aku pernah pergi ke kanza mart "
15 April 2016Nur Mustaqim
" Pusat perbelanjaan "
16 August 2015