" a huge update compared to when i took this corridor years ago. The buses were upgraded, and the route is more sterile, but the armada could have been increased to reduce wait time between buses. But for now, people who domiciles in South Jakarta-Depok borders can now consider using transjakarta from this corridor, and i completely recommend them to at least try "
28 March 2018
Suwandi Muhamad
" Nice place to spent time with family anda also a place to introduce the kids about animals "
09 December 2017
Kamal Rifai
" Nice "
06 December 2017
Diky RevSullivan
" Good "
09 November 2017
Thyas Pramesthi
" Hmmmmm....the buses parked here. "
21 October 2017
Sukri Adrianto
" Makin bersih... Tp jarak satu spot objek dgn spot lain lumayan jauh.. "
16 October 2017
Mamang Ganteng
" Nice "
25 September 2017
Adine Alap Alap
" Layak di kunjungi tempat wisata ragunan dgn tarif masuk yg murah dan dapat untuk edukasi tentang satwa buat anak-anak "
03 September 2017
Ramlee Tamin
" This is the biggest zoo in the world that I had seen so far.
It takes me at least 2 days to completely view all the animals.
From Dukuh Atas 2 there is a Transjakarta bus coming here.
Of late you need to purchase a debit card for entry.
The card can be used for other transportation.
This zoo has the largest collection of Komodos.
Come during feeding hours and you can see these primitive lizards in action.
There are many people here during weekends and public holidays.
Most bring their own food and have picnics all over the zoo.
Unfortunately the standard of care of these animals are diminishing with time. Many have skin diseases. Some cages are empty.
Hopefully the zoo authority can look into this matter. "
13 August 2017
Bidha Bhubiy26
" Tempat rekreasi fav keluarga "
11 July 2017
Irfan Maulana
" Like this zoo much animal "
10 June 2017
Abu Ngademin
" Jalur arah ke Moh kahfi I & II sering macet. "
31 May 2017
Sigit Taryono Tuantanah
" Ok "
26 April 2017
Steven Sutantro
" Spacious Bus Stop "
14 April 2017
Alibasya Ariotejo
" Parkir mobil luas, tapi minim penerangan. Parkir motor di vertical ramp, tapi bocor air kalo hujan dimana2. Genangan dimana2. Minim perbaikan.
Jalan setapak sempit, akses terbatas. Gelap pula. "
24 March 2017
Insan Kamil
" This is the beginning of line 6 bus transjakarta. You can use the bus by using electronic money provided on the bus ticketing station "
Abdurrahman Saleh
" a huge update compared to when i took this corridor years ago. The buses were upgraded, and the route is more sterile, but the armada could have been increased to reduce wait time between buses. But for now, people who domiciles in South Jakarta-Depok borders can now consider using transjakarta from this corridor, and i completely recommend them to at least try "
28 March 2018Suwandi Muhamad
" Nice place to spent time with family anda also a place to introduce the kids about animals "
09 December 2017Kamal Rifai
" Nice "
06 December 2017Diky RevSullivan
" Good "
09 November 2017Thyas Pramesthi
" Hmmmmm....the buses parked here. "
21 October 2017Sukri Adrianto
" Makin bersih... Tp jarak satu spot objek dgn spot lain lumayan jauh.. "
16 October 2017Mamang Ganteng
" Nice "
25 September 2017Adine Alap Alap
" Layak di kunjungi tempat wisata ragunan dgn tarif masuk yg murah dan dapat untuk edukasi tentang satwa buat anak-anak "
03 September 2017Ramlee Tamin
" This is the biggest zoo in the world that I had seen so far.
13 August 2017It takes me at least 2 days to completely view all the animals.
From Dukuh Atas 2 there is a Transjakarta bus coming here.
Of late you need to purchase a debit card for entry.
The card can be used for other transportation.
This zoo has the largest collection of Komodos.
Come during feeding hours and you can see these primitive lizards in action.
There are many people here during weekends and public holidays.
Most bring their own food and have picnics all over the zoo.
Unfortunately the standard of care of these animals are diminishing with time. Many have skin diseases. Some cages are empty.
Hopefully the zoo authority can look into this matter. "
Bidha Bhubiy26
" Tempat rekreasi fav keluarga "
11 July 2017Irfan Maulana
" Like this zoo much animal "
10 June 2017Abu Ngademin
" Jalur arah ke Moh kahfi I & II sering macet. "
31 May 2017Sigit Taryono Tuantanah
" Ok "
26 April 2017Steven Sutantro
" Spacious Bus Stop "
14 April 2017Alibasya Ariotejo
" Parkir mobil luas, tapi minim penerangan. Parkir motor di vertical ramp, tapi bocor air kalo hujan dimana2. Genangan dimana2. Minim perbaikan.
24 March 2017Jalan setapak sempit, akses terbatas. Gelap pula. "
Insan Kamil
" This is the beginning of line 6 bus transjakarta. You can use the bus by using electronic money provided on the bus ticketing station "
17 March 2017OJEK ONLINE
" God "
13 March 2017Agustiar Noval
" fukus n josss "
13 March 2017James Martin
" good "
15 February 2017Rokhim Rjm
" Mudah dan nyaman "
23 November 2016Herry Danish
" Top "
01 August 2016Budi Mulya Hari
" Top "
16 June 2016Surya Mahard
" ,f dry n 55 the company tend to 555 45 "
14 March 2016Fita Nurmiyati
" india "
19 October 2015