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Mooose patisserie


About Mooose patisserie

Mooose patisserie. They can be contacted via phone at 085714579970 for more detailed information.

The first mousse cake in jar in Jakarta!

Made with premium and imported ingredients. We are here to satisfy the sweet toothies



How to order:

* Simply place your order by contacting us minimum 1 day advance (2 days for an order more than 6 jars).

* Each jar costs Rp.30k for minimum order of 3 jars

* The price stated doesn't include delivery charges (Rp.30-50k,vary on distance). Minimum order of 3 jars

* Our mooose cake is best to be consumed on the day it delivered, but can be store in the fridge up to 5 days

More info/ order please contact us:

SMS. : 085714579970
Email :
bbpin : 22D227D3

Cara pemesanan :

# Hubungi kami sehari sebelumnya atau 2 hari sebelumnya untuk pemesanan lebih dari 6 jars

# Harga per jar cake Rp.30k dengan minimum pemesanan 3 jars

# Harga di atas tidak termasuk ongkos kirim (Rp.30k-50k, tergantung jarak). Min pemesanan 3 jars

# Sebaiknya dikonsumsi pada hari pengiriman cake, namun dapat juga disimpan di kulkas sampai dengan 5 hari

Info lebih lanjut/ pemesanan dapat menghubungi:

SMS. : 085714579970
Email :
bbpin : 22D227D3


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