About Kuningan Junction
Kuningan Junction is located at Jl. Guru Mughni no. 12, Kuningan Timur, Jakarta, Indonesia 12950. Visit their website KuninganJunction.com for more detailed information.
An executive guest house just next to the Mega Kuningan Business District.
Built on 1300m2 areas, and strategically located in the heart of Jakarta’s Business district, between Jendral Gatot Subroto Road and Mega Kuningan Areas.
The construction starts in early 2009 and completed in 2010. These 5 storey building offers a wide selection of cafes and restaurants with a variety of atmosphere, food and price.
The concept of this Kuningan Junction is to satisfy the needs of the business people around this area, with a One Stop Place for all your needs.
Accommodation available for short and long term stays. We have a patio and all-purpose living rooms that can be used as meeting place on every floor!
Wireless included in all rooms.
Daily Housekeeping.
24-hour security.
Please check out our photos section for more information.
For room rates, please email or visit us at http://KUNINGANJUNCTION.com/
Phone : +62 21 5227735
Indonesian restaurant which specializes in Sunda-styled cuisine and seafood with signature dishes such as Tahu Brontak (Fried shrimp-stuffed Tofu), Gurame Bakar (Grilled gurame - a popular freshwater fish dish), Tumis Kangkung hotplate (Stir-fried water spinach) and many more! Whether it's for a quick lunch, dinner or meeting place, we guarantee your satisfaction with our affordable selections.
A must try!
Opening Hours : 10:00 - 21:00
Mon - Sat
Sunday closed.
Phone : +62 21 5221383 / 87
Western-style cafe AND open-mic Karaoke place which offers Wi-Fi and variety of menu such as coffee drinks, sandwiches, pasta, chicken cordon bleu and many more. Visit their page at http://www.facebook.com/coffeecabins
Opening Hours : 08:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
Phone : +62 21 5221384