" Masih ada pembangunan... area pintu masuknya kusut "
06 June 2018
Rozsyadi C Sidhix
" be careful, under construction "
13 May 2018
Lauryn Suhendar
" Strategic location but unfortunately it is not well maintained. The renovation takes too long for public place. Makes people uncomfortable with all the dirt, sand, soil. Also i never like the slippery floor which they put in many train stations. Some people fall bcos of that kind of floor. And it is totally nonsense bcos indonesia has rainy season and rain just keep coming this year. After you get out from the station towards the market it is a total chaos in the road and also more dirt and bad smell. "
28 April 2018
K.P. Laksono
" 2017-under constructions pasca kebakaran "
25 October 2017
Adam Azano Satrio
" It just fine "
03 October 2017
Wathri Fitrada
" After there was a fire, the facility is not complete yet. Its just one toilet both for man and women. Also we can't find pray room now "
05 August 2017
Bayu Sapto Kurniawan
" Legend train station. Train stations for commuter train "
11 July 2017
Gb Jkt
" Kebakaram "
09 June 2017
Stoffel Vandoorne
" Very Good "
04 June 2017
Muhdi Anto
" good local trainstation. good facilities. nice staff. clean. "
17 May 2017
Juli Yandika
" Ordinary station. Always crowded "
24 April 2017
Fanny Umar
" Cara yg tepat untuk bepergian tidak terjebak macet "
Eko Hendranto
" Masih ada pembangunan... area pintu masuknya kusut "
06 June 2018Rozsyadi C Sidhix
" be careful, under construction "
13 May 2018Lauryn Suhendar
" Strategic location but unfortunately it is not well maintained. The renovation takes too long for public place. Makes people uncomfortable with all the dirt, sand, soil. Also i never like the slippery floor which they put in many train stations. Some people fall bcos of that kind of floor. And it is totally nonsense bcos indonesia has rainy season and rain just keep coming this year. After you get out from the station towards the market it is a total chaos in the road and also more dirt and bad smell. "
28 April 2018K.P. Laksono
" 2017-under constructions pasca kebakaran "
25 October 2017Adam Azano Satrio
" It just fine "
03 October 2017Wathri Fitrada
" After there was a fire, the facility is not complete yet. Its just one toilet both for man and women. Also we can't find pray room now "
05 August 2017Bayu Sapto Kurniawan
" Legend train station. Train stations for commuter train "
11 July 2017Gb Jkt
" Kebakaram "
09 June 2017Stoffel Vandoorne
" Very Good "
04 June 2017Muhdi Anto
" good local trainstation. good facilities. nice staff. clean. "
17 May 2017Juli Yandika
" Ordinary station. Always crowded "
24 April 2017Fanny Umar
" Cara yg tepat untuk bepergian tidak terjebak macet "
03 February 2017Suparman Man
" Top "
09 December 2016Gb Jkt
" Ok "
29 November 2016Gb Jkt
" Ok "
14 November 2016Reni Phewerta
" oc "
03 November 2016Aditya Damara
" Ok "
13 October 2016