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Dkompeni Indonesia
" Yang mau ke pangandaran lebaran tahun 2018 ini.. ini harga tiket bis gapuraning rahayu non-ac "
07 June 2018Rena Nurul Ummah
" crowded, be careful with illegal porter "
27 April 2018Muhammad Jaka Septa Priatna
" A really large place where you can find busses with variety destinations in East Jakarta. You can find a bus for your trip to Bandung, Garut, Purwakarta, Subang, Merak, and many other destinations. The cleanliness of the bus station needs to be paid more attention, so that it can be more and more comfortable. "
19 April 2018Inspiration Of Life
" the one of terminals in jakarta (east jakarta) "
14 April 2018Secret Abc
" Very crowded and busy are ...
02 January 2018Always traffic jam in front of the Terminal Kampung Rambutan. "
Aris Setiawan
" Need better management, like train station.. "
08 December 2017Zaimi Warsika
" 1. Terminal bus terlengkap antar Kota dan propinsi
24 November 20172. Terminal Bus Transjakarta
3. Parkiran luas "
Adam Taufik
" Wrong name. Kampung Rambutan Bus Stasion its correct name. Changes plasea. Now provide 24 hours Transjakarta Bus. Its good "
19 November 2017Akmal Fatah Muhamad
" Rame banget ini tempat 😂 "
11 October 2017EL Azhar
" Ok "
21 September 2017A Glenn
" This is one of main bus stations of Jakarta besides of Kalideres and Pulo Gebang. Here, you can find buses to several destinations such as Bogor, Sukabumi, Cianjur, Cilacap, Kuningan, until Wonosobo. Be careful for unofficial bus brokers because they will give much higher price. You can ask officers to get the right bus with the right price. "
26 August 2017Ramlee Tamin
" This is a large bus terminal to many destinations.
18 August 2017There are many ticketing agencies operating here.
There is no departure or arrival board.
Destinations are plated at the windscreens of buses.
The crowd is thin when I visited this place (twice). "
Rista Sanjaya
" Easiest access to find buses when you couldn't get train ticket. All destinations showed in board above the buses. It is dirty and provides expensive restaurants. "
06 August 2017Wildan Adlianto
" Terminalnya lumayan bersih, hanya saja tempat untuk menunggu kurang nyaman "
04 August 2017Sreekanth Bainaboina
" Only place to find buses for so many destination in jawa "
11 July 2017Indra Wansyah
" Pelayanan bagus hanya calo msh ada. "
10 July 2017Deni Doang
" Ok "
05 July 2017Irfan
" Dekat akses tol "
01 July 2017Restoe Boemea
" Goooood "
11 June 2017Imam Dermawan
" Terminal sebenarnya emang di rambutan ya, bukkannya di jalan baru? "
06 June 2017Kang Siji
" pertama kesini bingung, karena rambu2nya masih kurang, jadi mending nunggu di jalur keluar. "
31 May 2017Tirta Aprilia
" gila ini bukan terminal, calonya maksa banget sambil marah2 nadanya, nggk rekomended banget, malu maluin jakarta aja. "
22 May 2017Rifka Zahra
" pengen cari tiket bus lorena untuk jurusan banyuwangi ada gak ya? "
17 May 2017Firman Juliansyah
" Messy. Crowded. Many options of inter cities buses. "
03 May 2017Wendi Siswanto
" Salah satu armada bis favourite saya "
04 April 2017Yulia Rahmawati
" A little bit messy bus station and many public facility not well maintained. "
02 April 2017Matrix9367
" Macet "
01 April 2017Herman Syah
" Good... "
23 February 2017Rafa Azza
" Largest bu station in east jakarta. Almost all bus to west java area stopped here. The vehicle also stay on their lines so the passengers will find their bus easily "
14 February 2017Gojek Jakarta Driver
" Terminal kp rambutan adalah terminal dalam kota dan luar kota "
11 February 2017Sigit Prayitno
" Ok "
03 February 2017Dwi Selonoto
" Sering Pulang Lewat Terminal Kampung Rambutan!!!
14 January 2017Ada Trayek Baru Bis "Sinar Jaya" yang berangkat pertama Jam 5 Sore!!!
Semakin Membantu Bgt👍👍👍👍👍👍 "
AmYu Sulistyo
" Terminal bersih dan merakyat "
14 January 2017Saikun Haqiqi
" Dari rawa sampai jadi terminal saya masih disini "
31 December 2016Onizuka Eikichi
" Largest Bus Station in the East Jakarta "
27 December 2016Lontong Sayur
" Ok "
20 November 2016Lontong Sayur
" Ok "
20 November 2016Moh Chotib
" Dekat dengan kediaman saya.. "
21 September 2016Lian Hoa
" Oarena banyak bus teloletnya "
08 August 2016Benrizal Efendi
" Dekat dan mudah diakses "
07 August 2016San San Hari
" Good "
19 July 2016Albertus Frensiyus
" Pelayanan cukup baik "
28 June 2016Irwansyah Lubis
16 June 2016Rega Virgiyana Agustin
" this place have been the most complete public transportation "
09 June 2016Muhammad Luthfi Ardilla
" Watch out for pickpockets.
09 April 2016But still the best bus terminal for me, you can find a bus to any city "
" Ingat masa2 dulu naik bis prg camping "
25 January 2016Tirta Busbali
" information is valid and always update for tourist to know which transportation in jakarta should have to safe and enjoy to ride "
09 December 2015Syifani Fitria
" Saya Suka Sekali Dengan Terminal Kampung Rambutan Karena Rumah Saya Di Kampung Rambutan Dekat Jalan Baru "
24 August 2015VAGLA Aditya Pratama
" Menunggu keberangkatan,,, "
04 July 2015Firdaus Salaf
" Ilkie it "
14 October 2014