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About Jatiluhur Water World

Jatiluhur Water World is an amusement park, located at Gg. 0 No.0"S, RT.8/RW.16, Tj. Priok, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14310, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 23

Haruna Ug

" Great family escape from the city, often less crouded "

10 May 2018

Indra Wiranti

" not a very crowded place. You can go around the dam on boats (around 250K), Rent Jet ski, Play kites. There are kids playground and waterpark, but need some cleaning. Food stalls are aplenty, most serve freshwater fish. Quite tasty with reasonable price. "

09 April 2018

Yayan Saputra

" Nice place for holiday with family, view jatiluhur "

13 February 2018

Andar Simamora

" The view is good but the food is poor and expencive. No public Facility like toilet "

07 February 2018

Another Bee

" Yaaa cukup sekali aja mampir nya.. "

10 December 2017

Aditya Sutedja

" Not bad for play the water "

02 December 2017

Wilma Majidah

" Good place for vacation with family "

13 August 2017

Lutfi Hanafi

" Admission ticket was Rp30.000,- (differ on weekend and holiday), so it's relatively on the cheap side. Inside, there are one adult pool, one regular pool, and several kiddie pools. There are two large waterslides but only one is functional. There is also food court with sensible prices. Toilet is clean but I found one with broken door handle. There are also locker room, adequate changing room, and small praying room. "

04 July 2017

Jamal Roja

" Good and fantastic "

29 June 2017

Jakes D

" This is a really cool place to visit. I stay in their "container" homes. a 6 meter container converted to a small home, with a balcony/viewing area on top of the container. I was quiet impressed by the location and service provided. The water works is a place you can spend hours on end. There are 2 large slides and a few other water facilities. There are a few shops you can buy food and drinks from. "

26 May 2017

Khaerul Anas

" Bagus, smoga terjaga dan terpelihara kebersihannya
Penataan sarana nya kurang baik "

17 May 2017

Tan Tina72

" Enak buat berenang pasilitasnya lumaya komplit,pemandangannya bagus lansung menghadap danau klau g kesini rugi loooh "

29 January 2017

Yudi Sofyan

" Mau nulis review buat tempat ini gak ada di google, jadi aja bikin dulu deh hehehe, ini tempatnya lumayan loh, pemandangannya langsung ke waduk jatiluhur, tiket masuknya juga murah cuma 30rbuan, buat kalian yang suka sama water park wajib coba main kesini "

09 January 2017

Ridwan Adisurya

" Good scenery has hotel and restaurant, the food price quite cheap, a boat ride is 200-250 a boat or 20-25 a seat. "

03 January 2017

Dewi Nugroho

" Setahun yg lalu msh bersih, kali ini ksni lg dah kotor, bahkan udarany trcemar. Baru masuk wil wisata dah d smbut aroma g sedap dri got. "

26 December 2016

Nur Shabrina

" Tempat bagus untuk mencari kesunyian alam. Jalan2 bersama pasangan atau keluarga. "

01 November 2016

Bona Sipahutar

" Kolam renang cukup bagus "

17 September 2016

Talitha Sabella

" Ok for a waterpark in purwakarta. They just need another slide to make it more festive here "

05 September 2016

Dana Lesmana

" Kolam renang ditemani waduk jatiluhur "

21 August 2016

JS Rizki

" Kolam renang yang sangat memanjakan mata, betapa tidak, kalian dapat melihat pemandangan waduk jatiluhur yang sangat luas bak lautan, juga hamparan pepohonan yang hijau. "

19 August 2016

Yusrizal Iyus Abhaw

" Wahana Rekreasi Air Jatiluhur Water World "

04 August 2016

Heru Kristianto

" Tempat Wisata Air di Purwakarta selain ke Pantai "

12 July 2016

Fuad Hakim

" Overpriced entrance ticket "

10 July 2016

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Working Hours :

  • Monday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Thursday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Friday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Saturday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM