" Nonton sepak bola di Bengkulu ini tempat yang ok. Posisi di seberang smu 5 Bengkulu. Di sekitar stadion banyak street food yang super lezat dan melegenda. Bisa sekalian wisata kuliner. "
15 April 2018
Baktiar Yusuf
" Bad shape "
03 February 2018
Naufal HAmid
" It has horrible views, the field grass is unkempt and is never cut. The seats for the audience has no freaking food or whatsoever, it has no shelter from the rain. Basically everything is not optimal. "
13 October 2017
Littlestar 1304
" A little bit dangerous at night. Many people got robbed. "
17 August 2017
Team XDuta
" So many thugs and shemales. Oh my God. You wouldn't save if visit this place in night ! "
Runni Kurnia
" Nonton sepak bola di Bengkulu ini tempat yang ok. Posisi di seberang smu 5 Bengkulu. Di sekitar stadion banyak street food yang super lezat dan melegenda. Bisa sekalian wisata kuliner. "
15 April 2018Baktiar Yusuf
" Bad shape "
03 February 2018Naufal HAmid
" It has horrible views, the field grass is unkempt and is never cut. The seats for the audience has no freaking food or whatsoever, it has no shelter from the rain. Basically everything is not optimal. "
13 October 2017Littlestar 1304
" A little bit dangerous at night. Many people got robbed. "
17 August 2017Team XDuta
" So many thugs and shemales. Oh my God. You wouldn't save if visit this place in night ! "
22 June 2017