About Wisma Soewarna, Soewarna Business Park
Wisma Soewarna, Soewarna Business Park is located at 2nd Floor Wisma Soewarna Business Park, Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, Jalan Raya Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Pajang, Kec. Tangerang, Kota Tangerang, Banten 19110, Indonesia. Visit their website www.soewarna-businesspark.com for more detailed information.
Reza Aditya
" Nice office and facilities "
13 May 2018CHRISTIAN Dwi
" Office building inside SoekarnoHatta airport area, near golf course, shell fuel station, cargo terminal, mostly the building occupied by airline cargo and logistics company.. "
04 April 2018Alex Djapri
" Very bad service for the overnight parking. Takes 50 mins for the pick up car to arrive on arrival!!! Unbelievable!!! "
02 April 2018Reginald Steven
" Offices and golf course. Near the airport "
02 March 2018Moch Reyza
" Ok "
01 March 2018Ade Tista
" Office building still in area international airport soekarno-hatta, nice place still have a large urban park and golf area. now having a project for food hall, parking place, Spa area, and hotels too. "
04 November 2017